Taboo subject



  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I just lost 3.5 pounds in one day which you may say is unhealthy but the other side of that is that in four days prior to that I gained ten pounds by eating and drinking large amounts of beer. So, I guess I am all around unhealthy. Just having some fun with this and it was a really fun time. I do think long term excessive calorie deficit is bad for over all health and could even be dangerous. No one needs to be in a hurry here, we didn't gain it all overnight and surely don't want to lose it that fast either.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I just lost 3.5 pounds in one day which you may say is unhealthy but the other side of that is that in four days prior to that I gained ten pounds by eating and drinking large amounts of beer. So, I guess I am all around unhealthy. Just having some fun with this and it was a really fun time. I do think long term excessive calorie deficit is bad for over all health and could even be dangerous. No one needs to be in a hurry here, we didn't gain it all overnight and surely don't want to lose it that fast either.

    I think what you're describing is water weight changes related to dietary choices the previous day. You'd have to eat ~35,000 calories over your maintance in one day to pack on 10 pounds overnight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    This isn't taboo. It gets discussed all the time. ALL the time. If the thread was closed, then it was probably closed because a number of people flagged it as supporting very low calorie diets or extreme weight loss. You can talk about moderate dieting all you want. But if the people on the Facebook page want to disagree with things you say or the way you say them, then that's something you may have to just deal with, just like in real life. There is no flagging feature in Facebook and I have no idea how or whether discussions are moderated there.

    nope, the discussion got closed because one poster got out of hand and started insulting a bunch of other posters. It's a little ridiculous. She should have been warned had her posts removed, and the thread put back up so that we could have continued. There's a lot of value in a thread like that. Value is lost when one person can't control him or herself and derails a thread with personal attacks.

    I didn't see the thread in question (link me?) but agree that punishing the many for the actions of the few is unjust.

    That's twice in a few days I've agreed with you so we're on to something :smiley:
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    MFP will be releasing their new member driven anti-wrongflag initiative with the next version. Members will have the exciting ability to hunt flags which do not meet the "Abuse Criteria" and flag them for moderator review. 17 WrongFlag flags and the offending flag will be hidden from sight pending moderator review.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    It was closed because it descended into name calling / insults from what I could see.

    The actual subject matter was fine for discussion it appears (rightly so in my opinion.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited August 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    I agree that there should be much more education about the proper way to use the flag system.
  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you everyone, I am sure none of us would want to discourage others or call names, we are all on a healthy journey together. I will look at the thread again and see if I can see a post from the moderators explaining the closure, of course I understand name calling is not allowed
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    joolieb1 wrote: »
    I will look at the thread again and see if I can see a post from the moderators explaining the closure, of course I understand name calling is not allowed

    I've checked the thread through My Notifications and the last post shows the reasons for it being closed - insults and thread hi-jacking.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Would you please post a link to the thread here?
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member

    @joolieb1 see Adam's post on - the thread was locked for attacks and hijacking, not the subject matter.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I think this is a matter of "Don't try this at home, kids". The potential deadly side-effects of VLCD's make me leery. I'd only do it under doctor's supervision and I don't mean "supervision" as being sent home with a don't list. I mean a 24-7 hot line number to your dietitian, used for a very short period of time, and not being left alone in case you fall down.

    Since MFP is built on self-help, it can't be seen to promoting or even allowing hints on how a VLCD might be accomplished. There are lurkers who are actively starving themselves are looking for ways to further reduce their calories without dying.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    MFP will be releasing their new member driven anti-wrongflag initiative with the next version. Members will have the exciting ability to hunt flags which do not meet the "Abuse Criteria" and flag them for moderator review. 17 WrongFlag flags and the offending flag will be hidden from sight pending moderator review.

    :smiley: That made me laugh!
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    MFP will be releasing their new member driven anti-wrongflag initiative with the next version. Members will have the exciting ability to hunt flags which do not meet the "Abuse Criteria" and flag them for moderator review. 17 WrongFlag flags and the offending flag will be hidden from sight pending moderator review.

    We need to be able to block users as in most other forums.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    MFP will be releasing their new member driven anti-wrongflag initiative with the next version. Members will have the exciting ability to hunt flags which do not meet the "Abuse Criteria" and flag them for moderator review. 17 WrongFlag flags and the offending flag will be hidden from sight pending moderator review.

    :smiley: That made me laugh!

    Just doin' mah job!

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    MFP will be releasing their new member driven anti-wrongflag initiative with the next version. Members will have the exciting ability to hunt flags which do not meet the "Abuse Criteria" and flag them for moderator review. 17 WrongFlag flags and the offending flag will be hidden from sight pending moderator review.

    We need to be able to block users as in most other forums.

    But then I won't have any friends!
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    This isn't taboo. It gets discussed all the time. ALL the time. If the thread was closed, then it was probably closed because a number of people flagged it as supporting very low calorie diets or extreme weight loss. You can talk about moderate dieting all you want. But if the people on the Facebook page want to disagree with things you say or the way you say them, then that's something you may have to just deal with, just like in real life. There is no flagging feature in Facebook and I have no idea how or whether discussions are moderated there.

    nope, the discussion got closed because one poster got out of hand and started insulting a bunch of other posters. It's a little ridiculous. She should have been warned had her posts removed, and the thread put back up so that we could have continued. There's a lot of value in a thread like that. Value is lost when one person can't control him or herself and derails a thread with personal attacks.

    Ah. Still, the thread wasn't closed because someone came down in favor of moderate dieting, which was how I interpreted the OP's view of it. As often as extreme dieting and quick weight loss are panned on this forum, I'm sure there have been/will be plenty of unclosed threads to follow up on.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    I don't think it's a taboo subject at all. I think the thread probably got closed because people couldn't have a civilized discussion about it. It's a shame, IMO. I know that once upon a time I wanted to lose as much weight as soon as possible and didn't really care what people said about healthy or unhealthy. I was pretty desperate. I did lose the weight. I was pretty smug about it too, actually. However, then I spent some time really reflecting and learning a lot about what healthy, sustainable weight loss is and why it is important. I do think that people sharing their experiences is important because it might just be the thing that someone needs to hear. Now when I listen and take advice....I do it from those whose experience and success I want to mirror. I discount the advice from those whom I do not.

    I also think there could be a way to highlight what the ToS rules are in a way that is more user friendly to the average poster. I see people flagging post under Abuse all the time that definitely don't meet the criteria for Abuse, but the flags are just left there and there doesn't seem to be a lot of education around it. But alas....not my circus, not my monkeys.

    MFP will be releasing their new member driven anti-wrongflag initiative with the next version. Members will have the exciting ability to hunt flags which do not meet the "Abuse Criteria" and flag them for moderator review. 17 WrongFlag flags and the offending flag will be hidden from sight pending moderator review.

    We need to be able to block users as in most other forums.

    But then I won't have any friends!

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Best Doc Holliday ever.
This discussion has been closed.