"Eating back calories"



  • JANETM41
    JANETM41 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for the information and explanations! Some of this was very new to me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    AsISmile wrote: »
    The TDEE method you put in about how much exercise you do in a week, and it gives you a set calorie target that divides all the exercise calories over the week. Therefore you don't need to log exercise separately anymore.

    So presumably only really works if you consistently do about the same amount of exercise each week? My exercise is quite variable - some weeks I do more than others...

    yes and no...it's really not about the day to day minutia, it's about what's going on over a period of time. my workouts aren't the same day to day and I have weeks where this happens or that happens...but If I relatively consistent in my nutrition and relatively consistent in my exercise (over weeks and months) my trend is to maintain.

    you don't miss a workout or something and put yourself in a surplus and put on fat just like that...that's not how the body works.

    sometimes i'm in a surplus and sometimes I'm in a deficit...the net effect over time is maintenance (which is my goal)

    keep in mind also that your TDEE isn't some specific number...TDEE is really a range. yes, you're going to get a specific number from a calculator...but in reality, you have a range of calories for which you will maintain and it's always variable.
  • christineja
    christineja Posts: 22 Member
    What about when your exercise calories up your protein intake? I eat mine back and would anyway because I'm hungry all the time, but my protein macro will go from 90 to 120 just based on my Fitbit readings. What do those of you not eating back do about your increased macros? Ignore them? Or maybe I need to change my settings to active...
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    What about when your exercise calories up your protein intake? I eat mine back and would anyway because I'm hungry all the time, but my protein macro will go from 90 to 120 just based on my Fitbit readings. What do those of you not eating back do about your increased macros? Ignore them? Or maybe I need to change my settings to active...

    I think many people who focus on hitting certain macros like protein aim for a specific amount, the percentages are just a way to balance things. I believe the calculation for protein is 1g/lb of lean body mass, or 0.7-0.8g per total weight. That doesn't change then if you have a more active day.
    Personally I'm not super hard core about it but if I get 80-100g of protein/day I feel pretty good. If I have a day where I'm doing more strength training I do try to focus on getting closer to that 100g number.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    What about when your exercise calories up your protein intake? I eat mine back and would anyway because I'm hungry all the time, but my protein macro will go from 90 to 120 just based on my Fitbit readings. What do those of you not eating back do about your increased macros? Ignore them? Or maybe I need to change my settings to active...

    I generally follow percentages (35 protein, 35 carb, 30 fat). The only exception to this is days when I earn a lot of extra calories. Because of T2Dm, I have to stop at a max of 180 g of carbs so my protein and fat macros go much higher.

  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    Thank you for all the comments! Really learned a lot. I might just go with TDEE if I'm to start having a normal routine (workout wise) again. But the activity levels on TDEE really confuse me, because I have no idea whether my workouts are light or moderate haha. What's the closest to accurate TDEE calculator?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited August 2015
    paradi3s wrote: »
    Thank you for all the comments! Really learned a lot. I might just go with TDEE if I'm to start having a normal routine (workout wise) again. But the activity levels on TDEE really confuse me, because I have no idea whether my workouts are light or moderate haha. What's the closest to accurate TDEE calculator?

    I've found scooby to be the closest, but still guesstimating.


    I have the same concerns with the light moderate activity levels. I don't seem to fit into any of them. I try and walk 20kms 7 days a week, I wouldn't call that lightly active,but not moderately or highly active either. I'm stuck somewhere in the middle.

    I prefer to stick with the MFP way, so I can see those exact numbers, plus it makes me happy and spurs me on watching my calories go UP throughout the day per my fitbit.

  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    paradi3s wrote: »
    Thank you for all the comments! Really learned a lot. I might just go with TDEE if I'm to start having a normal routine (workout wise) again. But the activity levels on TDEE really confuse me, because I have no idea whether my workouts are light or moderate haha. What's the closest to accurate TDEE calculator?

    I've found scooby to be the closest, but still guesstimating.


    I have the same concerns with the light moderate activity levels. I don't seem to fit into any of them. I try and walk 20kms 7 days a week, I wouldn't call that lightly active,but not moderately or highly active either. I'm stuck somewhere in the middle.

    I prefer to stick with the MFP way, so I can see those exact numbers, plus it makes me happy and spurs me on watching my calories go UP throughout the day per my fitbit.

    Thank you! Been hearing great feedback with fitbit and jawbone, this might just be included in my Christmas wish list haha :-)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    paradi3s wrote: »
    paradi3s wrote: »
    Thank you for all the comments! Really learned a lot. I might just go with TDEE if I'm to start having a normal routine (workout wise) again. But the activity levels on TDEE really confuse me, because I have no idea whether my workouts are light or moderate haha. What's the closest to accurate TDEE calculator?

    I've found scooby to be the closest, but still guesstimating.


    I have the same concerns with the light moderate activity levels. I don't seem to fit into any of them. I try and walk 20kms 7 days a week, I wouldn't call that lightly active,but not moderately or highly active either. I'm stuck somewhere in the middle.

    I prefer to stick with the MFP way, so I can see those exact numbers, plus it makes me happy and spurs me on watching my calories go UP throughout the day per my fitbit.

    Thank you! Been hearing great feedback with fitbit and jawbone, this might just be included in my Christmas wish list haha :-)

    I can highly recommend getting an activity tracker. It's the best thing I've done since starting this weight loss "journey" (I hate that word lol).

    I went from very sedentary, to pretty active since getting my fitbit. It's helped/motivated me a lot!