donuts are evil



  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Is that like 'cake or death'?

    Er, cake please.

    We're all out of cake.

    Well I'll have the chicken then please.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Is that like 'cake or death'?

    Er, cake please.

    We're all out of cake.

    So my choice is "or death"?
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Is that like 'cake or death'?

    Er, cake please.

    We're all out of cake.

    Yes, we know the cake is a lie. What about pie?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    Evil food? Where?

    Seriously, though, everyone has off days. Just log it and start fresh tomorrow. You're not a failure, you're human. It's not like you ate a giant slice of cake that turned out to be 900 calories when you check it afterwards. *ahemi'veneverdonethat*

    Hahahaha! Thanks for the laugh! And I will will log it and def start fresh tommorow :) tommorow is a new day :smiley:

    Don't start fresh tomorrow, start fresh with the next meal. If you had a flat tire, you wouldn't slash the other three.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Oh and...

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    Evil food? Where?

    Seriously, though, everyone has off days. Just log it and start fresh tomorrow. You're not a failure, you're human. It's not like you ate a giant slice of cake that turned out to be 900 calories when you check it afterwards. *ahemi'veneverdonethat*

    Hahahaha! Thanks for the laugh! And I will will log it and def start fresh tommorow :) tommorow is a new day :smiley:

    Don't start fresh tomorrow, start fresh with the next meal. If you had a flat tire, you wouldn't slash the other three.

    Good point. I usually just say start fresh tomorrow because it's the end of the day when I realize I've gone over. ^_^;
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited August 2015
    I had munchkins for breakfast, too. Made sure to make the most with the cake glazed and chocolate glazed. No reason to waste calories on the powdered, bleh.

    Not even 500 calories. You'll live :)
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    According to your profile OP, you have 68 pounds to lose. I'm going to guess that you have a 500+ calorie deficit. You can eat as you normally do and not even worry about this morning--your worst case scenario is that you came close to your maintenance level for the day.
  • sebring2008ks
    sebring2008ks Posts: 25 Member
    Yea 68 is alot! So I made a good choice and had subway for lunch:) haven't even had anything bad since my little episode with the donuts
  • mikestobbs1
    mikestobbs1 Posts: 294 Member
    There are no bad foods. Only bad eating habits. The more you torture yourself with this idea of bad foods and good foods, the harder it will make it.
  • sebring2008ks
    sebring2008ks Posts: 25 Member
    There are no bad foods. Only bad eating habits. The more you torture yourself with this idea of bad foods and good foods, the harder it will make it.

    So true!
  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    I have come to realize. Why do we expect perfection from ourselves when we know we are imperfect. What is imperfection? It is doing something that you know what to do but doing something you don't want to do that's not good for us. If we were perfect than we would do the right things all the time would be easy and it would be hard to do the wrong things. But we are imperfect and it's easy to do the wrong things but hard to do the right things. Despite all of that we still expect to do things perfect and we are hard on ourselves when we are not. From birth we start out imperfect in deed. The best thing to do is except imperfection and slips up because it's not going away no time soon. It will happen again because we are all imperfect. It's a fight. We are all on this board together. Trying our best to make the slips up far and in between. But we will never do it perfectly. Not yet.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Whoops. Whatever. I ate 500 calories for dessert and am in a deficit today. I'm sure you're fine.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It was the mini chocolate hostess ones...still wishing I wouldn't have eaten them and binged on oatmeal instead :(
    Well that's you're problem right there. You need to find yourself a real donut shop.


    Hahaha I work at dunkin donuts! Go figure

    No, he means a real donut shop
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I am not a big fan of donuts so I always opt out for Kringle, which is a regional speciality around here...


    ... and a delicious one.


    Hello, fellow Wisconsinite!