Eat/Use this instead of that - GIVE US A TIP



  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I have several of these books. Make a recipe from here twice a week instead of eating out.

    They have a magazine that is the absolute worst thing I've ever read: broscience, super-basic recipes, and pages of advertorials for products that aren't that much better than the products they slam. (My favorite was their suggestion of a waffle that had roughly the same calories but less fiber than the poptarts they had said you shouldn't eat). Maybe the books are better?

    For this instead of that: oatmeal over cereal (because it's more filling to me and requires only 1 serving, while dry cereal seems to require 1.5 + milk)

    If you make cranberry sauce at the holidays, use pineapple instead of sugar. It probably helps if you like your berries tart, though

    Kidney or black beans over pink beans because of the fiber

    Put sandwich toppings on a salad or in an omelet instead of bread. The omelet comes to the same (or more) calories, but you have 12+ grams of protein instead of 4+

    Use salsa instead of salad dressing

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    The only changes I have made, other than just eating less food in total, is drinking diet sodas instead of regular sodas and skim Milk instead of full fat milk.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Things I like instead of things I don't like but used to buy because I thought it was healthy: Smaller amounts of full fat meat and dairy instead of large portions of diet food, food prepared with real butter instead of dry and tasteless, white or brown of anything depending on what's most tasty and what I'm using it for.

    Things that make me full and satisfied instead of shameful and craving for more: Full meals of a variety of foods - meat, soups, porridge, salads, fish, fresh vegetables, nuts, cheese, fruit - instead of grazing on snack food and candy.

    Cooking from scratch as much as I can - instead of convenience food/fast food.

    Water, unsweetened tea and coffee, or cocoa made with real cocoa powder and old fashioned sugar - instead of soda, including diet soda, sweetened tea, chocolate milk, instant chocolate/coffee drinks.

    Greek yoghurt with nuts/nut butters and honey/maple syrup or smoothies with banana, milk, fruit/berries/nut butters/cocoa - instead of flavored yogurt and ice cream.

    A little amount of expensive but flavorful cheese - instead of gorging on bland cheese.

    Reasonable portions - instead of mindlessly overeating.
    But at the same time: generous amounts - instead of skimping.

    Planning my meals and shopping accordingly - instead of just grabbing something that I think I know how to and know I won't bother to use.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited August 2015
    I eat what I want to eat instead of what I don't want to eat.

    sometimes I have a potato...sometimes I have a sweet potato...the difference in fiber 3g vs 2.3g per 100 grams is pretty much negligible...

    sometimes I have brown rice, sometimes I have quinoa...sometimes I have pasta...just kind of depends on what I want to be eating...
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    dont drink your calories if you can help it. I saved a lot of calories when I first started out by switching to iced tea, water, black coffee, diet pop/sparkling water instead of the full calorie versions.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok well honestly, if I crave the 'bad for you' thing, I'll eat it and no substitutions will do.

    That being said... if I crave Bolognese and not necessarily pasta, I'll have it on spaghetti squash. Otherwise, I go for whole grain foods instead of white (except rice, because the difference is minimal and I haven't found brown basmati rice yet). But that's pretty much it. I eat what I want and substitutions typically don't satisfy me, although I might make my healthier version of something (like baked fries).
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    bioklutz wrote: »
    When I was trying to lose a couple of pounds I stopped using mayonnaise. I used hot sauce or mustard instead. I also used those 100 calorie sandwich flats instead of sliced bread or a torta roll.

    Another substitute for mayo is mashed, ripe avocado. It not only spreads on your bread but can also be used for tuna, chicken, egg salads.
    I also used a brand (name escapes me now) of 70 calorie wrap tortillas instead of bread while losing weight.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I have several of these books. Make a recipe from here twice a week instead of eating out.

    They have a magazine that is the absolute worst thing I've ever read: broscience, super-basic recipes, and pages of advertorials for products that aren't that much better than the products they slam. (My favorite was their suggestion of a waffle that had roughly the same calories but less fiber than the poptarts they had said you shouldn't eat). Maybe the books are better?

    I agree - the magazine stinks. The books on the other hand are great. Easy recipes that actually taste good. I have lost 40 pounds with these meals included in my weekly plan.

    FYI - I found them at a discount store for cheap (Ollies if you live in the eastern US).
  • bawlmergirl
    bawlmergirl Posts: 5 Member
    Unsweetened cashew milk (25 cal) instead of 1% cow's milk on my cold cereal or oatmeal.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Multigrain hot cereal (Quaker, Hodgson Mill) -- cooked I use instead of oatmeal or grits for breakfast; and uncooked, I use instead of breadcrumbs in meatloaf or casserole recipes
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited August 2015
    xianstoi wrote: »
    Hi, please share with us what you eat and what you put in your food.

    For example:
    I eat sweet potatoes instead of ordinary potatoes. Benefit - more fiber
    I use chili instead of salt. You won't be bothered with the bland taste.

    Eat brown rice instead of white rice, it has more fiber.
    Use more spices instead of salt, to enhance the taste without too much sodium.

    Eat whole grains like rice or corn instead of bread. Bread is higher in sodium and sugar.


    THANKS :-)

    I have eaten brown rice instead of white rice for years but just recently switched back to white. Brown rice is more likely to have arsenic. Here is a link (note: this is just the first site I came across when googling. If you don't believe the site to be reliable just google, there are lots more.)

  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Based off me being a volume eater (and wanting to get more food for my calorie):
    • Unsweetened almond milk for regular milk. I can have 16oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk for the same calories as 6oz of skim milk.
    • Spaghetti squash/zucchini noodles in place of regular pasta. I prefer the stuff that goes ontop of the pasta (LOTS of meat and cheese), so switching pasta for lower calorie alternatives gives me more calories for more of the good stuff. Tonight, I'm experimenting with shirataki noodles with some smoked sausage and veggies/cheese.
    • Super dark (85%+ cocoa) chocolate instead of a Hershey bar. The bitterness of the chocolate helps me to keep my portion control in check, and I'm therefore satisfied off 24-25g of it (and would save about 120-140 calories).
    • Baby carrots instead of tortilla chips or pita bread. More often than not, I want the stuff I'm scooping onto the chip instead of the chip itself, and switching to baby carrots allows me more dip.
    • Deviled eggs made with a laughing cow light Swiss wedge (and lots of mustard) instead of mayo. I can get two eggs for 105-110 calories instead of 130-140.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Porridge (not the instant kind), low sugar granola,kellogs does one with only nine grams of sugar, or similar instead of sugar laden breakfast cereals. Also the high fibre breakfast keeps me going for longer.

    low fat greek style yogurt instead of mayo or half and half depending on how many cals I've got left, for dressings and dips.

    I don't really make swaps for bread and potatoes i either just skip them altogether or if i fancy them i eat them just smaller quantities. I do try and eat wholemeal or granary bread as much as possible.

    When i make stir fries i just don't have noodles or rice at all as i don't like noodles and i only like brown rice which just negates the speediness of stirfry.

    skimmed milk instead of semi skimmed, low fat yogurts instead of full fat.

    I don't add sugar to tea or coffee, cereal, fruit etc and to be honest most things taste pretty bad now with added sugar.

    I have never really added salt to my cooking as my mum had high blood pressure when i was a teenager so i learnt to cook in a low sodium household, i find a lot of meals when eating out are very salty. I use other seasonings, pepper, chilli, cumin, paprika, garlic and so on to create flavour.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Based off me being a volume eater (and wanting to get more food for my calorie):
    • Unsweetened almond milk for regular milk. I can have 16oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk for the same calories as 6oz of skim milk.
    • Spaghetti squash/zucchini noodles in place of regular pasta. I prefer the stuff that goes ontop of the pasta (LOTS of meat and cheese), so switching pasta for lower calorie alternatives gives me more calories for more of the good stuff. Tonight, I'm experimenting with shirataki noodles with some smoked sausage and veggies/cheese.
    • Super dark (85%+ cocoa) chocolate instead of a Hershey bar. The bitterness of the chocolate helps me to keep my portion control in check, and I'm therefore satisfied off 24-25g of it (and would save about 120-140 calories).
    • Baby carrots instead of tortilla chips or pita bread. More often than not, I want the stuff I'm scooping onto the chip instead of the chip itself, and switching to baby carrots allows me more dip.
    • Deviled eggs made with a laughing cow light Swiss wedge (and lots of mustard) instead of mayo. I can get two eggs for 105-110 calories instead of 130-140.

    I wonder how you do the thing with the eggs ? On average one egg has 70 calories just plain boiled. That's 140 for two, plus the Laughing Cow.....
    Can't quite understand how that adds up to 105-110 calories.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Sandwich thins instead of bread.
    Chopped nuts or seeds on salad instead of croutons.
    Water instead of anything with calories.
    Butter flavored olive oil instead of butter.
    Fruit instead of fries when eating out.
    Half of what is served at restaurant instead of all of it.
    Use small plates/small forks instead of dinner sized.
    Protein shake instead of ice cream.
    Low fat mozarella sticks instead of high fat cheese.
    Protein bars instead of sugary granola bars.
    Eat before I'm hungry instead of trying to satisfy hunger.
    Good luck everyone.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ang108 wrote: »
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Based off me being a volume eater (and wanting to get more food for my calorie):
    • Unsweetened almond milk for regular milk. I can have 16oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk for the same calories as 6oz of skim milk.
    • Spaghetti squash/zucchini noodles in place of regular pasta. I prefer the stuff that goes ontop of the pasta (LOTS of meat and cheese), so switching pasta for lower calorie alternatives gives me more calories for more of the good stuff. Tonight, I'm experimenting with shirataki noodles with some smoked sausage and veggies/cheese.
    • Super dark (85%+ cocoa) chocolate instead of a Hershey bar. The bitterness of the chocolate helps me to keep my portion control in check, and I'm therefore satisfied off 24-25g of it (and would save about 120-140 calories).
    • Baby carrots instead of tortilla chips or pita bread. More often than not, I want the stuff I'm scooping onto the chip instead of the chip itself, and switching to baby carrots allows me more dip.
    • Deviled eggs made with a laughing cow light Swiss wedge (and lots of mustard) instead of mayo. I can get two eggs for 105-110 calories instead of 130-140.

    I wonder how you do the thing with the eggs ? On average one egg has 70 calories just plain boiled. That's 140 for two, plus the Laughing Cow.....
    Can't quite understand how that adds up to 105-110 calories.
    One hard boiled egg makes two deviled eggs for me (and I use one swiss wedge for the two egg halves).
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Options Instead of rice or noodles.
  • sunkissmarie
    sunkissmarie Posts: 18 Member
    edited August 2015
    I use whole wheat pita bread & bake them instead of tortilla chips when ever I eat guacamole. Much less fat, healthier & u get more volume. I also never cook with oil or butter, I use cooking spray to elimate calories & fat. When I make pancakes I just use oat or wheat flour with a little bit of almond milk & banana. So I don't have to use an egg or oil which are both high in fat & it decreases calories.
  • sunkissmarie
    sunkissmarie Posts: 18 Member
    Also oat pancakes instead of regular pancake mix that has unbleached flour in it
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Almond milk instead of cow's milk. Not only because the lower calories (which is such a saver) but cow's milk bothers my stomach - Win, win.