I am going to challenge myself everyday



  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I did the dumbbells I was sorta disappointed with not being able to log this exercise cause all they have is lateral,I tried goggling it so I could put it only to get disappointed they were talking about it depends on your weight that you weigh I did not understand it so I just did not log it.I took my horse out for a 30 minute walk besides doing several different arm exercises for trimming down my arms.Today's challenge I am going to do some leg exercises going to start getting my thunder thighs down.I hope everyone has a great day.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I wanted to let everyone know so far how my weight loss went for this week I lost 2 pounds and 3 inches,1 inch in my thighs,1 inch in my bust,and 1 inch in my waist so doing some cleaning must have really helped me even though I lost more inches then weight I feel so good,if anyone else would like to post there loss and challenges please do.I will do a post on September 8 th letting everyone know how I did over all for a month from when I started.I started August 10,I can not wait to see how much has come off of me.
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    My challenge for today is to drink 10 glasses of water (I seem to struggle getting my waters in) I joined a support group on pink pad started by a lady who has lost 150 lbs and she started a sept 1st support group with recipes, homemade detox's,exercises,etc so I have exercises to do today that were posted...firz0w6tyglx.jpg
    Posted those here
    And of course last but not least to stay under my calorie goal today!! Good luck everybody
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    My challenge for today is to drink 10 glasses of water (I seem to struggle getting my waters in) I joined a support group on pink pad started by a lady who has lost 150 lbs and she started a sept 1st support group with recipes, homemade detox's,exercises,etc so I have exercises to do today that were posted...firz0w6tyglx.jpg
    Posted those here
    And of course last but not least to stay under my calorie goal today!! Good luck everybody

    thank you for sharing
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I went to the doctor yesterday cause I have been bleeding heavy 2 weeks now.I told them my history I have anti nuclear antibodies,I was hoping to get the birth control shot that stops periods only to be told they could not do it cause my antibodies can cause me to get a stroke they also told me to lay off of doing too much till my bleeding stops.That said I am feeling defeated,they are trying to get me to better doctors LSU to find out what is going on if it is the change of life or other issues.I will keep people posted I am still going to do things I just have to slow it down for now.My challenge today is to come to grips with this news.That said I hope everyone has a good day.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Even though I know I am not suppose to do much I still picked up things in the living room and kitchen cleaned off the kitchen table vacuumed the living room it took 30 minutes resting here and there I am still sticking to my diet.I will not fail cause of this.
  • AliciaToniak
    AliciaToniak Posts: 25 Member
    My challenge for today is to do my exercises posted for Thursday in our September boot camp group on pink pady6xxz5ozkz90.jpg
    Posted them here again for those of you who want a workout idea for at home.
    Aswell my challenge is to stay under my calorie allowance again today (but eating lots of food) and last but not least my family is going on our last camp trip for the summer so my biggest and hardest challenge is to get the groceries bought and camper packed up while trying to parent my three children!!! Have a great day everybody!! Push your self to success!!
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    My challenge for today is to do my exercises posted for Thursday in our September boot camp group on pink pady6xxz5ozkz90.jpg
    Posted them here again for those of you who want a workout idea for at home.
    Aswell my challenge is to stay under my calorie allowance again today (but eating lots of food) and last but not least my family is going on our last camp trip for the summer so my biggest and hardest challenge is to get the groceries bought and camper packed up while trying to parent my three children!!! Have a great day everybody!! Push your self to success!!
    I want to thank you so much for posting these.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Even though I never posted till late I was quite busy today I took a 30 minute walk.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Even though I never posted till late I was quite busy today I took a 30 minute walk.

    Well done! You've been doing a great job, and I wish you good health. Glad to see you've had at least one rest day. Be good to yourself, and good luck!
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    That is great everyone if anyone want to add me feel free to do so.Today's challenge to me clean the fridge ready or not fridge here I come lol.I well let everyone if I did it.Mad dog you can do it just take each meal a calorie at a time I do not know if you can after you eat come on here and put what you eat?If you can but have not that might help this way you know how much you have left for every meal.If you can not get on here for every meal take a small note book and keep track on that.I am doing this to try to get myself to do the things I always say I am going to do and then put it off till tomorrow not to mention I will lose weight with the exercise.

    My challenge for the day is to go up and down the stairs 50 times both ways
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I did the dumbbells I was sorta disappointed with not being able to log this exercise cause all they have is lateral,I tried goggling it so I could put it only to get disappointed they were talking about it depends on your weight that you weigh I did not understand it so I just did not log it.I took my horse out for a 30 minute walk besides doing several different arm exercises for trimming down my arms.Today's challenge I am going to do some leg exercises going to start getting my thunder thighs down.I hope everyone has a great day.

    The weight just means how much the dumbbells are.

    Example: two 5 lb weights - you'd say 10 where the weight slot is
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    challenge for me today when I go shopping not to eat bad things while I am out.
  • timeforwork
    timeforwork Posts: 114 Member
    I try and deep clean 1 room per week although I only have a small house so its not as bad as it could be! iv never thought of it as exersize before but im also tried after some rooms ! if you run out of house to clean your welcome to help me :) im enjoying reading about your challenges and it inspires me to push myself more, keep up the good work x
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I went shopping not once but twice to Walmart Does anyone feel my pain lol?The second time my hubby wanted to go and get a couple of things,he asked me do you feel like eating at subway I said I guess so if you want to.Anyway's we went to subway and since I ate a sandwich this morning I was not going to have bread again a second time,so I ate there turkey salad they asked us if we wanted the meal my hubby said yes which you get a cookie or chips we opted for chips.I got the baked one's they had the least cals,my hubby ate his foot long sandwich and his chips,he looked at me and asked are you not gonna eat your chips?To which I said I am still eating my salad I asked if he was still hungry he said a little so I said you can have my chips he saved me 120cals for a later time lol.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Todays challenge I am going to clean my kitchen floor organize some things.I hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I did a whole lot today including the kitchen now I am a sore and tired person.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I am doing some Straightening out and organizing.
  • cherrie1969
    cherrie1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I did some straightening up and a little organizing not too much I was a little sore.I hope everyone had a good weekend and will have a safe and good labor day.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    I went to the doctor yesterday cause I have been bleeding heavy 2 weeks now.

    Have you been sent for an ultrasound to check for polyps?

    I spent a year bleeding heavily ... figured it was just normal perimenopause, but finally got frustrated enough with it that I went to my Dr. She had an ultrasound appointment scheduled the next week ... 2 weeks later I was speaking to a gynaecologist ... and 2 weeks later I was in surgery having a large polyp removed.

    The size of it and the rate of growth had them concerned ... they ran tests, and while there is no cancer right now, the cells show a predisposition toward developing cancer, and I need to go for follow-up ultrasound every 6 months for a while.

    Evidently these polyps are relatively common among perimenopausal women.

    Given your age and the bleeding, I'd revisit the Dr if I were you, and insist on getting checked for polyps. The ultrasound is a little bit invasive, but it will tell you one way or the other.

    Oh, and I can't take anything with hormones (birth control, hormone replacement therapy, etc) because they cause me to clot. So in a way I was relieved they found that polyp. Since it has been removed, things have returned to normal again and I can exercise more freely again.