What are YOUR goals?!



  • Erinsmiles2015
    Erinsmiles2015 Posts: 37 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'd like to be 150 at holiday time(maybe sooner!) and 130 by my year mark..which is May 2016! I can do it! Oh and I'd like to keep my exercise routine up!
  • wjdcampbell
    wjdcampbell Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is to get healthy and be active like I was in my teens and 20s. I'm 52 and have lived my life for my kids who are now 24, 22 and 17 - and let myself go in the process (sound familiar?) I started this journey at the advice of my 17 yr old daughter. She begs me to get healthy. My oldest son has been begging me for years. On top of that, I had blood work done last week and was told I was pre-diabetic and I've had high blood pressure for about 10 years, with my "normal" reading around 160/90 (and that's while taking 2 different pills/day). And my mother had her first heart attack at 44 and passed away at 54, when another massive heart attack took her life. She was only about 10-15 lbs. overweight.

    So, after being tired of dieting, tired of trying, tired of telling myself "I'll start next week", and downright tired of being tired, I started my journey on August 18. My nurse practitioner told me to get some sort of exercise for 30 minutes each day, cut back on carbs and sugar (how in the WORLD am I going to do that, I thought) and have more blood work done in 3 months to see how I'm doing or else I would have to get on diabetic meds. The thought of that woke me up.

    I started at 220 pounds (something only my doctor's office knows because I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone) and so far after 10 days, I'm down to 213 using My Fitness Pal. How in the world have I lost 7 lbs. that quickly? I've done it by looking at all the calories, fat, carbs and sugar I'm putting in my body and by using this ap religiously...I record every little nibble, every condiment, every everything. I also try to drink 8 glasses of water per day.

    I've learned there are no more short cuts that will get me to where I want to be. I have to WANT this more than anything and I've finally realized I'm the only one who can do this. I owe it to my wonderful husband who encourages me (I was a size 5 and weighed 105 soaking wet when we met). I owe it to my kids, who beg me to get healthy so I can see their children grow up and be a part of their lives. But most of all, I owe it to myself. I think about a plaque that hung on my aunt's kitchen wall that read. "I worked for it, I owe it to myself and no one is going to deprive me of it". This is how I'm approaching this life I have. It's all I have left.

    Sorry for the length of this, but I felt the need to "get it out" and hopefully in the process light a spark for someone else. Thanks for listening! ;)