Consuming 5K Calories for 6 weeks

Came across this article.....
Gives me something to think about and maybe try a different approach.
The only thing I can think though is damn, those joints will hurt after a while.


  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Cool article. 800 grams of carbs! Wow! I am recomping and enjoying cycling calories myself, but have a hard enough time getting to 450 Carbs in one day. lol Twice a day workouts too. Does seem that he needs to cut now? How old is he too? 170lbs he must have been younger. Thanks for sharing.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Damn he looks good.
    No way I will ever in my life try that. For the food alone. I'd be sick from day one and unable to continue.
    Thinking about it already freaks me out.

    Very interesting though.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Cool article. 800 grams of carbs! Wow! I am recomping and enjoying cycling calories myself, but have a hard enough time getting to 450 Carbs in one day. lol Twice a day workouts too. Does seem that he needs to cut now? How old is he too? 170lbs he must have been younger. Thanks for sharing.

    Yeah, I start reaching my fill around 3500 calories, I don't know how I could pack in another 1500 consistently.
    If I were in his shoes, I would do a cut, but that's me.
    I was wondering his age as well, they didn't supply it, so I guess I need to google it.

  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    AsISmile wrote: »
    Damn he looks good.
    No way I will ever in my life try that. For the food alone. I'd be sick from day one and unable to continue.
    Thinking about it already freaks me out.

    Very interesting though.

    Regarding the food I thought the same....when I totaled up over all calories. :astonished:
  • harryfrankham1
    harryfrankham1 Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2015
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    MityMax96 wrote: »
    Cool article. 800 grams of carbs! Wow! I am recomping and enjoying cycling calories myself, but have a hard enough time getting to 450 Carbs in one day. lol Twice a day workouts too. Does seem that he needs to cut now? How old is he too? 170lbs he must have been younger. Thanks for sharing.

    Yeah, I start reaching my fill around 3500 calories, I don't know how I could pack in another 1500 consistently.
    If I were in his shoes, I would do a cut, but that's me.
    I was wondering his age as well, they didn't supply it, so I guess I need to google it.

    Googled it too. Could not find it.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    Keep it up bro! It's a challenge I'm doing 6 to 7k a day, and it takes everything I got to eat that much.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Keep it up bro! It's a challenge I'm doing 6 to 7k a day, and it takes everything I got to eat that much.

    Wow. Better man than I. Good luck
  • neversummer589
    neversummer589 Posts: 31 Member
    I need about 4,000 calories a day to maintain.. So i aim for 4,250-4,500. Its not easy with clean calories but you can do it!! Eat big to get big!! (In a good way haha). 5,000 is do able.
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    I need about 4,000 calories a day to maintain.. So i aim for 4,250-4,500. Its not easy with clean calories but you can do it!! Eat big to get big!! (In a good way haha). 5,000 is do able.

    I see you guys talking about maintaining on 3000/4000 calories and it just makes me want to cry haha
    I freak out if I eat at around 3000 even though I think that's probably around what I need? Lately I've been having a non end constant hunger and my doctor said it might be due to the training + T therapy.

    But I digress - that is a LOT of food and SO much training! I train about an hour 3/4 times a week and I find that a lot! Currently doing 5x5 and adding exercises here and there...did some lunges today, pull downs and push ups.

    I feel SO tired, got home and ate the world XD
    Let's get them muscles, yes!
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    Obviously lots of muscle memory for this guy, but the others who did the program also had great results. Might give this a spin on my next bulk since it will be a long time between bulks for me. I had good results from really high-carb, low-fat bulks when I was younger. The really hard part about this is finding the time for all that lifting and all that eating and all that sleeping...
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    richln wrote: »
    Obviously lots of muscle memory for this guy, but the others who did the program also had great results. Might give this a spin on my next bulk since it will be a long time between bulks for me. I had good results from really high-carb, low-fat bulks when I was younger. The really hard part about this is finding the time for all that lifting and all that eating and all that sleeping...

    HAHA telll me about it! My biggest struggle is finding so much time to work out, eat and sleep! Sometimes it feels like dedicating a LOT and missing out on other factors (socialising and film/gaming time!)

  • RedWolf09
    RedWolf09 Posts: 90 Member
    Currently shooting for 5k a day myself too. Right now I'm averaging 4100 but working on it. You will get used to it bit by bit.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    richln wrote: »
    Obviously lots of muscle memory for this guy, but the others who did the program also had great results. Might give this a spin on my next bulk since it will be a long time between bulks for me. I had good results from really high-carb, low-fat bulks when I was younger. The really hard part about this is finding the time for all that lifting and all that eating and all that sleeping...

    If you do try this, or something based on this, start a thread and keep us updated. I would be very interested in following your progress.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Came across this lends some credibility to what the guy in the article I posted did.

  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Very interesting.

    I believe it definitely has validity to it. Especially the power of belief in front of the hard work, along with the calories, and sleep etc...

    It wasn't long ago I was benching & wondering why I was struggling getting up the weight. Then I realized I busted up a PR for volume by 20lb heavier than my last PR at the same rep range. I just thought I was having a chity day, until I started reracking the weights.

    Time is obviously a huge factor, along with the grocery bill.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    4.5-5k/day here too. Actually tested my self to see how much food i consume in 1 day. Little over 6200. So tough. Was watching competitive eating vids on youtube to amp me up lol.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    4.5-5k/day here too. Actually tested my self to see how much food i consume in 1 day. Little over 6200. So tough. Was watching competitive eating vids on youtube to amp me up lol.

    How many days in a row can you keep up that consumption?

    That has been the big hindrance for me.
    I can keep up about 2 - 3 days of consuming ~3500, but then after that I just have no appetite for it, so will only hit around 2500 (usually less) for the next 4 - 5 days.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    For the diet what surprises me is how low the dietary fat is. Why only 50 grams? what is the rational for that.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    For the diet what surprises me is how low the dietary fat is. Why only 50 grams? what is the rational for that.

    My only guess is to help cut down on the fat that will be stored.

    Based on writings by Lyle McDonald, it is pretty hard for carbs to convert to fat....and the carb stores in a person are pretty high, as well as the fact that they will be oxidized at a higher priority than what fat will be.
    So while he will put on fat....I am guessing the amt of fat will be minimized by this approach.

    I will also state, that based on responses by the author in the comments section, he will prolly taking in more fat than what his goals state, since it seems that he wasn't weighing everything.

    Just my opinion and thoughts on the subject.

    Follow that up with the other link I posted from suppversity.