How many exercise to find love ?



  • borimodel543
    borimodel543 Posts: 21 Member
    I've never gone on a diet or exercised to find love. I've also not had problems finding guys, being overweight.
    I will say that being with my dude has encouraged me to lose weight and stay on track because he is pretty fit and is a great motivator. But he was with me when I was 230+ pounds, so I didn't have to lose weight to find him.

    That's very interesting I like that :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It might not be my main motivator but I do want to look good for my husband and, for me, part of that is weight control and exercise. We have been together since the 8th grade so neither of us went through the normal teen/adult dating experience but, if I had, I would assume that I would attempt to be fit to maximize my attractiveness. I have no problem with admitting that the years I was overweight were my least pretty years. Yes, I like that my husband likes my personality but, let's be serious, I also like that he finds me pretty/hot/sexy/etc.
  • cherub14
    cherub14 Posts: 63 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm 40 and married...I workout so I don't die

    Hahaha! Oh man that made me laugh! I know how you feel!!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,214 Member
    I've never exercised to find love.

    However, I did meet my husband on a cycling event. Then we were friends with a common interest for a few years before anything developed.
  • sealove627
    sealove627 Posts: 2 Member
    I exercise because I love myself. And when I'm at the gym, I don't look around me because I am focused on the task at hand. Plus it's a little like dating someone at work. You don't want to dip your pen in the company ink. If things go bad, do you really want it to be awkward at the place you go to make yourself better?
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    44 and married - I work out to keep up with my wife as I think she may be trying to kill me.

    I exercised for love indirectly, but if you do this directly it is certainly better than going to a bar.

    I am a believer in the importance of physical, mental, and spiritual health - all of which must be maintained to lead a fulfilling existence. If one is weakened it impacts the other two.

    I am also not a believer in unconditional love. To love and honor my parents, wife, and family I have to be the best version of me I can be, but before I can do this I must love and honor myself enough to be healthy. To ensure this I exercise.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I'm 40 and married...I workout so I don't die

    Ditto this exactly.
  • borimodel543
    borimodel543 Posts: 21 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    44 and married - I work out to keep up with my wife as I think she may be trying to kill me.

    I exercised for love indirectly, but if you do this directly it is certainly better than going to a bar.

    I am a believer in the importance of physical, mental, and spiritual health - all of which must be maintained to lead a fulfilling existence. If one is weakened it impacts the other two.

    I am also not a believer in unconditional love. To love and honor my parents, wife, and family I have to be the best version of me I can be, but before I can do this I must love and honor myself enough to be healthy. To ensure this I exercise.

    Keep it up is not a bad thing to keep your self sexy
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    edited August 2015
    My problem has never been my weight, so, no.

    I exercise so that I'm physically fit for when I find my drift-compatible.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    45, single and planing to remain so for good. Nope. My weight loos is for me and only for me. I go to the dojo because nothing destroys stress quite like indulging in some good old violent behavior in a safe and structured environment with people who feel the same. I ride horses because, well because horses!! <3
  • Neversettle78
    Neversettle78 Posts: 206 Member
    sealove627 wrote: »
    I exercise because I love myself. And when I'm at the gym, I don't look around me because I am focused on the task at hand. Plus it's a little like dating someone at work. You don't want to dip your pen in the company ink. If things go bad, do you really want it to be awkward at the place you go to make yourself better?

    I was slow learning I have to check the parking lot to see if I need to prepare myself mentally for who may be inside...shot myself in the foot.
  • enkiemonkey
    enkiemonkey Posts: 82 Member
    This is a very interesting question.

    I do echo a lot of the sentiments here that health and fitness starts with yourself.

    However, if we are to be honest. In a dating market, like attracts like (gross generalization of course). It's (for the lack of a better description) an optimization exercise of choosing the best mate for ourselves - with one of the criterion being physical attraction. But as many here pointed out, attraction alone is a terrible way to look for a life partner. I think being fit, aside for your own health, is also a way to optimize your chance to find the best mate possible (NOT the only factor - before people get mad and jump down my throat).

    For me personally, I am in a relationship and trying to get fit and trim down. The original motivation started a month ago because I could feel my health breaking down from stress. I'm 30 days in, 5-8 lbs lighter, eating healthy and feeling great. I could see that it had an effect in my relationship in that I feel sexy and confident. I can only imagine how that would affect me and how I interact with dates if I were to be single.

    I absolutely agree that your own health and happiness should be #1. And this ultimately translates and affects your relationships and dating life - hopefully in a positive way.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Lol that's awesome !! But we all wanna look sexy for that special someone lol

    Nope. This is not anywhere on my list, let alone in the top ten. At 59, in an age population where women significantly outnumber men, and a fair fraction of the single men are single for a reason, I'm not thinking that way. Plus I'm a widow, had a long (21 year) happy marriage, which is more than most people ever get, so I'm over quota. I've even considered making a personal rule that if any man who knew me when I was fat wants to date me when I am thin, I should say "no" because he's obviously shallow.

    I want to be healthy, strong, and independent *for me*. You're in a very different demographic.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited August 2015
    When I exercise love is usually involved. My love for food and the extra calories exercise gives me. To be honest, having been a happy morbidly obese person who had plenty of love, out of first hand experience I'm completely satisfied with what love brings me at any shape, weight or age. If I'm "not fit enough" for someone, then that's a high maintenance pursuit I'm not willing to invest in.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Wow that's awesome all of you, see is weird because, I get hit on but always the one I like is very hard to get , is like some freaking luck or something, I have got hit by very hotties but I rejected them because I'm the pass they were little fat , now there not , I'm like I get it I rejected some people because they weren't fit and I wasn't that fit anyways now I get it if you want someone fir you have to be fit because that's what they look for , but in the end is not about your body is about the heart there is were the challenge begins since almost the whole world is very different from each other

    I would reject you for your grammar, spelling and word choice. It's really not clear what you are talking about here.

    I exercise to feel good and to be healthy. Other things are just fringe benefits.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Health, especially as you get older where it becomes more pressing.
    Thats not to say being fit and in shape doesnt give you more options so its a good side bonus.