I'm so damn pale lol. Tips and tricks?



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 877 Member
    When you are my age, you will be happy you had to stay out of the sun to avoid sunburn! Embrace your white skin. Keep it safe with clothing, sunscreen and hats and you will look younger than your friends when the wrinkles start to appear on them!
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,324 Member
    I say lean into it. I was pale all my life until moving to California this year, and now even SPF 100 on my face can't keep my skin from darkening. Frankly, I think I looked much better pale.

    If you really want to get a bit more of a tanned look, I third (or fourth?) the recommendation of the Jergens Natural Glow. The lighter one gives a pretty realistic translucent golden hue, nothing too dark or brown, which just looks really fake on naturally pale skin IMO. It requires some upkeep, but because it works gradually, you don't need to worry about streaks and dark spots like you would with a traditional self-tanner.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    "...Embrace your white skin. Keep it safe ...


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  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    Love being pale!! I'm super white too and I don't change colour at all..... unless it's lobster red. Sometimes there are pics of me with a group of friends outside in the summer.... all the other white people are super tanned and there is just me, standing out. Hehe.
    A couple summers ago, I got self conscious and used Jergens self tanner. It worked decently. It smells a bit and you have to stay still once you put it on (you don't want it coming off and getting on sheets or anything important). But I used that for a few days and it worked fine.
    I'm like a vampire and don't go outside during the day. Even if I wear sunscreen, I often burn. Except my legs. My legs, even if they were outside in the sun for like eight hours, they'd stay white. Not tanned, not burned. I don't know lol. When my friends and I go to the beach, I can handle being out in the sun for like an hour, but I ALWAYS find a place in the shade. Along with my waterproof SPF 50 or 60 lol. If I'm outside without sunscreen, I'll burn, be red for days, then be white ago. A bit of a fail.
    (Also for those who said date someone who is lighter than you AKA Irish..... grrrr what do we do? I'm in Canada but Irish and Scottish background.... who am I supposed to date? lol.)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    This could be me. I say be pale and interesting. My vacations got a lot more enjoyable when I embraced the SPF 30 and the shade umbrella.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,213 Member
    Alabaster skin is something to wear with pride! You are beautiful! Whatever you do, don't go messing it up with heavy foundation or strange smelling spray tans (rancid cookie is how I describe it). Pale skin is in vogue...google alabaster skin if you don't believe me.
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