Working out with open/infected wounds



  • meowette
    meowette Posts: 10
    If it was me -- I would call and ask my physician

    My doc is out of the country and I had to see a Physician's Assistant yesterday (he seemed upset that he had to cover her patients). :\ I might try calling the office anyway. Thank you!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    This is why I take clorox wipes to the gym.

    Maybe there are people who go to the gym wondering this, but I don't go to the gym at all. I meant sweating it out at home.

    Sorry, that line of conversation got started before you posted that you meant to stay home. All the posts kind of appeared at the same time on my screen.

    I'm glad you intend to stay home, but I'd still talk to a health care pro before working out again. Your immune system is already taking a beating. Just rest and get better!!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Depends on where the wound is.

    On my right shoulder & arm:

    Rub some dirt on it and go work out.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I would take it easy until the wounds are dry, at the very least. I don't think sweat and skin stretching around the wounds are helping them heal.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    This is why I take clorox wipes to the gym.

    Bloody wise too if you ask me! I know of one person who TWICE caught impetigo from the gym they went to and always carries wipes when they go to the gym now. The impetigo caused them to have time off work and a disciplinary action.

    When they told me about it, it put me off the gym to be honest
  • loislenski
    loislenski Posts: 89 Member
    I've never done the Jillian Michaels videos but I've heard their intense so I might not recommend it. Perhaps if you could suffice with some walking?
    I had poison ivy on my legs a couple weeks back, which I am sure is the best analogy, and I mostly just did walking.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    wait till antibiotics are done....
  • PrincessPearl85
    Hi. I know this is an old message board so I hope your question was answered by now. FYI, I've also had an open infected wound for the last couple of months. =(. It was sooo painful the first couple of weeks so there's no way I could have done any workouts. I asked my nurse just last week if I can start workout out again, now that the wound is healing up and starting to close up. She said, even now, not to do anything excessive because there is still a hole there. She said if I want to do something light like go for a walk, it's ok but not to do any heavy cardio until the hole is completely closed. Hope this helps!