I'm not Sure How to Stop. Really Need Help with Binge Eating!



  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I had the same mentality and Cheez-its were usually the culprit. I haven't bought them in 2 years because they are something I cannot stop eating. I just dont buy or keep certain foods in the house.
    The one thing that helped me with the "all or nothing" mentality was to allow myself treats and stay within my calorie goal. This way I didn't feel like I blew it if I had a chocolate chip cookie, I just logged it and usually realized I could still save the day by being good for dinner.
    I find it easier to not buy foods than to resist what is in my cabinets, so I just dont buy it.
  • flosoup38
    flosoup38 Posts: 71 Member
    I've struggled with binge eating for years and I'm not out of the woods yet but I found that if I am on a restrictive diet where foods are considered bad and not allowed if I even have a small amount this can send me into a tailspin for days as I am a perfectionist and a black and white thinker. I think someone else mentioned this above. The key for me at the moment seems to be to allow myself whatever I really want (have to really want it though, so I give myself 5 minutes from the impulse til I take it). Then spend my calories on it. I've also found that on the days I go to fitness class I am much less likely to binge and more likely to eat healthily. Hope you find help. It is a very difficult thing to cope with/overcome. I use it to cope with every emotion I feel and boredom but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Hopefully I am now beginning to draw it and maybe you can too ☺️
  • bac0s
    bac0s Posts: 48 Member
    Therapy helped me a lot with binge eating disorder. I'm 4 months + binge free.