Obesity a disease?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Before the voice vote, Dr. Virginia Hall, an obstetrician from Hershey, Pa., said the AMA should call obesity a disease so "insurers can stop ducking their responsibility" in paying for obesity treatments, according to a Forbes report by Bruce Japsen.

    It's not that they are "ducking their responsibility". There's an evaluation process that the person has to go through to determine whether or not the surgery will be covered. A good friend of mine is a nurse who works for an insurance company that does the evaluation process. It's not just a "nope. Sorry. Not covered." There are questions, things the insured has to do on their own, doctor visits etc. etc. etc. It's a pretty detailed process. If the surgery is approved then it's covered. So it's not as cut and dry as that.
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    Some experts worry suddenly declaring one-third of Americans "ill" or "sick" will increase the desire for quick interventions or medications and discourage people from making the lifestyle changes known to combat obesity.

    This is very true.. seems like most want the easy way out hence the HUGE market for gimmicks ( shakes, wraps, creams, snake oil)
  • ccllnply
    ccllnply Posts: 13 Member
    In my opinion, a disease should be classified as a virus, bacteria, chemical imbalance etc. which is harmful to a being and that they have no choice over. For instance, depression is harmful to you and you can't choose to not be depressed.

    You can, however, choose to eat less calories than you burn. I'm no doctor but I don't think there is a disease which stops your body burning calories. You won't be obese if you make that choice. I can't talk really since I don't have a serious disease but, in principle, it's pretty insulting to people who have actually diseases if you classified obesity as one as well.

    Plus, again, in principle, it's insulting to classified someone who doesn't care about their weight and just wants to eat a piece of cake in peace, as having a disease.

    I'm starting to understand all those people who complain that everything needs a name or to be classified lately
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    In my opinion, a disease should be classified as a virus, bacteria, chemical imbalance etc. which is harmful to a being and that they have no choice over. For instance, depression is harmful to you and you can't choose to not be depressed.

    It could be argued you can choose to be depressed by the behaviours you exhibit as a result of your thoughts, actually could be quite similar to obesity, and of course we all know the links between depression and variation on weight/ motivation/ sense of self control. Perhaps the 2 have similarities
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    so is inactivity not a choice??

    if not a medical reason for not moving.

    Don't know what you mean. You could "choose" to have unprotected sex and get HIV just as some could choose to be inactive and get heart disease or something not associated with a virus, bacteria, or parasite.



    This is a terrible comparison. That's like saying someone who decides to only have unprotected sex has "a disease". It isn't saying that we wouldn't treat those with diseases that could have been brought on by obesity, now they want to claim that the obesity itself is a disease. Big difference.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    My opinion is that this is a political move on the government to get more funding for research and treatment from the government. Possibly also supported by insurance companies to further legitimately give them reason to have obese people pay even higher insurance premiums.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It's a world wide epidemic affecting all classes of people from the rich to the poor. You better believe it's a disease.
  • chellly
    chellly Posts: 6 Member
    I disagree that the state of being obese is a disease. Addiction, depression, physical impairments that prevent movement...these issues can lead to obesity. Obesity itself isn't the disease. It's a matter of cause and effect.

    We live in a society of instant gratification which feeds (pardon the pun) the obesity epidemic. We are overscheduled, exhausted, bombarded with quick yet crappy processed food, the list goes on and on. And you know what, sometimes people truly are downright lazy.

    I'm guilty of all of the above and I own it. My making excuses has led me down the path of health issues because of my weight. I saw my father and grandmother go through the exact same things and STILL I didn't make the right choices. And sometimes I still don't. I'm working on it.

    My obesity is not a disease. It is the result of poor choices, emotional eating, and making excuses. And I hate exercising. Like I said, I'm working on it. Some days are better than others.
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Why is this being discussed on like 4 or 5 different threads?
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    Why is this being discussed on like 4 or 5 different threads?

    just to keep you busy!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Obesity IS a disease , I personally know someone that suffers from it and its a legit disorder just like anorexia. To say that a 500pound person is like that because they selfish and lazy is just illogical.
    Do lots of research and make up your own mind .

    I agree with this 100%

    I disagree with it a thousand times over. "...just like anorexia".. anorexia is an eating disorder, not a disease, and obesity would be an eating disorder by the original poster (that I quoted) which, they have to sort of agree with since they are the ones that stated "like anorexia".

    Now, I agree that obesity can be a symptom of disease. Things like thyroid disorders and PCOS come to mind, but no, not a disease in and of itself.

    Edited to add... I think this is probably some ploy by the AMA and big pharma to try to get insurance companies to pay for weight loss aids, diet pills, weight loss surgery, etc.