How to schedule workouts with a work schedule?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I work 4 jobs- and I train 3-4 times a week- and I train as a professional dancer.

    you ONLY work 9-5. There are literally 128 other hours in a 7 day week you have to get up off your duff and workout. How is this POSSIBLY a question.
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I work 9-6 M-F. I recently started working with a running coach. He has me running five days a week. During the workweek, I run Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, running a minimum of 6 miles and a maximum of 10 miles. I get up at 5am (4am for the 10 milers). I could do them after work BUT.... if I get them done early, there are no excuses, they are done. Also, after a long day at work, it's really nice NOT to have to do them then. I have learned to really LOVE sleeping in on Mondays and Fridays!! B)
  • hartmamp
    hartmamp Posts: 80 Member
    I'm jealous you don't start work until 9. I'd love to get my workouts done in the morning but I am not getting up before 6 am to do it.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Did OP ever even come back?
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Put some music on. Change into your gym clothes and bat out a 10-minute circuit or jog. That may give you the energy to continue. After you get in this mindset you can switch up your program. Do it everyday for 30 days and it may become habit. Commit to a 30-day blast. The couch is a deal-breaker.
  • whiteblossom14
    whiteblossom14 Posts: 240 Member
    So i just got a job at an inbound call center it's a large environment where it's fast pace. I will be sitting at a desk taking calls from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and possibly working on the weekends. How do i schedule workout's in? I do Body beast and P90x and have been self-employed for the last 18 months but how do i schedule them? Because i know the last thing i will want to do when i get home is look at my workout set and workout for 45 minutes. Any advice?
    I get up at 5 am so I can work out for half hour eat and daughter fed and sorted before I go to work at 730. Then do the same at night easy to fit around work
    Just get up early
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    hartmamp wrote: »
    I'm jealous you don't start work until 9. I'd love to get my workouts done in the morning but I am not getting up before 6 am to do it.

    I lift after work- but I won't run after work- and since I'm now training for a half- yeah- I get up at 530 to run. I don't get up at 530 to ANYTHING but go pee. okay- maybe go pee or have sex. yeah- that's about it.

    certainly not to run. But I only had to get caught once sleeping in and had to run at 5 PM in the heat of the day... never again- as much as I hate 530 AM- I hate running at 5 PM in the heat. So I'll take AM.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    hartmamp wrote: »
    I'm jealous you don't start work until 9. I'd love to get my workouts done in the morning but I am not getting up before 6 am to do it.

    I lift after work- but I won't run after work- and since I'm now training for a half- yeah- I get up at 530 to run. I don't get up at 530 to ANYTHING but go pee. okay- maybe go pee or have sex. yeah- that's about it.

    certainly not to run. But I only had to get caught once sleeping in and had to run at 5 PM in the heat of the day... never again- as much as I hate 530 AM- I hate running at 5 PM in the heat. So I'll take AM.


    I've woken up at 4:30am to go jogging. Much better than doing it later with this heat.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Dude, 9-5 is literally the easiest schedule to work around.

    My day.
    10:30pm in bed
    4:30am wake up
    5:00am-6:30am work out
    7-7:30 get ready for work
    8-5 work
    dinner at 6:30-7pm
    7-10pm studying
    10:30pm sleep

    if you want it bad enough, you can figure out a way to do, especially if you do not have anyone else to take care of at this time.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I do Pure Barre 6AM in the morning 5 days a week (M-F) and get to work by 7:30 (20 minutes to change/style hair). Right after work M W F I do crossfit down the road at 5. (Off at 4). Works great for me! It's all about consistency and get it done as close to your work hours as possible so you can just transition home and relax. I also found group classes more motivating and packing everything the night before. I also do not order food out but always make breakfast/lunch the night before and pack my gym clothes. You'll get into a routine. I'm up at 5:15AM that way when normally I was up at 5:30AM & having to do all the packing, ect that morning. I also prefer to workout indoors to avoid the crappy weather. On the weekends I do more unique things like hiking out of town or running in the foothills once a week.