what are your workouts like? (No gym)



  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    bezlooney wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    2) How long do you do it for?
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    4) How many days a week?
    5) What time do you do it?
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Thank you and good luck :)

    1. Running on the tredmill, bodyrock workouts, blenderfitness,benderfitness,christin salus hiits.
    2. 400-500 but this depends on your weight, age...
    3. 7 days a week
    4. 5:30am
    5. No

    Heyy!! :) I run (actually brisk walk 3.5 mph lol ) on the treadmill too.How long do you run on treadmill for? I don't get past 30 mins lol. I will lookup the benderfitness and christin hiits :) Thank you for sharing.

  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I exercise 35-45 minutes 5-6 days a week at home. I have a freestanding punching bag that I use, a stationary bike, some dumbbells, and I walk. I alternate workouts and usually burn 250-300 calories depending on what I do. I usually eat back half of my workout calories. On weekdays I exercise at 6:30am and weekends whenever I feel like it. I also wear a pedometer and try to get in at least 8-10,000 steps a day.
  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    2) How long do you do it for?
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    4) How many days a week?
    5) What time do you do it?
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Thank you and good luck :)

    a) stretches, 20-30 minutes + calisthenics ~ 40 mins, daily. No idea re cals burned, do not log. Done in morning ~1 hr after waking

    b) cardio machines (stationary bike, treadmill, elliptical), or walking outside, prob every other day or so, 40-60 mins, done either after stretches + calisthenics or later in the day. Cal burn = 200-300, according to machines or websites (not MFP), yes log this. I eat back my calories, yup. Good luck to you as well :)

    I just looked up calisthenics because the name sounds like some cute dance kind of workout. :D But dayum there was a guy doing push ups on metal bars and ladders. *_* kudos to you for having such great strength and stamina. :) it is on whole another level. *_*
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    1)What do you do?
    I either go to the park at 5:30 am and power walk 6 miles or I stay in and pop in a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home video. I golf once or twice a week and on those days by walking and pulling my clubs I burn about 900 calories.
    2) How long do you do it for?
    6 Miles takes me about 100 minutes on average to complete.
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    On average about 300 calories when walking 6 miles. If I am doing a Walk at Home video (considered low impact aerobics) I burn about 300 calories in 70 minutes,
    4) How many days a week?
    6 days at least. I am trying to learn to take a rest day.
    5) What time do you do it?
    Before sunrise daily. I get up at 4:30 am and drink two cups of coffee and then I get going.
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Not usually....if there is a holiday or birthday forth coming I have all the calories I need banked in order to be able to enjoy the festivities and not worry about gaining weight. I come from a large family so we celebrate quite often.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I do belong to a gym which is at my local community center. So it's not the kind of gym filled with people who are already fit and trim. I mean, we do have some of those but then it's just a bunch of regular folks -- old, young, men, women. However, the darn place has been closed for THREE WEEKS, first to set up for our county fair, and then to do maintenance and upkeep. It totally makes sense for them to do that right after the fair when they have all the equipment moved out, etc. But still annoying.

    So anyway, it's just too dang hot for me to want to do any walking. I have looked at some videos on youtube but sigh... so boring and I hate them. But then it occurred to me, why am I thinking that I have to do those movements along with music and the person who's leading. So now I've been putting on on-demand episodes of various TV shows that I've wanted to watch but just never got around to it. At the moment I'm working my way through a season of Hell's Kitchen. The show is divided up into segments -- first shorter challenge, winning team goes on reward while losing team slaves away back in the kitchen, prep for the main challenge, then the main challenge. With commercial breaks in there. So I start and do some high step type movements until the first challenge is done. Then I move into some fast side-by-side lunge things like they do in aerobics classes. Then I do some sort-of dance hop things. I move my arms up and down also which gets the heart rate going.

    By dividing it up according to what part of the show they're on it makes it so much more doable. I'm always pleasantly surprised at how fast the time has gone. I can't actually make it all the way through an entire episode, not yet. But that's my goal.

    So that's been my solution while the gym is closed and it's too hot to walk outside. The gym re-opened today though, but I'm thinking I'm going to keep my Hell's Kitchen Workout even when I do go to the gym. It will just be some extra movement.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I swim and dance in the water with 3 lb weights..

    I dance with 3 lb weights.. Dance without them.

    Dance while cleaning house..

    Basically every time I turn on music outside of the car, I dance..

    I do a lot of stretching and yoga while playing video games on my ds, or my phone or just watching tv.

    I live yard work! Only on cloudy days tho

    I take my son to the park and do great body weight workouts on the swings!

    I play tennis by myself on this concrete wall!

    I use my stairs to do a workout.. To music of course!

    Basically I don't sit down from 8:30 to noon if I can help it

    I have an audio recording of an old Richard Simmons video I know by heart.. Sometimes I do that still.. I did that for like a year streight!

    Any opportunity I get to help someone or do something active, I take!!!

    Every active thing I do, is building stamina for tomorrow.. Each day I can do more and more.. So every day I try to do as much as I can!!!

    And that's how I think
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    2) How long do you do it for?
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    4) How many days a week?
    5) What time do you do it?
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Thank you and good luck :)

    a) stretches, 20-30 minutes + calisthenics ~ 40 mins, daily. No idea re cals burned, do not log. Done in morning ~1 hr after waking

    b) cardio machines (stationary bike, treadmill, elliptical), or walking outside, prob every other day or so, 40-60 mins, done either after stretches + calisthenics or later in the day. Cal burn = 200-300, according to machines or websites (not MFP), yes log this. I eat back my calories, yup. Good luck to you as well :)

    I just looked up calisthenics because the name sounds like some cute dance kind of workout. :D But dayum there was a guy doing push ups on metal bars and ladders. *_* kudos to you for having such great strength and stamina. :) it is on whole another level. *_*

    That's kinda like me
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    Mixture of elliptical, bicycling and body-weight exercises
    1. I accept the number Precor says although I sometimes wonder .. typically 525 Cal
    2. Bicycling I set as 5 minutes per mile -- typically 45 - 90 minutes
    3. Body weight exercises I set as 50 Cal for every 7 minutes. This seems about right if I go by the time before I start to sweat and correlate the same with the Precor.
  • ericGold15
    ericGold15 Posts: 318 Member
    ^^ I forgot - swimming. I plug in the time and accept what MFP says.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    2) How long do you do it for?
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    4) How many days a week?
    5) What time do you do it?
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Thank you and good luck :)

    a) stretches, 20-30 minutes + calisthenics ~ 40 mins, daily. No idea re cals burned, do not log. Done in morning ~1 hr after waking

    b) cardio machines (stationary bike, treadmill, elliptical), or walking outside, prob every other day or so, 40-60 mins, done either after stretches + calisthenics or later in the day. Cal burn = 200-300, according to machines or websites (not MFP), yes log this. I eat back my calories, yup. Good luck to you as well :)

    I just looked up calisthenics because the name sounds like some cute dance kind of workout. :D But dayum there was a guy doing push ups on metal bars and ladders. *_* kudos to you for having such great strength and stamina. :) it is on whole another level. *_*

    whoa yeah that is not what i'm doing right now, lol. i'm just talking bodyweight squats and lunges, like you probably have done in gym class.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    2) How long do you do it for?
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    4) How many days a week?
    5) What time do you do it?
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Thank you and good luck :)

    1) I walk, hike, climb stairs, and cycle ... mostly. I also do a few extra things like spending an hour trying out sea kayaking for the first time a couple months ago, and snowshoeing one afternoon about a month ago.

    2) Depends. Anywhere from maybe 15 or 20 min to several hours.

    3) Walking burns about 200 cal/hour. Cycling burns 100 cal per 5 km. Climbing stairs burns 30 cal for 5 flights.

    4) Every day. But not everything every day. One day I might just go for a short walk. Another day I might climb 25 flights of stairs and go for a longer, brisk walk. Another day I might cycle for 3 hours.

    5) All day. I walk as part of my commute. I climb a set of 5 flights of stairs when I get up to use the toilet. I go for a walk at lunch. I ride my bicycle inside on the trainer after work or in the afternoon on a weekend. Whenever I can fit it in.

    6) About half.

  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do? Another Fitness Blender person here. I've invested in some of their calendar programs and am loving it. I completed the 4 week low impact program and in 2 weeks will start the 8 week fat burning program. I do cardio, weights (I have dumbbells), pilates, yoga, walking, kickboxing and whatever else catches my fancy. I also have a good amount of DVD's I've collected including some beachbody programs, Leslie Sansone walking DVDs, various types of yoga. I pop those in sometimes.

    2) How long do you do it for? At least 30 minutes 6 days a week, but it varies and sometimes I go for an hour depending on which work out I'm doing.

    3) Hoe many calories does it burn? Typically about 200-300 but sometimes as much as 400, that's really rare for me.

    4) How many days a week? 6-7 days a week, the seventh day is always recovery and something very light.

    5) What time do you do it? Morning but school is starting and I sub, so soon it will be after school on work days.

    6) Do you eat back your workout calories? If I'm hungry I do.
    Thank you and good luck :)

  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    2) How long do you do it for?
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn?
    4) How many days a week?
    5) What time do you do it?
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    Thank you and good luck :)

    1. fast paced walk
    2. 45 min - 1hr
    3. roughly 250 - 300
    4. usually 4 days a week
    5. night 7pm or 8pm
    6. usually half, sometimes all
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do?
    A. I do aerobics in the form of workout dvds on youtube, my elliptical and stay active at my job which is a cleaning company.
    2) How long do you do it for?
    A. Anywhere from 60-90 minutes, I don't track my exercise from work, just the steps from my fitbit.
    3) How many calories does it burn?
    A. depends on the intensitiy, I wear a polar ft4 and burn on average 500-700 calories depending on the length of workout and how hard I push myself.
    4) How many days a week?
    A. 5x a week
    5) What time do you do it?
    A, anywhere from 10am to 5pm just depends, I like to do it at different times.
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories?
    A. yes I usually make sure I stay at or around a net of 1440 calories per day.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    i do body combat 4-5 times a week, burns about 400 calories for 50 minutes, i bloody love love love it!
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    1)What do you do? Strong Lifts 5x5, walks (2-3 miles), Ultimate Frisbee (spring-fall), and Skiing (winter).
    2) How long do you do it for? I lift 3x per week, and it typically takes me an hour or so with warmup and cool down. I typically walk for an hour a few times/week, it really depends on the weather. Ultimate is every wednesday, weather permitting, and typically goes for ~2 hours. Skiing is also every wednesday, weather permitting, and typically goes for 4 hours.
    3) How many calories does it burn? Varies, anywhere from 200 to 1500 calories according to whatever database you want to choose.
    4) How many days a week? See above
    5) What time do you do it? Typically in the evening, anytime between 5 and 9PM
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories? Sometimes. Sometimes I eat all of them, sometimes I eat none of them. My overall average is pretty low (maybe eat back 25% of them).
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    Another vote for Fitness Blender here. I've been doing their workouts about 4-5 days a week (just bought a 4-week program yesterday). I also walk as much as possible and run when I can.

    I usually burn an extra 400 - 1000 calories per day depending on how much I do. I eat back most of my exercise calories. I have a fitbit and feel it's reliable.
  • wintersyve
    wintersyve Posts: 29 Member
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Please share details about your workouts.
    1)What do you do? Gardening, housework but mainly daily walks. Try to do no less than 7k steps a day. Started on 3 mile walk
    2) How long do you do it for? An hour walk
    3) Hoe many calories does it burn? About 200ish?
    4) How many days a week? 5-7
    5) What time do you do it? Evening mon-fri. Weekends first thing in the morning
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories? Sometimes
    Thank you and good luck :)

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    1)What do you do? run, yoga, aerial yoga, walk
    2) How long do you do it for? running 30-60 min, yoga 30min, aerial yoga 30-120min, walking 15-30min
    3) How many calories does it burn? varies
    4) How many days a week? I walk every day. running about every other day, aerial 2 or 3 times a week, regular yoga here and there
    5) What time do you do it? running in the morning, yoga morning. walking morning and afternoon-dog. aerial in the evening
    6) Do you eat back your workout calories? I try to eat half. but I've been hungry lately so closer to 75 percent

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I mostly ride my bike...

    I lift in the gym, but if I didn't have a gym I would do body weight work a few days per week. You Are Your Own Gym is a pretty good resource for that, as is Convict Conditioning.