

  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    Where's the breakfast in your diary? Tea ? .. breakfast is the most important meal of the day - also try spacing your meals out into more regular smaller meals and eat a good breakfast!! It's called break-fast for a reason - You haven't put anything into your body all night, your body needs fuel for the day!


    Sorry I don't agree at all that you have to eat breakfast. I rarely eat first thing in the morning. The earliest I will ever eat is 11 am and it's done me no harm, nor stopped me losing weight. It's a myth that you need to eat breakfast.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Try this link as it takes more into account than the mfp calculator.


    If you do not have a HRM try eating 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise cals back

    Your estimated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is
    1388 kcal/day.
    A rough estimate of the number of calories required per day based on your current activity level is: 1908 kcal/day.
    If you consume 1908 kcal/day you would simply maintain your current weight assuming that you consistently maintained the same activity level. If you completely eliminate any exercise (sedentary), you could consume 1666 kcal/day without gaining weight.
    If your TDEE is 1908cals a day, subtract 10% which would be 1717cals allowance, I suggest 10% because you are already quite close to your goal weight 20% is suggested for people who are considerably overweight. This is before exercise I assume so I suggest eating back 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise cals, till you get a HRM.

    I would suggest putting your info and questions on the group I mentioned previously. "Eat, Train, Progress."

    Rapid loss is not recommended as you will tend to lose lean mass and most likely put it back on soon as you raise your cal intake, think sustainable.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Try this link as it takes more into account than the mfp calculator.


    If you do not have a HRM try eating 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise cals back

    Your estimated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is
    1388 kcal/day.
    A rough estimate of the number of calories required per day based on your current activity level is: 1908 kcal/day.
    If you consume 1908 kcal/day you would simply maintain your current weight assuming that you consistently maintained the same activity level. If you completely eliminate any exercise (sedentary), you could consume 1666 kcal/day without gaining weight.
    If your TDEE is 1908cals a day, subtract 10% which would be 1717cals allowance, I suggest 10% because you are already quite close to your goal weight 20% is suggested for people who are considerably overweight. This is before exercise I assume so I suggest eating back 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise cals, till you get a HRM.

    I would suggest putting your info and questions on the group I mentioned previously.

    Rapid loss is not recommended as you will tend to lose lean mass and most likely put it back on soon as you raise your cal intake, think sustainable.

    I think you and I are thinking the same thing here but putting it in two different ways. My suggestion of 1500 and eat back all exercise cals was getting to the same place you are suggesting. My thinking on this is, more exercise = more food, motivation......however I think your advice is spot on. I also second the advice to join the eat, train, progress group and post this question there.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    thank you very much guys, I will post the questions over there! thanks for all the advice.
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    bootcamp i've been doing for six weeks, ballet for 10 weeks, rumba sporadically for the last year. My stomach muscles have been sore all week, otherwise, no i'm not that sore. I do push myself in class though (but as it's summer here, if I get too hot I get a thumping headache which lasts for days) however, I do work harder than most people, the teachers always commend me for it at the end of class.

    Ok, I will keep on with the water with a vengeance!!

    You are right, I just don't want to be doing my body any harm either!

    I do not see you height and weight and what you would like to lose. I lost the first part of my weight calories low and switched to TDEE.
    I also have very high activity most days 2hrs exercise. I am now in maintence...But I CAN tell you vanity pounds as they refer to them are very slow coming off. It can be the last 10 to 15 lbs.And also if your lifestyle is not changed will just come back..
    Friend me if you would like.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    I have not put my height and weight because I know that I will get lambasted for being perfectly healthy in regards to BMI etc etc.

    However, I have lived with myself for 30 years, I am at my heaviest ever weight, and I know that even though technically I don't need to lose any, i know that this weight is not right for my body, and I feel uncomfortable and "thick".

    I'd like to lose 5kg, which may be as you refer to them "vanity" weight...I am getting very used to this lifestyle and it's totally sustainable, that is why I am treating myself at the weekend! :)
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    2 things you're doing wrong

    1. Not eating enough Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/975707-fat-loss-tactics-guide
    2. You're not being patient
    3. You're letting negative emotions get to you, this leads to failure.

    Aaaaaaand that's three. Wooooo!

    :laugh: Hahaha!! That's funny...:flowerforyou:
  • divaindy
    divaindy Posts: 108 Member
    I have not put my height and weight because I know that I will get lambasted for being perfectly healthy in regards to BMI etc etc.

    However, I have lived with myself for 30 years, I am at my heaviest ever weight, and I know that even though technically I don't need to lose any, i know that this weight is not right for my body, and I feel uncomfortable and "thick".

    I'd like to lose 5kg, which may be as you refer to them "vanity" weight...I am getting very used to this lifestyle and it's totally sustainable, that is why I am treating myself at the weekend! :)
    I too know the you lok fine "but do not feel fine" THEY call them vanity pounds not me and I understand it more now...it just means that we are within a heathy BMI ect ect. But to be where WE chose to be or close to a low goal they call it Vanity pounds.
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    I make a game out of logging calories consumed/burned. It's opened my eyes to the size of turkey platters! I think it's kinda fun to calculate how to get the most nutrition and largest volume of food for the lowest number of calories. I must be doing pretty well because I've lost the weight I wanted! So your problem may be that you're just looking at it wrong. Hang in there and learn to have fun with it. If you eat at a deficit and move, you will lose weight!
  • bdukes10
    bdukes10 Posts: 5
    From looking at your chart I can see you are not drinking enough water. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day (you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces... example; I weigh 148 lbs so I need to drink 74 oz. of water daily). Also, I am on a program where I drink a shake for breakfast and eat a good healthy lunch of 400 to 600 calories and then a shake for dinner. It has worked wonders for me and I have lost 10 lbs. in one month. My husband lost 20 lbs. the first month. Also, your body needs good daily vitamins if you aren't taking any add that to your diet. Hope this helped ...
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Where's the breakfast in your diary? Tea ? .. breakfast is the most important meal of the day - also try spacing your meals out into more regular smaller meals and eat a good breakfast!! It's called break-fast for a reason - You haven't put anything into your body all night, your body needs fuel for the day!


    No it's not. Don't spread misinformation to this forum.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I had a look at your diary and well your logging is both inconsistent and well you are either over or under.

    The program only works if you work it, I will reiterate check out the links I have provided adjust your macros/cals accordingly and you will see the results you want. As for tracking cals burnt accurately I would suggest a HRM if you are doing mostly Cardio.

    As for tracking cal intake I will once again suggest scales, not measuring cups,spoons etc as these are not accurate and you can easily go over.



    It does not matter if you are watching everything you put in your mouth if you fail to log it, how do you expect to track your progress accurately.

    Good luck

    Yes, use those links!
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Just a couple things:
    1) It's only been a month or so since you joined. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much.
    2) Are you sure you have the right calorie allotment? You'll get a lot of people telling you to eat more. I took a look at your diary and on some of the days you logged, you aren't even netting 1200. Check out this website:


    It really helped me find the proper intake amount when I hit a plateau. The key is to make sure you fuel your body for all your activity.

    Good luck!

    I love this link - thank you!!!! Its only been a few days for me and i havent lost - but am trying not to be discouraged... of course MFP tells me my daily calorie allotment is 1200- i researched the TEED (whatever it is) and that tells me 1515... the link you provided says 2052... either way I struggle to get 1200 HEALTHY calories in - but am doing my best to stay positive and figure out how to increase my HEALTHY caloric intake so I can drop some of these unwanted lbs.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    I have not put my height and weight because I know that I will get lambasted for being perfectly healthy in regards to BMI etc etc.

    However, I have lived with myself for 30 years, I am at my heaviest ever weight, and I know that even though technically I don't need to lose any, i know that this weight is not right for my body, and I feel uncomfortable and "thick".

    I'd like to lose 5kg, which may be as you refer to them "vanity" weight...I am getting very used to this lifestyle and it's totally sustainable, that is why I am treating myself at the weekend! :)
    I too know the you lok fine "but do not feel fine" THEY call them vanity pounds not me and I understand it more now...it just means that we are within a heathy BMI ect ect. But to be where WE chose to be or close to a low goal they call it Vanity pounds.

    Good to see someone else gets it! not really up for being judged about my decisions on my life...just liked advice! :)
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't think anyone would, or should, get judge-y just because you want to be in the lower end of the healthy range. Below it....maybe that is a different story.
    What I do think people are trying to say is that the rate of loss for that is going to be slow. So patience and consistency are the key.
  • mustang6411
    mustang6411 Posts: 89 Member
    If you are eating 1200 calories and exercising, the calories are to low. Try 1400 calories for a few weeks and see what happens.