Dating after weight loss



  • Harleyb87
    Harleyb87 Posts: 279 Member
    In America its the preferred look to be on the thinner side and I honestly get a whole lot more attention when I am in very good shape but that doesn't mean that there is nobody out there that finds beauty in a bigger woman or man. I know that after I lost weight I had a couple of my guy friends tell me that they always thought I was gorgeous even at my biggest which to me was shocking because I felt that nobody in the world thought I was attractive at my biggest.
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    I am 57 and divorced. I'm also 50 lbs overweight. I have avoided dating or meeting men for fear of rejection. I feel much more confident and happier at a lower weight....I know this and yet I continue to self-sabatage myself. So I ask myself every day what is the real problem here?
    I actually respect the guys on dating sites who honestly say what they are looking for....slim, healthy, toned. It's the 58 yo men who want a 35-45 year old women only that make me!