Lunch time is ruining it, need some ideas.

The first thing is plan is dinner and then breakfast is usually low calorie because breakfast doesn't bother me but I lose it at lunchtimes.

I can never think of anything nice to have that doesn't involve eating 500 calories! I really need some ideas of what to have.

I like hot food rather than cold
It needs to be quick to prepare as I end up with about 20 minutes to reheat and eat at work. Cooking in advance I can do the night before.
I try to stay away from bread and pasta as they give me stomach ache after a couple of days.
I do try to make it so that I have at least 1 f/v portion.
I don't mind a salad but they bore me.

Please help :).


  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    I like to mostly ear raw food ( thus cold) but when I go for hot, light lunch I'd suggest : oven baked fish ( low fat one line not salmon but white trout etc),frekeh, lentils ( dhal or some sort of cooked lentils), baked eggplant, boiled/baked with some baked veggies, salad of course but you said you prefer warm food ... . Aaa... lean beef with lentils or something from above and above all I think if you wanna be under 500 and have something warm is mostly soups/light curries that u can go for. Hope it helps :) and good luck. Ahh... one question why do u need to stay under 500 ? If u go for light dinner u can go over a little 500 at lunch right ? ( I don t know your calories nr but I suppose is over 1200 ) ... . Cheers,
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    How about this? Make a little extra for dinner the night before, then put aside a half portion for lunch the next day. Throw in an extra serving of vegetables and you're set.
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    edited August 2015
    3 egg frittata with 1 tbsp of oil, and dark leafy greens/veggies/fungi of your choice. Grate some tasty cheese of your choice in it.
    Eat it with some fresh salsa on the side.
    Easy to make, tasty, varied and a pleasure to eat. You can literally make a trillion variations of it.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited August 2015
    I like hot food for lunches and don't like going over 350. I make Turkey and black bean chilli, chicken broccoli and brown rice bake, chicken and vegetable soup, chicken enchilada soup, ham and veg soup, turkey and lentil curry... all my own recipes and all under 350 cals. If any of these appeal to you, let me know and I'll post the recipe. Here's the chicken bake one:
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    If you are looking for convenience, keep Indian "pouch" food (tasty Bite or trader joes) and pre cooked rice pouches in your desk. A few minutes at the microwave gives you a tasty, filling 300 calorie lunch
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Another vote for leftovers from dinner, but just a smaller portion. Sometimes there is only leftover meat so I will put that on a sandwich wrap (about 300 calories if I use a high fiber 90 calorie wrap, generous handful of leafy greens and dress it with vinaigrette, mustard or hot sauce). Or, I will add the meat and some frozen greens to a can of low cal soup or beans.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Yep leftovers. I had Spanish chicken last night. Had about three tablespoons left over so put it in a tub and had it over a jacket potato (baked in oven before work then finished in microwave). Yummy and filling.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    MysticalT wrote: »
    The first thing is plan is dinner and then breakfast is usually low calorie because breakfast doesn't bother me but I lose it at lunchtimes.

    I can never think of anything nice to have that doesn't involve eating 500 calories! I really need some ideas of what to have.

    I like hot food rather than cold
    It needs to be quick to prepare as I end up with about 20 minutes to reheat and eat at work. Cooking in advance I can do the night before.
    I try to stay away from bread and pasta as they give me stomach ache after a couple of days.
    I do try to make it so that I have at least 1 f/v portion.
    I don't mind a salad but they bore me.

    Please help :).

    Soup. Make a big pot. Portion it out for the week. Easy to reheat.
    Lentil soup is filling without being a lot of calories.
    I pack my dh's lunch every day. He often has dinner leftovers. I pack it while I am putting away the food after dinner.
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Just trowing this out there (my personal experience): I never ate breakfast, but gave it a try on MFP. I try to eat a 300-500 cal, protein-loaded hot breakfast on week days and it keeps me full through the day. I eat fruit/veggies at work, and don't get hungry till I get home. So my suggestion is reconstructing your macros distribution in meals.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Your comments that "breakfast is usually low calorie" and you "lose it at lunchtimes" make me wonder if your breakfast is substantial enough.
  • MysticalT
    MysticalT Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you for all the ideas, there isn't usually anything left over at dinner but Maybe making a little more and taking it to work could work.

    Breakfast is low because I can't eat first thing in a morning, that's just me it makes me feel sick so I don't eat until break which is around 10:30. This is going to be hard when I go back as they've cut break from 25 minutes to 15 minutes so the porridge I usually make is out as I won't have time.

    I am going to start taking some Greek yoghurt and carrot sticks, cucumber sticks to keep me going as it's quick and easy.

    I do try to make light dinners but I don't make a separate meal for myself we all have the same thing so if it's too light they complain lol. I do some swops, they'll have chips and I will have jacket potato or I will have less of the main part and more of the vegetables if possible.

    I may start looking at making soup etc at the weekend so I have something for the week.

    Thank you for all the replies, they really have helped :)
  • SenditToSarah
    SenditToSarah Posts: 49 Member
    rockmama72 wrote: »
    How about this? Make a little extra for dinner the night before, then put aside a half portion for lunch the next day. Throw in an extra serving of vegetables and you're set.

    I do this a lot. Curries are great for this--they are often easy to make and, poured over rice in a tupperware container, are easy to reheat and SUPER satisfying.

    Wal-Mart (yeah, I know) carries Michelina's Lean Gourmet microwaveable meals. They are made of real food--no unpronouncable ingredients here--and they are CHEAP. Throw a side dish in your lunch box and you're set.

  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    I cook in bulk for my lunches, usually 2-3 days at a time. Vegetable soups, eggwhite and vegetable frittatas with vegies on the side, leftovers, curries and salads. Salads don't have to be boring, I make an effort to keep mine interesting - roast vegetables, different proteins, avocado etc.