carb negative comments plz



  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Db8688 wrote: »
    Both Chris and Heidi Powell have websites that mention a lot about carb cycling. I'm preparing to start the Classic Carb Cycle regime on 8/24. (By preparing I mean shopping and putting together menus for the coming weeks.) My problem is determining the amounts of carbs proteins and fats to eat on different days. I've found a few cycling calculators online but I'm still feeling a bit uneasy about the information. I'm considering buying CP's book "Choose to Lose" but was wondering if anyone else had already purchased it and what their thoughts are.

    The book is essential. It explains everything you want or need to know. He breaks down a calorie food thing, exercises, etc.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Ive been doing it sine march. It works awesome! I do turbo. The macros are not really necessary to figure out just figure out what your body needs. I do 1200 to 1300 on lc days and 1400 to 1600 on hc days and 2100 free day. I dont count my grams for carbs but make sure they are lower carb on my hc days. Any questions feel free to ask!
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Keto Cycling is very effective. I use it whenever I want to appear more defined. But I've always found it to be a temporary fix. If you're pretty close to your bodyfat % goals, then I highly recommend. If you're simply trying to lose weight and are still far, I recommend you stick with traditional calorie deficits.

    I know this is more than you asked. I'm sure you could find the scientific answer if you googled so I'm assuming you're asking for opinions from people that have tried it.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Ive been doing it sine march. It works awesome! I do turbo. The macros are not really necessary to figure out just figure out what your body needs. I do 1200 to 1300 on lc days and 1400 to 1600 on hc days and 2100 free day. I dont count my grams for carbs but make sure they are lower carb on my hc days. Any questions feel free to ask!

    I don't understand how you can be carb cycling without tracking your carb macro. Could you explain further?
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Eh, it's not necessary, and for some it's hard to stick to. But you do what works for you.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Ive been doing it sine march. It works awesome! I do turbo. The macros are not really necessary to figure out just figure out what your body needs. I do 1200 to 1300 on lc days and 1400 to 1600 on hc days and 2100 free day. I dont count my grams for carbs but make sure they are lower carb on my hc days. Any questions feel free to ask!

    I don't understand how you can be carb cycling without tracking your carb macro. Could you explain further?

    I do chris powell choose more lose more. In his plan I do not have to count the macros. I will explain: on low carb days I am to eat 5 meals first meal includes 1 carb 1 protein 2 veggies. Then rest of meals are to be 1 protein and 2 veggies and 1 fat. Cals are 1200 to 1400

    on high carb days: all 5 are: 2 veggies, 1 carb, 1 protein, no fat (but I still have fats bc it works for my body better) cals are 1400 to 1600

    men would be 1600 to 1800 and 1800 to 2000 on free day I eat 2100 cal of anything I like. Men would be max 2400

    every 4th week is a slingshot week where you eat like a hc day every day (this is how I do it)

    Ok so for women 1 protein is 4 oz, half cup or whole cup depending on cals. Men eat 2 proteins

    1 carb is a half cup for women 1 cup men or 1 slice toast

    1 fat is 1 tbsp

    carbs are considered: whole meal bread or tortillas, brown rice, quinoa, beans, oats etc. It is encouraged not to eat process food or cereals. But try to eat whole meal whole wheat everything. I try to do low carb pitas tortillas etc. Fruit too.

    his measures are a fist a thumb a palm so this is what I came up to equating after much experience doing it.

    he says it is not necessary to count the carbs if you follow it this way. So I do not count fruit as a carb or vegetables (though some people strictly adhere to the food list) or dairy unless its too high in carb count like 15 or more grams.
  • brminor
    brminor Posts: 46 Member
    I have Chris's book. I think I'm going to reread it and give carb cycling a try again. I have 35lbs to lose and I always plateau after I drop the first 10. Maybe this will help me to not plateau.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited February 2016
    Ive been doing it sine march. It works awesome! I do turbo. The macros are not really necessary to figure out just figure out what your body needs. I do 1200 to 1300 on lc days and 1400 to 1600 on hc days and 2100 free day. I dont count my grams for carbs but make sure they are lower carb on my hc days. Any questions feel free to ask!

    I don't understand how you can be carb cycling without tracking your carb macro. Could you explain further?

    I do chris powell choose more lose more. In his plan I do not have to count the macros. I will explain: on low carb days I am to eat 5 meals first meal includes 1 carb 1 protein 2 veggies. Then rest of meals are to be 1 protein and 2 veggies and 1 fat. Cals are 1200 to 1400

    on high carb days: all 5 are: 2 veggies, 1 carb, 1 protein, no fat (but I still have fats bc it works for my body better) cals are 1400 to 1600

    men would be 1600 to 1800 and 1800 to 2000 on free day I eat 2100 cal of anything I like. Men would be max 2400

    every 4th week is a slingshot week where you eat like a hc day every day (this is how I do it)

    Ok so for women 1 protein is 4 oz, half cup or whole cup depending on cals. Men eat 2 proteins

    1 carb is a half cup for women 1 cup men or 1 slice toast

    1 fat is 1 tbsp

    carbs are considered: whole meal bread or tortillas, brown rice, quinoa, beans, oats etc. It is encouraged not to eat process food or cereals. But try to eat whole meal whole wheat everything. I try to do low carb pitas tortillas etc. Fruit too.

    his measures are a fist a thumb a palm so this is what I came up to equating after much experience doing it.

    he says it is not necessary to count the carbs if you follow it this way. So I do not count fruit as a carb or vegetables (though some people strictly adhere to the food list) or dairy unless its too high in carb count like 15 or more grams.

    So you're following a prescriptive plan that is vaguely carb counting without actually monitoring it

    But if you entered everything in MFP by weight you'd get your carb amounts and a summary report over any timescale

    Carb cycling is just a way of hitting your calorie defecit. If it keeps you on track to doing that then fair won't be of any specific benefit though...just make sure you hit your nutritional needs (carbs is not one of them)

    Carb cycling is effective for advanced athlete training ...this is then translated as an unproved benefit for the average man in the street...what it serves to do is add a point of differentiation to this diet plan oves others, but some need rigid formats in order to worry is always what happens once you let go of the rigid format ...does it leave with you with a natural way of eating that you can stick to for life?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Carb cycling is just a way of hitting your calorie defecit.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If it keeps you on track to doing that then fair enough
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    it won't be of any specific benefit though
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Carb cycling is effective for advanced athlete training
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    this is then translated as an unproved benefit for the average man in the street...what it serves to do is add a point of differentiation to this diet plan oves others, but some need rigid formats in order to worry is always what happens once you let go of the rigid format ...does it leave with you with a natural way of eating that you can stick to for life?
    This can not be stressed enough...