Tips on making time to exercise with full time job and kids?



  • stephie007us
    stephie007us Posts: 4 Member
    It is pretty tough to try and fit everything in to one day sometimes...seems everyone has covered all bases here and I even picked up a few ideas for myself to try! So thanks everyone!
    I work 3 days a week 630-7 and theres no way im able to work out before work, but ive been trying to fit in a 30 min video on work days then going to our ymca on my off days!! Im about 2-3 weeks in and so far so good!!
  • pandapotlovebug
    pandapotlovebug Posts: 59 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Take them to the park and run with them. Win win.
    I try this on most Saturdays with the youngest and a dog!
    lalahunt wrote: »
    Workout videos at home?
    I have a treadmill and do some circuit or hiit. But it's hard to get up early enough to have enough time in the morning and after kids go to bed I'm mostly too tired!
    I'd love to do it in the morning. I have more energy then. If only if get to bed early enough. ....
    Just need to eliminate excuses and get motivated. Need to find a way tomake it a habit.

    I find that it happens much more often if it happens first thing in the morning. Your kids are old enough to get themselves ready in the morning (mine are 11 & 12 and can mostly get themselves ready). It's worked for me to get up an hour earlier than I need to and workout before they wake up. Then, I can shower before waking them up to get themselves ready while I get myself ready (I do lunches the night before). Yes, it's hard to drag yourself out of bed earlier, but it gets easier over time. Like Nike says "Just do it". lol As for getting to bed early enough, that generally comes after you've been getting up earlier for a while, you'll be tired earlier too. Good luck!

    I have tried setting 2 alarms. one at 5 a.m. and one at 6. I Figure if I cant make myself wake up at 5 I need the sleep, then I'll sleep till 6 and I work out at night but if I can wake up at 5 then I have enough time for the workout in the morning but if not, then, I have to make myself work out at night which gets me to sleep around 11 which makes it hard to wake up early in the morning... I read somewhere that if you have to choose between sleep and working out then you should choose sleep are you can you ask Art right or not but it is really hard for you to wake up at 5 in the morning.
    My kids should be able to get themselves ready but they needed to push them all the way. And tell them to wake up get out of the bed 20x lol. I definitely wish I could do the workouts in the morning because I will have more energy but I think we are not morning people.
    I hope I can change this.
  • BeeSting12
    BeeSting12 Posts: 6 Member
    Seeking morning walking buddy from 8am- 10am Monday-Friday
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have the same challenge. I work FT and I'm a FT grad student. Usually I work at 7a. Right away after work, I'm doing class work. It's an online class, so we don't physically attend... instead we have a lot of reading, research, and writing. I'll do that until 10p-11p (depending on how much I have to do that night).

    I have a membership to a 24 hour gym where I can go with an access card. This is the closest such place since I live in a rural area, but I drive 1 hr. round trip in good weather. But I find the same challenge with being able to get to the gym. If I'm going to work out for close to 1 hr., I need 2 hrs. to do that (1 hr. driving + 1 hr. workout). If I get my class work done around 10pm and then go to the gym, I won't be home until 12am. I don't do this because I'll just be exhausted.

    So I don't have any ideas for you except to join a 24 hr. gym.

    U would never commute an hour! I am finding ways to work out at home. Doing hiit videos and I have a treadmill.

    My worst problem is making it happen when I am tired because the day is full and I'd rather sleep or relax. I've been getting better at making myself do it after the kids go to bed. The scale is my motivation. Once I see the weight coming off after reducing my calories, I want to keep going!

    Just hope I keep going...

    I used to do it three times every week, but now I'm busier than I was. It just doesn't happen much anymore.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    This is an interesting question. The excuse most people give is they are too busy. But if you ask someone who has made time for exercise in their life, they never answer that, "oh, yes - I have plenty of free time that I was avle to add it, no problem."

    Pwople who exercise regularly have made it a priority and don't use an excuse.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    When you go to the bathroom try some exercise in there, when at work I jog for a minute in place OK maybe it's not a jog but lifting legs/knee up high, stretch to the side's, lean on the sink/with cabinet as not to break it off the wall, lol and I do my woman's push up that way. I don't want to be sweaty at work its just to get some movement. I know you are putting in a long day to get up an hour or more earlier is just to much. And after your evening routine your to tired. Maybe you can get your kids to walk with you for a half an hour. OK that might funny in it's self, there teenagers all they want is money and a phone. Good luck.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited August 2015
    This is an interesting question. The excuse most people give is they are too busy. But if you ask someone who has made time for exercise in their life, they never answer that, "oh, yes - I have plenty of free time that I was avle to add it, no problem."

    Pwople who exercise regularly have made it a priority and don't use an excuse.

    People who have time usually just do it and don't make the point that they have time.

    The exception: Early this year, I was really busy and I actually said things would be changing, so I would start working out in April when I had more free time. As expected, I had more time in April and I started going to the gym 3 times weekly. (GASP! I not only said it, but then did it too?! Not possible, right?!) This kept on for awhile, but then I became busier in July again and couldn't find time to make it to the gym anymore. (OMG, How can that be?!)

    You could keep assuming everyone is lying about how much time they have, but if you saw my schedule, you would realize I don't actually have an extra 2 hour block of time to get to the gym. (See my earlier post about why it takes 2 hours. Honestly, if I had an extra 2 hours, I'd get more than 4 hours of sleep rather than spend that time at the gym.)
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    This is an interesting question. The excuse most people give is they are too busy. But if you ask someone who has made time for exercise in their life, they never answer that, "oh, yes - I have plenty of free time that I was avle to add it, no problem."

    Pwople who exercise regularly have made it a priority and don't use an excuse.

    People who have time usually just do it and don't make the point that they have time.

    The exception: Early this year, I was really busy and I actually said things would be changing, so I would start working out in April when I had more free time. As expected, I had more time in April and I started going to the gym 3 times weekly. (GASP! I not only said it, but then did it too?! Not possible, right?!) This kept on for awhile, but then I became busier in July again and couldn't find time to make it to the gym anymore. (OMG, How can that be?!)

    You could keep assuming everyone is lying about how much time they have, but if you saw my schedule, you would realize I don't actually have an extra 2 hour block of time to get to the gym. (See my earlier post about why it takes 2 hours. Honestly, if I had an extra 2 hours, I'd get more than 4 hours of sleep rather than spend that time at the gym.)

    And that's the key. Everyone has 24 hours in their day, how they choose to spend those hours shows what their priorities are. Yes, sleep feels better and is also good for you, but 30 minutes or an hour less sleep isn't going to make that big of an impact, compared to the return on investment for your long term health for exercise. You don't need to go to the gym for two hours to exercise. Get up and run around the block or do a 10 minute YouTube video--it's better than nothing and it will help you get going and you will feel better for it. Of course, if exercise isn't your priority that's fine, too, but just own that it's a choice.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Take them to the park and run with them. Win win.
    I try this on most Saturdays with the youngest and a dog!
    lalahunt wrote: »
    Workout videos at home?
    I have a treadmill and do some circuit or hiit. But it's hard to get up early enough to have enough time in the morning and after kids go to bed I'm mostly too tired!
    I'd love to do it in the morning. I have more energy then. If only if get to bed early enough. ....
    Just need to eliminate excuses and get motivated. Need to find a way tomake it a habit.

    I find that it happens much more often if it happens first thing in the morning. Your kids are old enough to get themselves ready in the morning (mine are 11 & 12 and can mostly get themselves ready). It's worked for me to get up an hour earlier than I need to and workout before they wake up. Then, I can shower before waking them up to get themselves ready while I get myself ready (I do lunches the night before). Yes, it's hard to drag yourself out of bed earlier, but it gets easier over time. Like Nike says "Just do it". lol As for getting to bed early enough, that generally comes after you've been getting up earlier for a while, you'll be tired earlier too. Good luck!

    I have tried setting 2 alarms. one at 5 a.m. and one at 6. I Figure if I cant make myself wake up at 5 I need the sleep, then I'll sleep till 6 and I work out at night but if I can wake up at 5 then I have enough time for the workout in the morning but if not, then, I have to make myself work out at night which gets me to sleep around 11 which makes it hard to wake up early in the morning... I read somewhere that if you have to choose between sleep and working out then you should choose sleep are you can you ask Art right or not but it is really hard for you to wake up at 5 in the morning.
    My kids should be able to get themselves ready but they needed to push them all the way. And tell them to wake up get out of the bed 20x lol. I definitely wish I could do the workouts in the morning because I will have more energy but I think we are not morning people.
    I hope I can change this.

    I'm definitely not a morning person either! My naturally most productive time is between 11 pm and 2 am. But, unfortunately, our society isn't set up for us night folks and we have to work and do kids and stuff in the day. When I retire, I'm definitely not getting up at 5:30 to work out anymore! :wink:

    For me, because I'm not a morning person, I find I have to do some extra planning. That means I put my workout clothes out next to my bed the night before and when the alarm goes off (the first one, don't give yourself options or your sleepy body will ALWAYS choose to sleep in), I don't think about, I just swing around and pull my workout clothes on like a robot and then just make myself move. Once my shoes are on, I'm much less likely to crawl back into bed for "5 more minutes"! Also, if I don't have everything laid out, I find I wander around and waste time in the morning because I'm bleary headed. After my run, I'm much more awake and efficient with the rest of the morning routine. Planning ahead also helps with the kids. Yes, even though they're older, they still need lots of prodding and poking! But, I have them get their bags ready and lay out their clothes the night before, so it takes less effort in the morning all around.

    Overall, if you want to do it, then you can make it happen, but it's also okay if you don't want to. :smile:

    Good luck!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    This is an interesting question. The excuse most people give is they are too busy. But if you ask someone who has made time for exercise in their life, they never answer that, "oh, yes - I have plenty of free time that I was avle to add it, no problem."

    Pwople who exercise regularly have made it a priority and don't use an excuse.

    People who have time usually just do it and don't make the point that they have time.

    The exception: Early this year, I was really busy and I actually said things would be changing, so I would start working out in April when I had more free time. As expected, I had more time in April and I started going to the gym 3 times weekly. (GASP! I not only said it, but then did it too?! Not possible, right?!) This kept on for awhile, but then I became busier in July again and couldn't find time to make it to the gym anymore. (OMG, How can that be?!)

    You could keep assuming everyone is lying about how much time they have, but if you saw my schedule, you would realize I don't actually have an extra 2 hour block of time to get to the gym. (See my earlier post about why it takes 2 hours. Honestly, if I had an extra 2 hours, I'd get more than 4 hours of sleep rather than spend that time at the gym.)

    And that's the key. Everyone has 24 hours in their day, how they choose to spend those hours shows what their priorities are. Yes, sleep feels better and is also good for you, but 30 minutes or an hour less sleep isn't going to make that big of an impact, compared to the return on investment for your long term health for exercise. You don't need to go to the gym for two hours to exercise. Get up and run around the block or do a 10 minute YouTube video--it's better than nothing and it will help you get going and you will feel better for it. Of course, if exercise isn't your priority that's fine, too, but just own that it's a choice.

    It is a priority, but not the top priority. My priorities are, in order:
    Caring for pets
    Managing chronic illnesses

    As you can see, it is #7. As such, I don't have time. I don't have time because other items of higher priority take up too much of my day.
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    I'm an early riser too. I have a two year old and work full time so get up at 5:00 am Monday to Friday to do an hour or so workout before I have to wake the little monster up. It was hard at first but now its just my daily routine :)
  • pandapotlovebug
    pandapotlovebug Posts: 59 Member
    This is an interesting question. The excuse most people give is they are too busy. But if you ask someone who has made time for exercise in their life, they never answer that, "oh, yes - I have plenty of free time that I was avle to add it, no problem."

    Pwople who exercise regularly have made it a priority and don't use an excuse.
    I have come to realize this. So I guess what I've been trying to do is make it a priority and eliminate excuses. Trying to fit it into my day as a habit.
  • pandapotlovebug
    pandapotlovebug Posts: 59 Member
    I was trying to figure a way to get myself out of bed early and I started looking at the alarm apps and there's one called alarmy that won't turn off unless you take a picture of something. so, I have one set at 5 a.m. to take a picture of my bathroom sink and one set of 5:08 a.m. of the treadmill. And I just did a 45 minute workout! Now time to wake up the kids!
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I was trying to figure a way to get myself out of bed early and I started looking at the alarm apps and there's one called alarmy that won't turn off unless you take a picture of something. so, I have one set at 5 a.m. to take a picture of my bathroom sink and one set of 5:08 a.m. of the treadmill. And I just did a 45 minute workout! Now time to wake up the kids!

    That's awesome!!!! Way to go finding the method that works for you. Love it! :smile: