
I'm 27 mother of two. I live in New York (albany) I've been gaining weight like crazy. I need to lose 80lbs to be at a healthy weight,but it's so hard. My weakness is sweets, & motivation. I'm trying to eat healthy, I'd love any help I can get, recipies replacement foods for sweets,soda,cookies,icecream,ext.thanks :)


  • garrew0005
    garrew0005 Posts: 2 Member
    Counting calories works for me every time. I've had a postal scale for years that I use to weigh things like sandwich meat or cheese and use measuring cups for portions such as cooked vegetables. It's the only way I can really see how much I'm eating and what foods I need to be careful with and plan for. Some days I end up with a calorie deficit at the end of the day so I get that beer or glass of wine with cheese (or that ice cream) as my reward, and still lose weight. Good luck.
  • MEHR0908
    MEHR0908 Posts: 108 Member
    Do you like bananas? They have a lot of sugar and carbs for a fruit but you can mash them up and freeze them as an ice cream replacement. (Try not to add sugar or anything but you can add a 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract per large mashed banana to help it not freeze too hard).

    If you like yogurt, try Danon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt (doesn't taste like regular greek yogurt).. only 80cals, only 8-9carbs (depending on the flavor), and is a great sweet tooth fix!

    Also, if you like portabella mushrooms, you can lightly brush them with olive oil and toast them in the oven as a bread replacement (burger buns, mini pizza crust, egg muffin, etc.)

    If you are a good baker/like to bake, look for almond flour (soy flour works too if you have a nut allergy but it doesnt taste as good) at your local store, you'll still need a little regular flour too but it can cut cookies (homemade) and other bread's calories and carbs in half and still taste amazing!

    I have a lot of specific recipes so if you are looking for something specific, feel free to ask about anything!

  • LoeyRox73
    LoeyRox73 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, definitely measure and weigh the food you are consuming. When you guesstimate how much you are eating you will most likely be taking in more calories than acccounted for. Which will cause weight gain. Replace sweet cravings with fresh fruits. I drink unsweetened tea instead of soda. Water consumption is a must. Try to take in a good amount of protein daily.
  • MEHR0908
    MEHR0908 Posts: 108 Member
    LoeyRox73, do you ever drink unsweetened iced green tea? I can't get enough of it! Replace coffee with it even.
  • LoeyRox73
    LoeyRox73 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes I drink unsweetened green tea. I still have my 1 to 2 cups of coffee in the morning ;)
  • emma2224
    emma2224 Posts: 3 Member
    I started slimfast yesterday its a 321 plan. x3 healthy snacks (100kcal max), x2 200 kcal meals (can be the milkshakes or meal bars) and x1 500 kcal evening meal. I also have 2 children so I find it easier to stick to because Its set out and I know where I am in the day with what I can eat and when. Its not for everyone but Im feeling positive. I hope it all goes well for you.
  • freeza12
    freeza12 Posts: 33 Member

    Check any basic protein powder nutritional information vs the slimfast nutritional information, then check the cost of each per serving. You may be surprised :D
  • MEHR0908
    MEHR0908 Posts: 108 Member
    I think I like food too much to do a meal replacement, but do whatever works for you!!!! If you feel positive about what you are doing, keep on sticking with it!!
  • LoeyRox73
    LoeyRox73 Posts: 13 Member
    I say what works for some people may not work for others. Each individual has to find what works. I would rather consume foods than slimfast products. I eat a lot of lean meats, veggies, some fruits, some dairy, and some grains. I drink whey protein shakes after weight lifting or a heavy cardio session. It's all trial and error. Take the advice that people give and figure out what works for you.