blonde, brunette or redhead?



  • LibertyBelle89
    gonna be bias & say brunette ;)
  • allenhandley
    allenhandley Posts: 134 Member
    Just check out the profile pic.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Brunettes are #1 in my book! I like my men tall, dark, handsome and rugged! :) I'm blonde and rarely find men with blonde hair attractive, although there are a few exceptions (Brad Pitt and the cute guy that works in the file room). Redheads are ok too but the only one I've ever dated was back when I was in elementary school (puppy love).
  • taycheese
    taycheese Posts: 87 Member
  • shannyfro
    shannyfro Posts: 641
    Ever notice all the 'evil' women on TV are red-heads ? And the more evil the character the redder the hair ? Does that mean I'm only a little evil ? My husband calls me the Red Reaper - I consider it a compliment !
    haha that's not good. I'm a sweet redhead though :)
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    Ginger; it tastes spicy and sweet.

    Wait, am I in the right thread . . .

    Stay in the thread just so we can look at your chest :D
  • runner2runner
    runner2runner Posts: 1,937 Member
    So glad you mentioned redheads - we never seemed to get mentioned in questions about hair colour! It's only since I've entered my twenties that I've realised that some men actually like it, people used to make jokes about it so much when I was younger I just assumed everyone hated it!

    I hear you!! When I was younger I got called so many names! my hairs a really bright ginger I think but would love a dark brown ginger! Over the years I've found out most guys have a thing for redheads - finally, we get some recognition!

    You've always had recognition ladies, at least from me that is!! Gotta say one thing, both of you ladies are hot, very very hot!!:wink:
  • Natale0624
    Natale0624 Posts: 1 Member
    Redhead here and love it!!! Well, now its strawberry blonde due to always being in the sun :)