Any Success Stories using a personal trainer (losing 50lbs or more)?



  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    edited August 2015
    I've had several different trainers in the past and have now learned there are good trainers and bad trainers, and each trainer has their different training styles and personalities. Now before I start with a trainer, I basicaly interview them. I ask them how they train their clients and I tell them what I want out of a session. I also ask them lots of questions. If they are good trainers, they should know that not every trainer is compatible with every client...and they will try to help you find someone you are compatible with. Some places/trainers will give you a free session just so you can try them out. Sometimes you know in one session whether they will work with you and sometimes it takes a few for you to realize they are not the one for you. Don't feel bad about "breaking up" with a trainer if it doesn't feel like a right fit. You are the one spending the need to get the full benefit!
  • valerietinker
    valerietinker Posts: 51 Member
    My experience with mine
    Totally 100 % pefessional, 100% attention and nothing less . Very young , very focused, very knowledgable , in foods and I'm safe in the gym with him whilst doing big weights. Do your research as there are bad ones in the gym I'm in. If he is off talking or on a phone ditch him/ her
    You pay
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    I've lost 80 lbs over 18 months, and while I bet my trainer would downplay his role in my weight loss, I think he was a major factor. I started seeing him fresh out of PT for a back injury, and as I got more into the exercise routine, he'd keep telling me -- always in a lowkey, professional, non-hectoring way -- "we could do so much more if you lost some weight." It was my trainer who persuaded me keep a log of what I was eating, and it was he who turned me on to MFP. If I count mine as a "success story" -- and I do -- then I owe him quite a lot.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My trainer taught me how to do compound lifts, which helped me save LBM as I lost. She didn't know anything about nutrition or calorie goals. I researched that all on my own. Eventually I moved on as she gave me a program that was all over the place. She was helpful, but she didn't lose the weight for me for sure. I went and researched everything she told me too to see if she was right.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited August 2015
    My trainer comes to my house, so not easy to dodge! She has all sorts of qualifications, but also offered a free first session to see if we were compatible - probably the most important part. She didn't give me a meal plan and I already knew what I needed to do to lose weight, but she weighs me once a week and had me keep a food diary at first to spot anything obvious. Small adjustments are what she advocates. Anyway, yes she helped keep me on track and getting fitter, but I'm the one who puts the food in my mouth.

    Thank you so much for posting, <3 I'm so glad it's working out for you. My favorite part of your reply is this:

    "Anyway, yes she helped keep me on track and getting fitter, but I'm the one who puts the food in my mouth."

    That is 50-75% of the least for me!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    I've been working with a trainer at a small privately owned gym/fitness studio for 14 months and have lost 99 pounds and more tha 50 inches. He's just itching for that last pound to show up on his scales. I go 2-3x per week with one session usually being a group circuit training class (5-10 people). He focuses on strength training with some cardio thrown in. Not just weights, but also resistance bands, bodyweight, med balls, TRX, etc. Lots of variety in the workouts. He is very good at nutrition and food log analysis. I actually kept a food log only for 2.5 months. I am very consistent in what I eat (lots of similar meals) and have the discipline to stay with my plan. Last month I logged for a week again and I was right on point with calories and macros, so back to no logging. Not everyone can do this, but it works for me. Good luck with your journey!

    You are a sheer unadulterated CHAMPION, period. W <3 W....99 pounds and 50 inches in 14 month?!???!??? That is nothing less than fabulous and you're looking gorgeous too. Thank you ever so much for posting, this is so inspirational and encouraging to me! Again....WOW <3
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited August 2015
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    As a PT myself, it's ALWAYS going to vary from person to person. I've had some that were consistent, and MANY not consistent who have lost 50lbs or more. I don't write nutrition plans, I only help them find a reasonable calorie deficit and leave it up to them on how to reach it. I may help with macro ratios.
    But again, it's going to be up to the person. We're not there 24/7 to instruct, guide, discipline, encourage, etc. At most it's an hour or so a couple of days a week.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Thanks so much for replying! I REALLY appreciate the advise of: " At most it's an hour or so a couple of days a week." That's terrific! Also I appreciate you mentioning helping with macros...for some odd reason, I can't understand/get the concept of macros. What I'm at is 30 carbs 30 protein and 40 fats. I just choose these numbers out of the blue, because the other macros thingy I had before my new trainer gave me a diet plan (it's 1600-1690 cals per day vs. the 1200-1250 range I've been at for the past few years--and I haven't seen ANY results really at all in the past few years either :| ), I choose those macros because my protein rate was super high with the new nutrition plan I'm on. Doing 30c 30p 40f has my protein just over 10, instead of 40+ in red. My fats and carbs eating this way and with the "macros" is always way in the green (30's and 40's) with me not coming close to meeting them. Anyway, as I said, Thanks so much! I'm going to talk to him about the macros when we meet next.

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    blb85 wrote: »
    I have been with one for a little over two months. I pay $200/month for 2 sessions a week. I like my 30 minute sessions with her since she does circuits that push me harder than I would push myself. So in terms of quality of workouts, its been awesome. However, I do wish she would be more personable and give me plans to do outside of our session, since I'm typically clueless what to do on the day before or after (don't want to overdo a muscle group). And I notice that the workouts she gives me will be the same to the rest of her clients the rest of the day, so she typically takes workouts she would do herself and gives them to her clients. So it's not actually personable to me. I know I should take my business elsewhere, but I like working-out in my gym in my office so this is why I stay...

    I say do research though, I know other trainors who have been very good at personalizing the sessions and making it work for you and your goals.

    Thanks so much for posting <3o:)<3 Here's an article for you or others that may be struggling to find a new trainer, because you really like your trainer, but things just aren't right. For the $$$$ we should get exactly what we want from our trainers...I had to learn that the hard way.

  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I started with a personal trainer and lost over 100 pounds. He worked with me on my nutrition and exercise. For the first year, I met with him once a week. For the first 6 months or so, we started the session with him looking at my diet and we tweaked it where needed. Then we would work out, he would give me a plan for the rest of the week to follow as far as exercise went. After a year or so, I went to every other week. 5, almost 6 years later, he is still a big part of my fitness plan, the goals have just changed somewhat. He moved to a different city but he still writes my workouts for me. I don't like to think about what to do when I go to the gym.

    It would all depend on the personal trainer you found, don't be afraid to try more than one. I was lucky and found an awesome trainer. I have spent a lot of money in the last 5-6 years on training, but it was all worth it to me.

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I started using a trainer 1 month ago and I am down 20 lbs but my muscle build I'd starting to show already. He showed me how to watch my macros and so for so good. I have him for 6 months. I'll let you know when it's over. HD has already got my forum to z science. Loving it

    <3<3B)<3<3 Super terrific job and thanks so much for posting!!!

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I'm using a trainer ATM. She also does my nutrition. I've been seeing her since end of November 2014 so it's coming up to about 7 months now. I have been steadily losing since I started seeing her. I get given "phases" every 6 weeks-ish where my diet and exercises change. When I first started I saw her a few times in a row (like 2x per week for 3 weeks) so she could show me how to use the equipment/weights etc to make sure I had good form. It is a heavily weight-based program. Once I got the stuff downpat I started seeing her the one time when it was time to change the diet/exercise and do my measurements/BF calculation etc. Because I would go a long time without seeing her I found that somewhere during the 4th-5th month I started to feel a bit demotivated because it didn't seem like weight was shifting so I forked out some more $$ to see her every 2-3 weeks instead of 6 weeks just to get in a hardcore workout. I think it helped because my last 2 months have been good. I only don't see her more often because she's quite expensive and I unfortunately cannot afford to see her once a week.

    I have spent a fair bit of $$ in the last 7 months but I am very happy with the results and how my body is starting to look. I've lost 6 kilos (profile says 4 because I don't know how to change starting weight...) but have put on a stack of muscles. I now look like I did before I got pregnant but want to keep at it to get to an even better shape :)

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    oh yeah - my actual session with her go for about 1.5 hours for AUD$100. meal + workout plan = AUD$200. And when I started I was doing it with a friend and we had completely different meal plans and workout plans specifically tailored to our body types and goals. So even things like for example, we both had to use the leg press - I started the leg press on 60kilos with the tempo being 3-1-1-1 (as in push fast and slowly drop back) - my friend was on 20kilos with a steady tempo of pushing and releasing.

    She is tall and thin and am shorter and fatter - I am way stronger too. So it was interesting to see that so much was different even when using the same equipment.

  • skinnyD2308
    skinnyD2308 Posts: 92 Member
    I have a wonderful personal trainer that I started with mid March this year and workout with him 3 times a week for 30 minute per session with an occasional 1 hour session. He told me to use MFP on our first session and has me journal all my meals and reviews them before each workout. I currently have lost 65 pounds since March but the bigger reward is I can walk again after being confined to an electric scooter for 7 years. My personal trainer is my coach, my cheerleader, my motivator and even more important has become a friend to this 64 year old lady who is making a huge lifestyle change.

    Seriously awesome! way to get help and put in the work. Goes to show your life can change at any time.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Yes I started 12 months ago , never done gym work. Got a PT, he is amazing . Didn't lose weight at first but inches. Did cardio for about 4 weeks with light free weights. After 4 weeks dropped cardio, did about 5 mins as a warm up and maybe 5 /10 mins on a quick circuit but not always . Did 45 mins out of a full hour of weights. Do mostly weights now with him as it's proven to burn more cals . I have now lost 4 stone 9 pound in 12 months.
    I see him 3 times a week to help me complete a 10k obstacle course
    I'm 55 yrs old bug feel 40

    W <3 W, what an inspirational and encouraging're fabulous, period.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    akboy58 wrote: »
    I've lost 80 lbs over 18 months, and while I bet my trainer would downplay his role in my weight loss, I think he was a major factor. I started seeing him fresh out of PT for a back injury, and as I got more into the exercise routine, he'd keep telling me -- always in a lowkey, professional, non-hectoring way -- "we could do so much more if you lost some weight." It was my trainer who persuaded me keep a log of what I was eating, and it was he who turned me on to MFP. If I count mine as a "success story" -- and I do -- then I owe him quite a lot.

    80lbs in 18 months is absolutely tremendous--way to GO!!!!! This is truly what good a personal trainer is--how wonderful you found such a winner of a personal trainer. Thank you so much for sharing this helpful reply.

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    My trainer taught me how to do compound lifts, which helped me save LBM as I lost. She didn't know anything about nutrition or calorie goals. I researched that all on my own. Eventually I moved on as she gave me a program that was all over the place. She was helpful, but she didn't lose the weight for me for sure. I went and researched everything she told me too to see if she was right.

    Ya know, this is so wise of you to know/say. We can't depend on a trainer, we must do our research and the actual work it's going to take to get this excess weight off and keep it off. Thanks so much for posting!

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Alidecker wrote: »
    I started with a personal trainer and lost over 100 pounds. He worked with me on my nutrition and exercise. For the first year, I met with him once a week. For the first 6 months or so, we started the session with him looking at my diet and we tweaked it where needed. Then we would work out, he would give me a plan for the rest of the week to follow as far as exercise went. After a year or so, I went to every other week. 5, almost 6 years later, he is still a big part of my fitness plan, the goals have just changed somewhat. He moved to a different city but he still writes my workouts for me. I don't like to think about what to do when I go to the gym.

    It would all depend on the personal trainer you found, don't be afraid to try more than one. I was lucky and found an awesome trainer. I have spent a lot of money in the last 5-6 years on training, but it was all worth it to me.

    <3<3o:)<3<3 WOW! Losing over 100lbs is so ROCK! Also, your personal trainer is exactly the type of trainer I want and I do believe I have found. This is such an encouraging/inspirational post--thank you EVER so much for replying!!!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,628 Member
    The people that FAIL with using a personal trainer are the one's who DON'T follow through and usually blame the trainer. Yes there are some bad trainers out there, but by in large, even the most novice ones can practically ensure your form is correct on the most basic exercises. Weight loss is more on the person's other 23 hours each day, not just the hour with the PT.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited August 2015
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    The people that FAIL with using a personal trainer are the one's who DON'T follow through and usually blame the trainer. Yes there are some bad trainers out there, but by in large, even the most novice ones can practically ensure your form is correct on the most basic exercises. Weight loss is more on the person's other 23 hours each day, not just the hour with the PT.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Deep and true! Thanks so much for posting this!!! o:)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    I've been working with a trainer at a small privately owned gym/fitness studio for 14 months and have lost 99 pounds and more tha 50 inches. He's just itching for that last pound to show up on his scales. I go 2-3x per week with one session usually being a group circuit training class (5-10 people). He focuses on strength training with some cardio thrown in. Not just weights, but also resistance bands, bodyweight, med balls, TRX, etc. Lots of variety in the workouts. He is very good at nutrition and food log analysis. I actually kept a food log only for 2.5 months. I am very consistent in what I eat (lots of similar meals) and have the discipline to stay with my plan. Last month I logged for a week again and I was right on point with calories and macros, so back to no logging. Not everyone can do this, but it works for me. Good luck with your journey!

    You are a sheer unadulterated CHAMPION, period. W <3 W....99 pounds and 50 inches in 14 month?!???!??? That is nothing less than fabulous and you're looking gorgeous too. Thank you ever so much for posting, this is so inspirational and encouraging to me! Again....WOW <3

    So sweet of you to say! I finally reached -101 on trainers scales. He is so thrilled and gave gift certif to a nice restaurant to celebrate! Keep it going!
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