Ladies- Looking for active friends!



  • EvaMHenry
    EvaMHenry Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone from Pt. St. John, Florida area?
  • britc25
    britc25 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a active user! I'm a stay at home mom with 4 kids. I currently wight 188 I would like to be 125 my long term goal.My short term is at least ten pounds a month.Really looking for motivation and support.Also would love to help motivate others with the same issues to stay on track! I have issues with late night snacking and falling off the wagon and gaining everything back when I do loses wight.I really want to stay on track to set a good example for my children also be able to play and run with them with out feeling out of breath.So if you need a wight lost buddy tl share struggles with I'm your girl!
  • emmagrace0818
    emmagrace0818 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm trying to get over depression. I used to be very active, always doing something. Now I struggle to get motivation to do anything. Friends on here would be great!
  • juliebowling1
    juliebowling1 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a SAHM with 3 kids. I try to log everyday and could use buddies, too. I work out at the YMCA at least every other day. I started at 194 and have only lost a few pounds so far but each one counts, right? At 5'2 , 48 years old I plan to get down to 140.
  • lmj8472
    lmj8472 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm a bit on and off logging my stuff on here but I am way competitive and am in dire need of more Fitbit friends to race remotely. In order to keep me motivated.
    I've managed to shed around 6stone in the last 4 yrs but the last couple are hanging on for dear life and a little friendly competition would be welcome
  • lei82
    lei82 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm also on Fitbit
  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    Hello, you all can feel free to add me too - I'm 31, 5'6'' and have lost 20 so far with another 20 to go
  • Shawna0427
    Shawna0427 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm getting back active on here and need friends that are active as well! I have open diary and a Fitbit. Once yours arrives, you can request me on there as well.
  • runwithtoppa
    runwithtoppa Posts: 50 Member
    Mom to two, only 8lb to lose, but concentrating more on toning up, as I have no upper body strength, or decent core! Honestly, you should see me attempting push ups, I look pathetic, but I am persistent and adamant I will succeed!

    I am often pushed for time, so I decided to add jumping rope' into my day.
    I was cooking Sunday roast today, and while I was waiting on that I was jumping rope in the kitchen. Much to the kids and dogs amusement lol I don't care though... I could have just sat in front of the TV waiting for dinner to cook, but decided to be more efficient and multitask with what little spare time I have :)

    Diary is open to friends, add away.

  • FlippyW
    FlippyW Posts: 20 Member
    Nice to see so many lovely ladies on here. I'm 38 and a mum of 2 and work full time. I'm 5'2 and looking to lose 30lb initially. You can all feel free to add me too. :smile: