Cutting carbs and refined sugar

so I've decided that I am going to cut all sugar and try to decrease my carbs as much as possible. I really really want to drop this weight. I want to keep sugar and refined carbs out of my life forever (or at least limit them from my diet forever). I want this to be a lifestyle change. I am huge on clean eating and I really don't eat junk. However, I have a hard time resisting the "feel good foods" when I am emotional or stressed. Any tips on how to transition to a low carbs lifestyle? Any tips on how to keep from reaching for the junk when my mood is not so good? Also, does anyone have any good substitutes for the "feel good foods"?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    When one cuts carbs and sugar, one often increases fats and oils. Fats can be your need feel good foods. :)
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks!!! I do try to make sure I get plenty of good fats to help keep me satisfied after meals
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    so I've decided that I am going to cut all sugar and try to decrease my carbs as much as possible. I really really want to drop this weight. I want to keep sugar and refined carbs out of my life forever (or at least limit them from my diet forever). I want this to be a lifestyle change. I am huge on clean eating and I really don't eat junk. However, I have a hard time resisting the "feel good foods" when I am emotional or stressed. Any tips on how to transition to a low carbs lifestyle? Any tips on how to keep from reaching for the junk when my mood is not so good? Also, does anyone have any good substitutes for the "feel good foods"?
    I cut out breads and processed foods with added sugar.
    I just can't eat those in moderation like some can.
    Bully for them.
    It made a huge difference in my results over time.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    How low carb are you going?

    I eat around 100 g of carbs daily (total carbs). With that amount I still eat pasta (had some tonight with dinner) and ice cream (had some of that tonight as well). I fill in the gaps of my diet by adding more fat (butter, cheese, oils, etc.) and eat moderate protein.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    >>Any tips on how to keep from reaching for the junk when my mood is not so good?<<
    1. Don't keep junk in the house. If it's not there, it's much harder to eat.
    2. You need to answer this question for yourself, each time: Which is more important to you, the junk or the number on the scales?
    3. I basically try to focus on getting adequate protein and the carbs & fat take care of themselves.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    >>Any tips on how to keep from reaching for the junk when my mood is not so good?<<
    1. Don't keep junk in the house. If it's not there, it's much harder to eat.
    2. You need to answer this question for yourself, each time: Which is more important to you, the junk or the number on the scales?
    3. I basically try to focus on getting adequate protein and the carbs & fat take care of themselves.

    ThAnk you so much!!!! I do try to keep the bad food out of the house. It's actually work that I'm tempted the most. It's EVERYWHERE!!!
    Thank you for the tips
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    How low carb are you going?

    I eat around 100 g of carbs daily (total carbs). With that amount I still eat pasta (had some tonight with dinner) and ice cream (had some of that tonight as well). I fill in the gaps of my diet by adding more fat (butter, cheese, oils, etc.) and eat moderate protein.

    I don't know how low. I'm thinking of just replacing some of my normal carb snacks with more protein and healthy fat. And also just make it a rule to not pick at carbs at work. I can't do moderation. I try.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    so I've decided that I am going to cut all sugar and try to decrease my carbs as much as possible. I really really want to drop this weight. I want to keep sugar and refined carbs out of my life forever (or at least limit them from my diet forever). I want this to be a lifestyle change. I am huge on clean eating and I really don't eat junk. However, I have a hard time resisting the "feel good foods" when I am emotional or stressed. Any tips on how to transition to a low carbs lifestyle? Any tips on how to keep from reaching for the junk when my mood is not so good? Also, does anyone have any good substitutes for the "feel good foods"?
    I cut out breads and processed foods with added sugar.
    I just can't eat those in moderation like some can.
    Bully for them.
    It made a huge difference in my results over time.
    That's what I'm looking to do, too. In thinking some tweaks like that might help me see results
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited August 2015
    If you go low carb, especially if you are below 100 or less, you may find that once you get used to eating low carb, your body will no longer crave carbs. I decided to go very low carb (under 50g - just veggies and a bit of fruit) and my cravings for sugar have disappeared. Gone. :). It's quite a relief.

    At first, I still wanted something sweet so I was having some xylitol sweetened chocolate chips with coconut and nuts as an evening snack, but even my urge for that passed after a few weeks. Get the sugar out of your house, perhaps go low carb to get rid of the cravings, and then jump in. The first couple of weeks are work, but then it may get really easy for you too.

    Try the Low Carber Daily forum for more help. Good luck!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Is that picture of you currently. You don't look overweight. If this is you, all you need concentrate on is avoiding sweets and focus on getting lots of vegies, fibre and minimising the refined carbs.

    I minimise sweets by never buying them, never preparing them. I do use sugar and honey in cooking savoury dishes but that's all. I have found it easy.

    I only ever eat sweets if someone else offers them to me and then only one serve. This way i may average about once a month but even if it was once a week that would be ok too. I do have a few other exceptions but by and large i only eat them when offered as described. I have found this an excellent system to manage my weight.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Wow!! Thank u so much!!! That helps a lot. I wanted to know if I would struggle forever. It's good have an idea what to expect
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Patttience wrote: »
    Is that picture of you currently. You don't look overweight. If this is you, all you need concentrate on is avoiding sweets and focus on getting lots of vegies, fibre and minimising the refined carbs.

    I minimise sweets by never buying them, never preparing them. I do use sugar and honey in cooking savoury dishes but that's all. I have found it easy.

    I only ever eat sweets if someone else offers them to me and then only one serve. This way i may average about once a month but even if it was once a week that would be ok too. I do have a few other exceptions but by and large i only eat them when offered as described. I have found this an excellent system to manage my weight.

    Yes. They are last night and two weeks ago. I have a tummy and back fat. Those dresses are just flattering. But yeah, I am gonna try to not allow the sweets at all because I have the hardest time with moderation. I have to have all or none. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. Anyways, I am not swearing off it all for good, but I keep having slip up because I can't just have a little. I will keep the fruit and stuff. Just looking to cut out the sugary fun foods...
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Patttience wrote: »
    Is that picture of you currently. You don't look overweight. If this is you, all you need concentrate on is avoiding sweets and focus on getting lots of vegies, fibre and minimising the refined carbs.

    I minimise sweets by never buying them, never preparing them. I do use sugar and honey in cooking savoury dishes but that's all. I have found it easy.

    I only ever eat sweets if someone else offers them to me and then only one serve. This way i may average about once a month but even if it was once a week that would be ok too. I do have a few other exceptions but by and large i only eat them when offered as described. I have found this an excellent system to manage my weight.

    Yes. They are last night and two weeks ago. I have a tummy and back fat. Those dresses are just flattering. But yeah, I am gonna try to not allow the sweets at all because I have the hardest time with moderation. I have to have all or none. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. Anyways, I am not swearing off it all for good, but I keep having slip up because I can't just have a little. I will keep the fruit and stuff. Just looking to cut out the sugary fun foods...

    What is your goal weight, and what is your current calorie deficit set at? The complete restriction mentality you describe is often difficult for people to sustain for the long term, and when people fall off the wagon it can lead to undesirable mental anguish (I slipped up and ate one Oreo so I might as well eat the entire bag). You said you can't do moderation. Can you elaborate on your approach to moderation? Do you weigh and measure all your foods? Are you eating a primarily nutrient dense diet with a good mix of protein, fat and carbs?
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I am eating a balanced diet of protein carbs and fats. I weight 149 and want to get back to my best weight of 129. I eat very clean but stress and emotions cause me to derail my diet. I do weigh and measure all my foods. I am desperate to get tips weight off.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    *desperate to
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    You said you can't do moderation. Can you elaborate on your approach to moderation?

    I second this request.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I mean that some people say that that have a bite of ice cream and it satisfies them. For me, as soon as I taste a little bit of ice cream, candy or sugar, I feel like it's a drug and I just want MORE. I truly believe sugar is as addictive as cocaine
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I mean that some people say that that have a bite of ice cream and it satisfies them. For me, as soon as I taste a little bit of ice cream, candy or sugar, I feel like it's a drug and I just want MORE. I truly believe sugar is as addictive as cocaine

    Keep thinking that way and you'll have a difficult life. Luckily, you're young, and have years of learning ahead of you. Best wishes.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Thinking what way?? That's very negative. Have a nice night.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Thinking what way?? That's very negative. Have a nice night.
    You are on the right path.
    Also include low low calories like Romaine, Swiss chard, Kale, Romaine, Bok Choy, green beans, cucumbers, asparagus.