Eating 3500-4000 carlories a day



  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend animal products because those aren't healthy & are going to totally mess up your insides and could cause discomfort especially if you're trying to reach 3500-4000 calories and that would require eating lots of yogurt for example and that just.. no, doesn't seem pleasant.
    so anyways, try
    rice, cereal's like pine nuts, granola, nuts and nut butters, seeds, avocado, bread with seeds//oats, dates ( super high calorie )

    This is just silly nonsense!! I would load up on proteins like lean beef, lamb, chicken, turkey as well as great carbs like potatoes and avocados, nuts, etc. Keep your fats at about 30% of overall calorie count.

    Happy eating!!

    It's not nonsense? Sorry that I'm even talking about veganism.
    I'm just saying, it's possible to gain weight, become healthy and save animals all at the same time. If you had to gain weight wouldn't you rather do both then selfishly gain weight on products like cheese ( pls tell me how loading your stomach and liver full of pus, fat, lard and fatty meat is " right " & going to make someone healthily gain weight but eating vegan is nonsense? I'm just stating facts. milk has over 10,000 pus cells in one 8 oz serving. healthy? k. )

    you do know that not eating meat doesn't actually save animals right?

    secondly- animal products do not mess you up. And they aren't unhealthy.

    If you want to bulk without animal products- ice cream yourself into the biggest surplus you need to get the gains you want, but to blatantly lie- is just absurd. And will not be tolerated.

    the best case scenario involves creating a demand for alternative products, and lessening the demand for animal products.

    And on a personal note-

    I find the fearmongering about animal products really destructive. My son (on the autism spectrum) eats a ton of dairy. As do many children with sensory disorders, cheese/milk tends to be a staple food for them.

    He cant do dairy substitutes, (taste/texture/smell)... and I really dont like hearing that I am feeding my child basically poison 3x a day.

  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Thank you psulemon for your reply.
  • sharhealth
    sharhealth Posts: 20 Member
    I'm eating 3000 calories right now - I could eat around 3500 by just adding in a few higher calorie beverages and spreads, etc.,
    Check out my diary if you wish
  • bubblegirl57
    bubblegirl57 Posts: 14 Member
    I have to try to eat between 3500 and 4000 calories a day, as a can't gain any weight eating less, but I'm struggling to get to this calorie intake. Wondering if anyone had any idea of food to eat that is high in calories and easy to do and be able to take for lunch in work? Thanks in advance for any help.

    Peanut butter! :) May i please know what's your current heigh and weight and what's your target weight gain weekly?

    My height is 5'8 my current weight is 52kg, but need to get to up to about 55kg
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited August 2015
    I wouldn't recommend animal products because those aren't healthy & are going to totally mess up your insides and could cause discomfort especially if you're trying to reach 3500-4000 calories and that would require eating lots of yogurt for example and that just.. no, doesn't seem pleasant.
    so anyways, try
    rice, cereal's like pine nuts, granola, nuts and nut butters, seeds, avocado, bread with seeds//oats, dates ( super high calorie )

    This is just silly nonsense!! I would load up on proteins like lean beef, lamb, chicken, turkey as well as great carbs like potatoes and avocados, nuts, etc. Keep your fats at about 30% of overall calorie count.

    Happy eating!!

    It's not nonsense? Sorry that I'm even talking about veganism.
    I'm just saying, it's possible to gain weight, become healthy and save animals all at the same time. If you had to gain weight wouldn't you rather do both then selfishly gain weight on products like cheese ( pls tell me how loading your stomach and liver full of pus, fat, lard and fatty meat is " right " & going to make someone healthily gain weight but eating vegan is nonsense? I'm just stating facts. milk has over 10,000 pus cells in one 8 oz serving. healthy? k. )

    You're 18. I give you 3 months before you change your mind and focus on some other interest.

    Nothing wrong with being vegan, but there is problem with being a preachy. It's equally as irritating as people trying to pass their religious beliefs off onto others when they haven't asked for it.
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