Going To The Gym - I Just Don't Feel Like It



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It's important to have diferent activities you enjoy at the gym. Before there was this idiiotic crossfit, there was cross-training, which has multiple benefits, one of which is avoiding burnout.

    If you don't enjoy something, you're not going to keep it up. Even if you like doing something, it's like eating pizza every day. It gets old after a while. Switch it up. If you really like lifting, you'll go back eventually. There are many ways of getting/keeping fit.
  • Bacchants
    Bacchants Posts: 92 Member
    I like going to the gym most of the time, but I do have days where I would like to do anything but.

    I go after work and get changed at work, then my gym is on my walk home which means it's easy for me to go in rather than blow it off. Then I usually bargain with myself eg 'Okay I need to go, but I'll just do my Chest press then go home' and by the time I get there and do the chest press I feel like doing the rest of my routine.

    Although I did have a day last week where I wasn't feeling it at all, and after a few planks and 10 mins bike I just went home!

  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    It's actually going there that I don't like. Once I AM there, I'm glad I came. It's just taking the time to actually get on the train/bus/etc. and travel there, especially if you're on a tight commuting schedule like I am. You don't feel that there's enough hours in the day already, so taking the time to get there feels like a 'waste', like you could be doing something else.

    I lucked out, though - in 3 weeks I'm starting a new job and they have a gym right downstairs in the same building, so I can exercise now on my lunch hour as well as before or after work. Very convenient!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    My suggestion is to tell your trainer that you are struggling to go sometimes and that you would like to change things up. I say that because I had a similar response when I bought a package of sessions with a personal trainer. I wanted tough, and he delivered, but after a while it was wearing. I started dreading the sessions. I injured my shoulder when we moved from machines to free weights (not his fault, I had not told him having had a should injury in the past), and I was practically giddy. I postponed the rest of the sessions but even when it had healed I could not get myself to go back. In retrospect I should have spoken up and told him about the dread I was experiencing. He may well have been able to change things up for me.
  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    I hate going to the gym. I always thought I hated exercising, but I think I just have really bad social anxiety associated with the gym. Idk why. My solution was a tad expensive, but it worked for me. I invested in the equipment I like to use and made a home gym. I have my treadmill, free weights/power rack, heavy bag, and ballet barre. I spent a little extra money to decorate the room and make it a place I want to be. I've been consistently coming home to spend an hour or so in there (I could never get more than 30 minutes at the gym). I look forward to it now.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    freeza12 wrote: »
    If you're not keen to go, then you're probably not enjoying your workout when you DO go, and therefore not pushing yourself as hard as you should?

    Maybe try a different exercise. Review your goals, what do you actually want, and do you REALLY want it, or are you just comfortable in saying you do?

    Then try something else that will help you get to where you want to be if gym is really not doing it for you.

    Well, it is true that I don't push myself as hard as some people do. I'm there because they say women should do weight training for their bones, and because I'm hoping to fill in some areas where fat used to be. Also, I don't like the idea of getting weaker and weaker as I age.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Everybody has days when they just cant be bothered and the easier option is far more appealing. That's fine, it's human nature to want to do things that are instantly more gratifying and comfortable. However, if in general you really are hating the gym and not enjoying lifting then maybe consider another means of exercise that will give you the results and you don't consider it a massive chore. You ultimately need to enjoy it on some level in order to make it sustainable.

    Well, I've managed to do it for over two years now even though I don't enjoy it. However, the idea of doing this for a lifetime is not very exciting! I really don't know what else I could do, though.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Everyone feels like that, everyone. The difference between the winners and the loses is that the winners show up regardless of how motivated they are. We don't stop. Ever.

    pretty much this.

    perhaps a training program and more focused driven training. lifting just to lift- is a bit.. tedious and boring.
  • freeza12
    freeza12 Posts: 33 Member
    freeza12 wrote: »
    If you're not keen to go, then you're probably not enjoying your workout when you DO go, and therefore not pushing yourself as hard as you should?

    Maybe try a different exercise. Review your goals, what do you actually want, and do you REALLY want it, or are you just comfortable in saying you do?

    Then try something else that will help you get to where you want to be if gym is really not doing it for you.

    Well, it is true that I don't push myself as hard as some people do. I'm there because they say women should do weight training for their bones, and because I'm hoping to fill in some areas where fat used to be. Also, I don't like the idea of getting weaker and weaker as I age.

    It's great that you know the reasons you're going there, you just need to link that with your long-term goals of happiness and strength. Everything has a pay-off, you go to work to earn money to live, for example.

    Dieting usually isn't fun, but it's often a requirement for weight loss. Same with weight training and strength gain.

    As others have said, if it's your only way forward to get what you want, you'll have to find ways to enjoy it - classes, a gym buddy, some music/podcasts/audio books if you like.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Cathalain wrote: »
    It's actually going there that I don't like. Once I AM there, I'm glad I came. It's just taking the time to actually get on the train/bus/etc. and travel there, especially if you're on a tight commuting schedule like I am. You don't feel that there's enough hours in the day already, so taking the time to get there feels like a 'waste', like you could be doing something else.

    I lucked out, though - in 3 weeks I'm starting a new job and they have a gym right downstairs in the same building, so I can exercise now on my lunch hour as well as before or after work. Very convenient!

    I'm always glad I did it when I get done, of course. I just wish I felt more motivated to do it.

  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,394 Member
    I go before work, otherwise I just won't go. And I don't do a lot of strength training, I do what I love, running and sometimes swimming, with strength training thrown in a bit, usually after I run a fast mile to get pumped up. If you don't like it, you're not going to do it.
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    On days where I'm feeling particularly tired (like today *yawn*), I listen to my gym playlist on the way home to get myself pumped up a little. Normally by the time I've finished my warmup, I've shaken out the cobwebs and am more up for it.
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    This is a battle well known to me! I've never regretted hitting the gym or going for a run but I've certainly regretted not going. As soon as I'm out there, I enjoy it....so why is it such a battle sometimes? I can spend as long (if not longer) finding reasons/excuses not to go, trying to allow myself not to go, then getting tough and trying to talk myself back into going than it takes to do the damn workout! I think (know) I'm inherently lazy as a person.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I don't have a trainer, and there is no room in my house for exercise equipment. I am debating whether or not to continue weight training since I don't like it, and certain exercises do aggravate the arthritis in my back and shoulder. Not sure what else to do, though, especially since we have such long, severe Winters here.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Can you find something you like? I hate lifting weights. Really never motivated to do it. I'd much rather do something else for exercise.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Everybody has days when they just cant be bothered and the easier option is far more appealing. That's fine, it's human nature to want to do things that are instantly more gratifying and comfortable. However, if in general you really are hating the gym and not enjoying lifting then maybe consider another means of exercise that will give you the results and you don't consider it a massive chore. You ultimately need to enjoy it on some level in order to make it sustainable.

    This +1. Look for soemthing you enjoy or you wont carry it on. Getting there is 60% of it. You should probably look at ways of making your workout easier or more fun. Once you start to make progress then it becomes more meaningful. By lifting weights you are making sure a greater % of the weight you lose is fat, whats not to like about that?
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Everybody has days when they just cant be bothered and the easier option is far more appealing. That's fine, it's human nature to want to do things that are instantly more gratifying and comfortable. However, if in general you really are hating the gym and not enjoying lifting then maybe consider another means of exercise that will give you the results and you don't consider it a massive chore. You ultimately need to enjoy it on some level in order to make it sustainable.

    This +1. Look for soemthing you enjoy or you wont carry it on. Getting there is 60% of it. You should probably look at ways of making your workout easier or more fun. Once you start to make progress then it becomes more meaningful. By lifting weights you are making sure a greater % of the weight you lose is fat, whats not to like about that?

    Actually, in the two+ years I've been lifting, I have made a lot of progress in my strength. However, I don't see my body ever looking like I would like it to look, and I really don't feel very motivated.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Maybe you need to change or get someone to look at your program and assess what you are doing with results. Are you following a progressive lifting program? If you have been diligent and honestly dont feel like going then dont go, its not abouty being a winner or loser. You might just need a break to get your mojo back.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Maybe you need to change or get someone to look at your program and assess what you are doing with results. Are you following a progressive lifting program? If you have been diligent and honestly dont feel like going then dont go, its not abouty being a winner or loser. You might just need a break to get your mojo back.

    I do Stronglifts 5x5 plus other stuff for triceps, biceps, quads, glutes, shoulders, and abdomen.

  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Maybe you need to change or get someone to look at your program and assess what you are doing with results. Are you following a progressive lifting program? If you have been diligent and honestly dont feel like going then dont go, its not abouty being a winner or loser. You might just need a break to get your mojo back.

    I do Stronglifts 5x5 plus other stuff for triceps, biceps, quads, glutes, shoulders, and abdomen.

    I do the same thing 3 days a week at my gym. Sometimes it's mentally hard to get myself into going but once there I'm fine.