200+ (Week 35) Sizzlin' Through Summer Begins!



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Victoria, reading your posts for the coming weeks made my head spin! I thought you were super busy on the road...heck, you'll need a vacation from staying home...how blessed you are with tons of family and friends!! Hey My Hubby is a Cancer too....his Birthday is July 9!

    Lacey, I have seen that Warrior dash, looks like tons of fun...there was one in Illinois around my birthday and I wanted to go, but this house and baseball kept us close to home...but that is a goal, another member here on mfp just did one in Texas and she had a blast!

    Congrats to everyone that completed the challenge, I look forward to jumping back in with you all... 2 more weeks of this craziness, upping my calories again this week...2200-2300 plus exercise....goodness......I had a good start last night, I had a delish, waffle cone with homemade butter pecan ice cream:embarassed: , just a tiny slice of heaven!!

    Heading out for a run, Happy Sunday everyone! Happy Father's Day to all your special Men!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning! I DID end up going and working out for a total of four days this past week. Yeay me!

    Gracie is home and wow I didn't realize that I missed her until I picked her up and started smooching her yesterday. She has to be super tired because she is still asleep and its almost 9!!!!!!

    We are watching soccer. My goodness those horns. It would seriously drive me insane if I was in that stadium!

    Today we have a graduation party to go to at 3 and they are serving burgers and dogs so I don't expect my cals to be great. Tomorrow I will start tracking again.

    I weighed 208.5 yesterday morning. Doesng surprise me. Ive been eating alot of sugar and carb foods and my stomach has been kind of upset for about a week now. I think I just cannot handle sugar or white carbs like I used to. That okay though. Its betteer for me to stay away from that stuff anyways.

    You guys have a great day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in from yesterday:

    2381 needed to maintain
    2012 eaten / 253 burned / -622 day/ -1519 week

    Not a great eating day though... I haven't been eating enough fruits and veggies this past week. Now that I'm slowly getting settled, I hope to get back on the eating/exercise front this week!

    Another busy day at the new place. I'm finally done with painting (minus some touch ups). Have most of my furniture in and assembled. Now just need to buy a coffee table, desk, accent chair, and rugs. It never seems to end! Plan to spend the day organizing stuff around the new place, grocery shopping, and going to my old place and getting my last things out and cleaning it up. Last day there :(

    Victoria- I bet your garden is looking marvelous! I still need to do things outside at my new place, but am working on the inside first. Did put some flowers in my flower beds under my front windows.

    Lacey- way to go with working out! Glad your Gracie is back!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Shoot me - just shoot me.. I'm complaining due to lack of rain (the 2nd day in a row of no rain) since I have to water the garden plants, etc. It's been 2 hours and I still have 2 beds to go. (*sighs*) Just getting ready to get on the tractor and mow.

    Kristina - Great job on getting your place together - you'll feel wonderful when it's all done. Can't wait to see some pictures!!!

    Lacey - YEAH for getting the workouts in. Glad you have Gracie back.

    Kendal, Amber, Kim and everyone - hope you're having wonderful weekends.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone and Hugs....I'm still around, just super busy we're in the thick of things with baseball, finishing up our season games and then 2 weeks of tourneys and hopefully I will be back to normal with posting! Hubby and I did get a good 5 mile run in Sunday and we also walked for 2 miles, I've been doing swimming laps a lot, it's been really humid here, I've also been cutting down thistles in our fields...they kind of popped up everywhere...I guess my fault for not spraying better in the spring...just seemed like we had so much rain I could never get out there...now I'm paying for it, it sure caused the weeds to grow....but my poor garden, I believe is getting too much rain now.....:ohwell:

    I also couldn't take it anymore and I jumped on the scale yesterday....I was up 1 pound, 211.....not to bad, I was expecting a lot worse because I have been eating a lot more! I was wrong too this week about the amount I was suppose to eat, I am suppose to eat 2400-2500 calories a day plus exercise calories....gulp.....just 2 more weeks and then I'm back to normal, sure hope this helps!
    Have to go, have a great day everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh - another Monday. At least my exercise is done. I'm here but will be busy.

    Debra - it's nice to hear from you.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- I know it's got to be hard to not step on the scale. I probably would have cheated as well. haha.

    Happy Monday to everyone? I just didn't get enough sleep this weekend (well, past week), so I was feeling it this morning. I did love the whopping 2 minute commute to the office now though. Will have to walk it on days that I know I'll be at the same office all day.

    Still more organizing and such to do, but the place is slowly getting there. Plan for this evening is to finish reorganizing and cleaning the kitchen, then I can check that room off my list. Slowly going from room to room making sure they are in order. The basement will be the nasty one, as I've thrown crap in there I wasn't sure where I wanted to go- I can't let that become a complete junk room! I need to get some shelving down there to store some things though.

    Today is my long day at work. I have group tonight, so won't be done until after 7:30pm. Blech. Though, I do like this group of folks- it's just a really long day. This week shouldn't be too shabby though *knocks on wood*.

    I was up about 2 pounds this morning- not a surprise as after a week of not eating enough cause I'd been running around, I've had three carby days in a row (thai, pizza), which totally screws up with my system. I need to get some serious fruits and veggies to compensate. No gym today, as it's a late day, but tomorrow I start up again after over a week off. EEP! Plus it's restaurant week in town this week, and I have two dinners and a lunch planned. This could be an ugly weigh-in week.

    Oh, here's my check in from yesterday:
    2381 needed to maintain
    1702 eaten / 253 burned / -932day/ -2451week

    Calories weren't bad, but what I ate was. Calories burned an estimate. Finished moving out of old apartment, so moving a fair bit of boxes up and down stairs.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :frown: I'm so mad at myself. I went out to eat twice Saturday and Sunday morning, then had a cookout at my parents' for Fathers Day and now I'm WAAAY up. I'm talking 229! :noway: OMG!! :frown: Thats seriously up 4 pounds from Saturday morning. I've already started hitting the water so hopefully the part thats water weight will fall off. I plan to go to the gym tonight too. I've seriously slacked off in the exercise department. So I guess this is perfect timing to set up a goal for this challenge.

    I will do at least 30 min of cardio 4 days a week. I already have my goals/rewards planned out and if I complete this challenge, I will buy myself a new bathing suit top.

    Log food/exercise for 4 weeks (weekdays, 6/7/10- 7/2/10)- Pedicure
    220 pounds- Day of PTO for no reason
    200 pounds- Hair cut & highlighted
    188 pounds (no longer obese)- New purse
    170 pounds- 2 Days of PTO for no reason
    Goal Weight- Belly button pierced
    Complete C25K- Ipod & Nike+
    Complete Next Challenge in 200+ Group- Bathing Suit Top
  • my2loves04and06
    Happy Monday! I think I lost the new thread over the weekend. I also had a big long post typed out and then my computer decided to freeze so I lost all of it. I'll have to type up the parred down version this go around.

    WTG on everyone's weigh-in. Even if the scale didn't move or moved in the wrong direction, it seems as though everyone is right on top of it and ready to kick it up a notch. Congrats on the end of your last challenge! I'm looking forward to my first 6 week challenge with the SuperPals. :smile:

    Was over on cals Friday (171), but under on both Sat (140) and Sun (316). Yesterday I clocked in at 222.6. Down 0.8 from last week. TOM is here (boo hiss) so I actually expected to gain this week. Add me to the cranky clan when TOM is here. My poor kids have to put up with me. Does anyone have any cures for feeling bloated? Just up the H2O intake I suppose? Saturday I push mowed our half acre. My husband sent the riding mower back to his parent's house to be stored since we were all supposed to have made the move to SC by now. I can't complain really since it was a really awesome (read: exhasuting) workout. I burned 1300 calories!

    My goals for the 6 week challenge:
    #1 - drop 5 more lbs
    #2 - continue with my decent eating/drinking habits
    #3 - continue working out (at least 6x/wk)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Monday. Yeah. Thats all I have to say about that!

    Good weekend. Went to a bbq yesterday and watched Gracie run around and play and be happy. It was nice.

    As I mentioned I'm having stomach issues...I think caused by too much sugar and carbs. So today I started out with my usual smoothie and have a meal plan packed full of protein and veggies and fruit. And maybe some whole grains at dinner. And a ton of enzymes. Very annoying.

    Anyways, already logged what I think I am going to eat today so that is pretty much taken care of. Good workout at the gym planned today. I'm trying to do 15-20 minutes tread/elliptical/10-15 weights/20+minutes elliptical....for between 45-60 minutes work out total. I need to get back on the weights again so last week I started doing lunges and squats. Did I mention how much I hate lunges? But my legs have always been weak and I need to get them in shape.

    Oh and it looks like I'm definitely doing the Warrior Dash in September...so I need to do three things:
    1. get my *kitten* together with the weight loss, work outs and eating right.
    2. get good running shoes as these aren't cutting it and causing shin splints
    3. start running again. I figure if I can work out like a fiend until the middle of July I will be able to afford to go to the running store and run on their treadmill and have them get me a good pair of shoes.

    On another crap note. It STILL hasn't stopped raining here. I've never seen such a lack of sun in all my days living in Oregon (which has been my whole life with the exception of 9 months). My garden is turning yellow from too much water. I feel like I wasted $70. I have no hopes of it getting better right now either. I give up. I just hope my veggies make it...but I don't have good feelings about it and it toally bums me out. I love having a veggie garden.
    The only good thing about the rain is that it tamps down the pollen and I have minimal allergies. I'd rather have worse allergies and my garden though!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- all that rain would give me a serious case of the blahs! Good luck at the gym today and getting back on the usual eating plan!

    Trace- weighing in around TOM is always craptastic. Maintaining is pretty fab in that case. I always go up a few pounds that week.

    Kendal- great ideas to treat yourself when you hit goals- and I like that they aren't all weight related. I'm sure your weight will drop off again if you just ate bad for a couple of days. I had the same :noway: moment when I saw the scale this morning. Just hop back on track.

    People serious can't leave junk food out to eat in the kitchen at work. It's too tempting. I had a run in with some Lay's potato chips, which I don't even like that much- still ate them. Ugh. Plus, the day is dragging, even though I've had a productive morning. I've sort of hit the wall for the day, which is bad, as I have another 7 hours to go. Will head out in a bit to get some fresh fruit for the group, and when I do so, I might stop at starbucks and get my regular: triple grande skinny vanilla latte. Yay for protein and caffeine! haha. Calories won't be spectacular for the day, though not horrid, especially as I don't plan to workout after group.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey Ladies - (breaks into rap dance - from Beastie Boys in the 80s). It sounds so good in my head but I just can't get the music into the thread. Must be in a good mood if I'm rappin'. Yes, I admit to going to see them live (DH loves them) and my best friend actually threw her bra on-stage (I'm not quite that nervy)...

    Check-in for today going down hill quickly. 918 empty calories :blushing: 2650 consumed and over by 604. I blame it on TOM and the cramps. Excedrin just wasn't taking the pain away so I had a few beers. At least the last 2 days, I was back down to 186. Thank goodness I've been an exercise fiend - 30 min Kettle Bell workout yesterday and 60 min bike ride this morning.

    Trace - Woot Woot - Great Job on the lose!!!! I have not found any magic cures for TOM cramps but if you do, let me know.

    Kendal - hope your day ended OK. Lay's chips :love: I am so a salty food snack girl. Thank goodness I wasn't there or the bag would be empty. Chocolate and other sugar foods don't hold a candle to salty foods for my palette.

    Lacey - I so want to do the warrior dash!! It looks soooo cool. I can't wait to have one near me (500 or miles or so would do)...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well the computer ghost struck again and posted my note before I was ready - at least he didn't steal (aka delete it)!!!

    Debra - I would not have been able to stay away from Mr. Scale as long as you have. Have fun with the birthday party - sorry no advice on prep since no kids to throw parties for:ohwell: I hope you're son does well in the tournaments. I'm so impressed with his home runs!!!! Keep us updated on your progress.

    Amber and Carolyn - how are you doing - send us a post!!!

    To everyone I missed - send us an update and keep up the good work.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey super pals... I am totally exhausted, but just put a 20# turkey in the oven so I'm camping on the recliner until my 4 alarms go off...should be 3:30 in the morning or so...
    My son is having a pool party for his birthday this Wednesday and somehow he talked me into making turkey tacos for his group of friends....:noway:
    Lacey we have been getting tons of rain here too...my garden is not fairing so well either...makes me frustrated that I put so much time in it and now...nothing is looking so hot...just hoping it snaps out of it...if the sun would just shine for a few days...:glasses:
    today it did come out after it rained all morning, so I guess I should be happy for that!

    I know I can't weigh in at the beginning of this challenge, but I am wanting to get back in the routine as soon as possible. I'll admit, this week isn't sitting very well with me...I am suppose to eat 75% of my base calories while reducing the exercise 75%, that is really hard...especially in summer, seems I am never sitting still for long...next week I am not suppose to exercise at all...:huh: I plan on walking with maybe 1 short run...I don't want to have to start all over...I just hope I am backing off enough, or at least eating more. I still haven't been logging foods here online, I am writing everything I eat in a notebook and using a calorie counter book for calorie counts, we have been off line so much due to storms, I just started doing it in a notebook, but I like going to my homepage and being reminded of how many calories are left...I have been eating good that's for sure:drinker: and a few drinks here and there too...summer, I love it, I hate it ,you know.... I want to look good in my shorts, but there are so dang many parties and temptations...how's a girl to stay focused??:wink:

    Well, I'm back again...I know you don't know , but I have been interupted 5 times while trying to write out this posts...if I am all over the place and it makes no sense...that's why, well it could also be because I am really tired, but I just wanted to write to everyone...I miss you guys....

    Way to stay at it everyone, especially in summer, it's hard!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Worked out for 51 minutes for 501 cals. yeay! I did end up doing the three sets of squats and lunges and I will pay for it this week but it has to be done.

    I had a good dinner and got my cals in but still have pretty much all of my exercise cals to eat. There is pie in the fridge seriously calling my name and I will be having a slice shortly I think.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My friend is a ditz!!! She e-mailed that she was coming on 6/21 and staying 9 days. I believe she really meant to but now her plans of changed (she somehow didn't know one of her daughters had summer school). She will be arriving next Thurs 7/01 and staying 4 days. I guess I have more time to workout and get my yard in shape. I know her and should have expected her getting here to be a fly by the seat of your pants operation. I'm bummed that she wont be here this weekend. It sounds like she wants to camp but I'm too old for that so I'll just go visit every day.

    I managed to get on the treadmill for 20 min this morning - Yeah it's raining today but supposed to clear up... I tried to run but female parts were too sore with the bouncing (still dealing with TOM issues) so I slowed it down and put it up to 5% incline. I'll get in another workout with mom later today.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Went to the park last night with Lexi. I have stopped putting her backpack on her since its so hot. She handles the same. I did 2 miles in 30 min and then did a .33 mile cool down lap in like, 7-8 minutes.

    Mr. Scale said 226.6 this morning, so obviously the sodium fell off. Thank God! I forgot that I used the last of my cereal yesterday morning so I had a bacon egg and cheese on croissant roll from the cafe. Yeah, I know. Not the BEST choice. But I will have zumba tonight so I've got extra calories to work with.

    oh well....gotta get back to this training....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Great job with getting your workouts in everyone!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    2381 needed to maintain
    1742 eaten / 0 burned / -639day/ -3090week

    Today, I need to get back on the exercise bandwagon before I fall off completely, so rec center it is after work- I don't even have to hit the elliptical hardcore, but at least get on it and move my butt.

    I'm exhausted this morning. Didn't go to bed until midnight last night, when I knew I should have been in bed earlier, considering how tired I was yesterday. Then, there was a nasty thunderstorm in the middle of the night, which seemed to last forever, which broke up my sleep even more. Am a bit crankypants this morning, but more than anything slowed down. Had an 8am appt, which I barely made it through and have 2 more this morning. Group last night went well, but one of my peeps is sort of in crisis right now, so we talked individually a bit after group, which was good, but it meant I didn't get out of the office until after 8pm last night. Wow for a long day. I'm seriously considering going to the apt and taking a short siesta this afternoon. I have a couple hour break before a conference call at 4, so we'll see. Plan to then hit the rec center up, as I'm doing dinner out on the town tonight, which won't help the calories for the day. Need to burn some off.

    Let's hope I can stay awake. *chugs tea*
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am so stuffed up this morning with allergies that I literally look like I've got two black eyes. I am miserable. Hoping that the sinus pill I just took clears up the issue and then all I have to deal with is just the allergy part of it. Not worth putting makeup on this morning since it would just cause more eye irritation so I am looking especially HOT today! LOL..

    I don't know if I want to weigh myself right now or not...I am doing more circuit/weight training than before and I know I will both retain water and gain muscle and I tend not to see a drop on the scale for a good five plus weeks when I do this. I should see that my clothes will start to fit better though and I can't ask for anything more than that. They should be about to the point that they would get a bit loose if I slim down. Friday I will hop on and see where I sit. If I am up or the same I'm not weighing for a while again. Not worth it.

    Kristina and Victoria - every little bit of exercise helps, even if its for 1 5 minutes!

    Kendall - good for you for running with your dog!!

    Deb - turkey tacos sound awesome! Yum.

    Tonight I'm making a stuffed meatloaf with mozarella braid, bread and a big salad.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi ladies. justy got back from working out before work. i am doing ok this time around. i am eating good and ijust completed day 1 out of 4 for the week. (my weeks start on saturday) on the negative side of things i only made it 7 minutes on the elliptical today. but i just have to keep working at it. well time for work catch yall later!!