200+ (Week 35) Sizzlin' Through Summer Begins!

It's that time again- another week ends... AND our most recent six-week challenge: Let's Get Moving in May! ends.

Everyone check in by the end of the weekend with your final weights, and any other measurements you want to add and start thinking about the challenge you want to work on these next six weeks- it's an individualized one!

I'll check in at some point tomorrow with my weigh-in- though this week is totally off because of the whole moving thing. I didn't work out, but was lugging crap around, painting, etc. and didn't eat nearly enough, so I think my weight will be a fair drop- do NOT expect it to stay on that trend. Here at the new place, but definitely not settled. Once I get everything together, I"ll post some pictures :)

Good luck ladies!


  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Glad your moving is progressing so well. Thanks for getting the thread started.

    I feel like I have sausage fingers the stomach is cramped - I'm guessing TOM will be here today or tomorrow. He's not due until Sunday (*grumbles*). I borrowed Kristina's cranky pants. Warning to all - stay out of my way today. Part of me wants to get up, weigh in and measure but the other part says f it. Told you I'm cranky. Hopefully my morning bike ride at will help.

    DH's work schedule changed so we are staying home this weekend. I'm kind of bummed yet kinda relieved. I will miss see the in laws but my yard needs my help.

    It's do or die time. I hear mr scale sneaking in the back door. I hope mr tready and dh don't hear him. This keeping 3 guys is getting tough. I'll send him back to you (Kendal) on my speed of light super plane. Does anyone else want/need him to stop by?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yep - should have stayed in bed. I'm up a pound and my measurements are all up... So - I refuse to make it official today!!! I'll try again Sunday. My whole body just aches - including my inner thighs and hamstrings (not sure if its from Kettle Bell, biking, or running faster). I did extra stretches yesterday and the muscle do feel a bit better - just another reason I'm retaining water.

    Yesterday's check-in 2501 consumed and over by 451 (it's all mom's fault - she opened the wine!!!). I'm trying not to fret and think I may just continue to maintain for the summer. I've been +/- 1 a pound for over 8 weeks.... I've always been able to lose more in the winter months. I really am happy with the way I look now, am the lightest I've been in over 10 years, in smaller sizes than 15 years ago and worked hard to get here. At some point, I know I'll jump on the bandwagon and work hard again to lose but I'm just not motivated to do it now (the cranky pants are showing up again!!!) I've been cont to make better food choices and working out like a fiend. Gotta run - my biking buddies will be here in 5 min. Have a great weekend. I'll be home early today and check back later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    arg. Mr Scale and I are having an argument. I've been under cals ALL WEEK. I have logged EVERYTHING. But just cause I went over on sodium once by like, 1500mg (:noway: I know, I know), my scale says 226.6. UGH!! I'm going to wait to see if it'll come off by tomorrow. Its still not bad if I'm 226.6 this week. 226 was my goal for this challenge so I should be happy. But still...knowing it was down to 224.4 on Monday/Tuesday really urks me. Its funny cause I actually dropped it all when I was just logging food and wasn't exercising. Once I started exercising again, I hate at LEAST half of my exercise cals (if not all), I gained weight back.

    That being said....I took lexi to the park again yesterday. Instead of going my usual 2 miles, I decided to go one extra lap (.33/mile). I've stopped putting Lexi's backpack on her- its too hot I think. She usually finds her groove by the 2nd or 3rd lap when she starts panting hard and follows me like she should. And can I just say that if you have a dog that charges and aggressively barks at other dogs, DON'T BRING IT TO THE PARK!!! I don't care how small it is! It needs discipline! YOU should be the pack leader! It should not feel it needs to defend you against other dogs!

    anyways, I need to get started on some training stuff...yay! (sarcasm there)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    bump...Ii have to get going now guys, but I'll be back to post and catch up with my SuperPals.....Go Team Go!!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies! Happy Friday! Its been a good week but a long week also. Work days have dragged by and the evenings have flown.

    I've worked out this week THREE TIMES, which for me is good lately. I've burned in the neighborhood of 1700 cals exercising. Yeay me! I think I might hit the gym tomorrow morning as well. I've not tracked one single calorie I've eaten all week, but at least I got back to the gym.

    I've been kindof swollen all week, probably from the sugary foods I've downed, so I too did not get on the scale this morning like I shuold have. I feel kindof bloated and bleh so no thanks. I will wait. I have a feeling I will be up. Maybe I just won't weigh at all.

    Kristina just focus on getting settled and I am sure your weight will keep sliding off.

    VIctoria - I can't blame you for wanting to just maintain this summer...my only caution to you is that it is really really hard to get back on that weight loss train if you take a break. I did that about a year and a half ago after I got down under 200 and ended up gaining everything back plus some. My friend did it after having lost 150 lbs on her own and gained back 40. It is a real struggle to get it going again once you take a break like that.
    You are so motivated though maybe it will be easier for you! And I know you won't stop working out so that will help too.

    Kendall, I know that once I started adding in the exercise it took my body almost two full months of my working out consistently before I started dropping weight again. I guess my body had to readjust and get used to the fact that it was moving more before it would let go of more weight. Maybe that is what is happening? GOod for you for keeping on though!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I swear I'm totally going to read all your posts and catch up over the weekend!

    Just wanted to check in briefly for the challenge.

    Let's Get Moving In May Final Weigh In: 186.0 (-3.8 for the week (yowsas!), -6.6 for challenge)

    Pretty happy! I hit my 7 pound weight loss goal for the challenge (barely), and I passed a major weight hurdle for me- I was 187 pounds when I entered college. Next big number for me will be breaking out of the 170s (a while away), as I could never get past that when I lost weight before. I can't find my tape measure, so that part will have to wait. As I really focused more on exercise this challenge, I'll be curious to see what my numbers are. I was pretty consistent with reaching my exercise goals overall and would like to keep my same goals for myself as last time:

    Goal #1: work out at least 5 times a week (at least 30 minutes- preferably more higher intensity cardo i.e. running, elliptical, etc)
    Goal #2: run at least twice a week (preferably 3+ miles)
    Goal #3: lose 7 pounds (just a shade over a pound week). My goal weight for Sizzlin' Through Summer would be 179lbs. (eee 170s!)

    Good luck everyone! You're all fabulous!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey girls,

    It's really good to be back from vacation and jump right back into things. I'm pretty happy that the transition was easier than I thought it was after eating all that good food in CA. I'm still having trouble getting back on track with my water intake and TOM came to visit me day before yesterday but even with those two factors I managed to loose 4 lbs since I got back on Sunday.

    I still need to figure out what I am going to do for exercise. I want to join a gym but with only one car in our family and living in the country I have to work around everyone else's schedule. I would really just like to get a treadmill and start off with that since it will be right at home and I'll have no excuses but its such a large upfront cost due to the fact I would like to get one I can run on which costs a little more. Ugh...I'll figure something out, maybe I'm just stalling, who knows?

    Great job on the 3.8lbs Loss!!! You go girl!

    You will win the battle with Mr. Scale next week, I can feel it. Keep up the great work.

    Nice job with working out this week. I need your kinda motivation!

    I know how TOM can make you go crazy, I hope after your bike ride you are feeling a little better. As for the yard needing work, ugh, when I got back from my vacation everything in our wild weed infested acre was like 2 feet tall, I'm still working on it, lol.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    ok so i got a little off track the past few days. i am at a plateu apparently and cant break free. i am still at 230 and as far as my other goals i made it 1/3 of the way to staying on the elliptical for 30 minutes and stayed under my calories almost every day. so i feel pretty good about it. for this next challenge i am going to set three goals again
    goal #1- stay on elliptical for 30 minutes
    goal #2- lose 5#s to get to 225
    goal #3- work out 4 days a week.

    see ya super heros time for work. (save me)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I have found the way to make myself drink water. I bought this cute pink but see through water bottle with a straw for work. Since its see through, I taped a paper towel around it and now I can't see how much water is in it. Since I can't see how much is in it, I mindlessly sip from it all day.

    actually, I put the paper towel around it to keep it from condensating all over my desk....no puddles! lol
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My day is almost done. I thought it was done but a client called with flare up of pain and I may run over to her house yet tonight to see her (*sighs*). I would feel bad if she went all weekend in pain I could have stopped. Now, I can't go dig in the yard since I can't be dirty if she calls. Oh well. There's always (breaks out in song) tomorrow, tomorrow, the sun will come out tomorrow, it's only a day away...

    Overall, my bike ride and the Excedrin have made me feel better. Lacey thanks for reminding me to keep on it and not let it get away. I decided that if my weight doesn't go back down by next Friday, the world better watch out because I'll be back on it in force. I really think the gain is TOM issues with water. I was 186 Mon, Tues and Wed but yesterday and today jumped to 187. All of my old joints are aching and if it's not TOM then it's arthritis from the storm we are expecting tonight. I've have worked too hard to regress.

    Kendal - I want the pink bottle. That's a creative way to drink more. Congrats on being down for the challenge.

    Amber - great goals and welcome to the weight loss plateau - maybe we can have an exercise party to get through it... Or a dance party...

    Kim - so does that mean that you really lost 2 pounds on vacation? Didn't you say you gained 2 (which was probably water weight) on vacation so if you're down 4 that's super awesome!!!!

    Kristina - You may be our super star for the last challenge!!!

    Lacey - Great job on the workouts - 1700 cal is 1/2 a pound!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - go to Target and buy the Schiff Move Free Advanced. Its 1500 mgs each of glucosamine and msm. That will help your joints and muscles aching with the weather changes. It is the ONLY thing that helps my body in the winter with the rain, sun, rain, sun. Any time there is a weather change in the winter my joints ache like nobodies business. Its like $14 or so for 120 tablets.

    And yeah....Don't. Do. It. It is hell getting back on track once you make that mental decision to maintain for a while. I wish I would have never done it, I can't imagine how much I would weigh now had I kept going. And I only had intentions of doing it mid-Oct. thru January and it ended up lasting over a year and 20+ lbs gained back. So not worth it!

    My goals for this challenge:
    1. get to the gym as much as I can
    2. eat as clean as possible and eliminate all the sugar crap I've been eating lately
    3. use the new quick cal feature and guestimate cals for a while. I need to keep it simple right now and focus on the gym.
    3. make the conscious decision to get happy the moment I get pissy. Remind me of this please! When I get pissy or tom comes and I am cranky that is when the bad habits rear their fugly heads!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for the day:

    2381 needed to maintain
    1632 eaten / 148 burned / -897 day/ -897 week

    Another hectic day! I'm getting there with the condo. Most of my furniture is here. I still need to buy a bookcase, tv stand, patio furniture, etc. Hello nasty credit card bill! I was having issues trying to put together my dining room table today, so my roomie is coming over and hopefully he can accomplish what I couldn't. I was ready to chuck the thing out the window if it wasn't so darn heavy!! I'm hoping to power through tomorrow and then be able to relax at least a little on Sunday, or I won't be able to function on Monday. ahah.

    Victoria- it's a lot probably TOM issues. I'm always crankypants and up in weight that week. Don't give up hun! You've been such a superstar here, and if you decide to just maintain for a while, it could be really hard to hop back on the bandwagon. Don't get discouraged! Kick it up a notch!!

    Kendal- if you've been down for most of the week, you'll be again. I often will be my lowest towards the beginning of the week and then just hope to maintain that for Friday weigh-in. You'll get there again. You've been doing so fantastic! Your water bottle is a great idea- I'm glad it's working for you to get your water in! It makes such a difference!

    Lacey- great job on working out this week! I know you've been wanting to do that, so yay! Start logging those foods chickypoo!

    Kimmr- fantastic loss!! A treadmill is a big upfront cost- maybe some DVDs? Walking/jogging outside?

    Amber- we all have weeks on end where the weight won't budge. Stick with it! Your goals definitely sound attainable!

    ETA: I just looked at my ticker and wowsas! Look how close I am to half way to my goal! YES! *high fives self*
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    thanks for the support guys i am going to work doubly hard to achieve them. i might need that whip cracked my way before long
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Mornin' super pals!!! Yesterdays ckeck-in 2559 consumed and over bt 225. Ex 60 min on bike, 20 min with kettle bell and 30 min strength DVD using theraband 10 min each arms, legs and abs. My goal for the next challenge is 60 min a week of strength training plus 5 days of 45+ min cardio. For calories, it's to not go over by more than 500 (ie maintenance).

    I hear you Lacey. If I gain a pound and it's not gone by the next week, I give you full permission to chew my @ss of and I'll buy you the whip to crack at me!!! I looked at the calander for the next 6 weeks -EEEEKKKK!!!!! company arrives Monday (an old friend with husband and at least 4 kids) for 10 days, DH parents are coming for a long weekend, I'm taking mom to a family reunion in Canada, and 2 of my best friend's kids will be here for a week followed by a week with best friend, her husband and all 4 kids (the last part will be the start of the next challenge in the first week in August). Oh yeah - partying on July 4th and my birthday July 8th.

    Maybe it's good I'm home this weekend. the in laws are sad we didn't make the trip to see them and I would have enjoyed it but DH has too much going on at work and couldn't get time off.

    Have a great weekend. I'm debating between step aerobics or a bike ride this morning. Then it's time to dig in the dirt and water the outside plants.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I believe I've just wasted 3 hours sitting in front of the computer doing nothing productive. What a lazy Saturday!!!! I updated the chart to the best of my ability. I'll post it tomorrow afternoon. There are many blank spaces - oh well - I got tired of perusing old posts. I'll do better this next challenge.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    225.6 this morning. Fine. I will take it. I drank more water yesterday than I ever have in a single day cause I knew we were going to have pizza and salad for my sister's birthday. oh crap....just realized I forgot to log the dessert mom made. oh well. I might add it to today's count.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning girls! I was meaning to get to the gym today but I just got up! I woke up at 6 and didn't think id be able to fall back asleep, so I will take it. I might do some yoga when I get home.
    I spent three hours at the salon grtting my hair done and have go back today for the cut. I guess I requested a tall order lol!

    Kristina keep going girl, youll get your apt in check soon and then you will be so happy!

    Kendall good idea on the water!

    Amber keep on keepin on girl! Perseverence is key on this journey.

    Well I am going to enjoy my last morning of quiet before Jeff gets home with Gracie and the dogs. It sur was quiet last night without even the dogs here rustling around!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member


    Check it! I'm getting s group of friends together so we can do the damn thing in September up near Portland. Any time I can go traipsing thru the forest in a viking hat I am game!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    i totally forgot to weigh in for last week ... probably because i left for a family reunion on friday... but i didnt lose any weight last week but this week im down to 192.6lb... finally i almost feel like im in a rut.. im trying to keep up my 2lbs a week lose but its not happening.. being this is the last week i think my goal was... well shoot i dont remember lol maybe 191.. so im close to that... that would put me at 30lb lost.. so that was probably my goal.. next goal will still be 10lbs so lets see 181lbs...
    have a wonderful wkend everyone..
    copy and pasted from last week ...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job mrsmarv!!!

    Good morning everyone - yesterday got away from me and never looked back at the computer. I spent all day on yardwork!!! My flower beds look great, the garden is in shape and all I have left to do is mow today.

    Have a wonderful day.