non supportive people



  • williamsmommy0823
    williamsmommy0823 Posts: 21 Member
    I weight all my food my anger is people on here saying I need to eat more than 1200 calories . why eat more if I'm full
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I weight all my food my anger is people on here saying I need to eat more than 1200 calories . why eat more if I'm full

    People are not telling you this to anger you. They are people who just know better, probably went through the exact same process as you, eating too few calories and all, then ended up regretting it.

    You could eat more even if you're full in order to lose less muscle mass as you lose weight. Too much muscle loss may do you a disservice in more than one way: you might end up skinny-fat at your goal weight which I doubt is the look you are going for, and you might start burning less than you would have if your lost less muscle, causing weight maintenance to be harder. Not to mention it's hard to get most of your nutrients at such a low calorie target which could cause unpleasant things like more hair loss than usual or other ailments. It could also mess with your hormones affecting many aspects including hunger, possibly causing you to have days where you can't stop eating.

    Now if you really don't feel like eating it's okay to eat low a day or two or even 3. Heck, it's okay to eat low for a week or two, but keep in mind that there is another option which may help you stay on track. Keep a record of all of the calories you did not eat (example: your target is 1600 and you ate 1200, that's 400 calories for the budget), and when a day comes when you have a strong desire to eat something too high in calories, have a food event, or simply extra hungry, you could use those "budgeted" calories without guilt, eating the thing you are craving or enjoying your event without stressing too much about food.
  • leebirm
    leebirm Posts: 95 Member
    I normally get the opposite from my family, if I tell them I have started exercising again then I get comments from my mom like 'oohhh you'll be wasiting away before we know it'' or 'it won't be long before your clothes stop fitting you' etc etc

    she means well but I find it pretty patronising, if I just got a 'good for you, it can't harm you at all to try and get rid of a bit of weight' then that would be fine but it feels like she is talking to me as if I was a child.

    I'm just planning on not saying anything to anyone this time.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    Dont be angry at the people on here who 1200 is too few calories - they are correct. Some of us have been here years and alot of us have done what you are doing now. Ive eaten at 1200 calories and I can do it for a couple of weeks until i get so hungry that i have a binge day, thats why people saying eat more daily to avoid the binge.

    No-one is trying to anger you, they are just trying to impart wisdom. You are only on day 2 and if your not hungry at 1200 then great, but i have no doubt, that you will up your calories within the month.

    Also listen to people when they say use a food scale rather than cups/tbspns - there is a phenomonal difference! And once you get used to logging, be sure to log everything that goes in your mouth.

    Remember, people ARE here to support you, but we wont all agree with everything you say.

    Good luck on your journey, i truly hope you are succesful!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited August 2015
    I weight all my food my anger is people on here saying I need to eat more than 1200 calories . why eat more if I'm full

    Because I did the same thing you did when I first started out. I was a 5'10" male weighing 237 pounds and I was eating 1300 calories a day without eating back my exercise calories. I did that for 6 months and lost 50 pounds. I knew nothing about nutrition, exercise, and wellness. I then immediately gained 30 pounds back when I fell off the wagon, because eating like that is completely unsustainable and, if you don't learn to properly manage your calories, you'll most likely end up in the same boat.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    My nutrionist said she would worry if I were only eating 1200 calories daily.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Please do work on eating your minimum daily. It prevents unwanted side-effects. This is a daily occurrence here on MFP and people want you to lose weight safely.

    THAT BEING SAID, you are swiftly finding out that EVERYONE thinks it's fine to give you advice on what to eat, giving you their favourite bit of "researched" advice. They are projecting their own hangups about food on you. Smile, nod, and ignore them. Controlling food intake is a lonely road and you are the one ultimately responsible. Move forward with confidence in your choices, because none of them have to live in your body. I said nothing about my weight loss enterprise to anyone except my husband for the first six months, and I am three years along the road so far. I continue to smile and nod, thanking them when people compliment me on my obvious weight loss, but few ask me how I did it.

    People are funny.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I assume you meant everyone irl and not on MFP?
  • 199orBUST
    199orBUST Posts: 47 Member
    I like the one that says "You can pick your friends, can't pick your family"

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Not to be rude, but you probably need to eat more than 1200 calories even if you don't feel hungry. Undereating is a bad habit. It's not worth posting in this forum if you don't want people's opinions or help.
  • enkiemonkey
    enkiemonkey Posts: 82 Member
    I would say for now stick to this forum for support. This is a safe place to share your journey. Sorry to hear your family and loved ones aren't as supportive as they can be. Keep your chin up!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I've had family that were worried about me as I lost weight, but it was simply because another family member used to have an eating disorder and they were cautious. I took it in the vein it was meant.
  • williamsmommy0823
    williamsmommy0823 Posts: 21 Member
    No not one bit of anger towards people on here . but my family who says I am waisint my time . and that cutting calories is stupid and I'm only starving my self that's all that I was trying to say ! How can family be for hurful and tell me not do what I'm doing its never gonna work. Again if people would read what I post its only day 3 I'm just starting out. Today I ate 1540 calories ! And yesterday it was 1200 at 7pm I still ate fruit and veggies for a snack !! All I wanted out of all of this was to ask how people handle non supportive people in life not to talk about my calories and all that . I'm on a good track so far day one 1200 day 2 1450 day 3 1540 . ain't that ok ??
  • williamsmommy0823
    williamsmommy0823 Posts: 21 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    I assume you meant everyone irl and not on MFP?
    . Yes I mean real life . not here how can I be angry with people trying to help

  • williamsmommy0823
    williamsmommy0823 Posts: 21 Member
    Not to be rude, but you probably need to eat more than 1200 calories even if you don't feel hungry. Undereating is a bad habit. It's not worth posting in this forum if you don't want people's opinions or help.
    I was only asking about how to handle non supportive people never about anything else .
  • williamsmommy0823
    williamsmommy0823 Posts: 21 Member
    Dont be angry at the people on here who 1200 is too few calories - they are correct. Some of us have been here years and alot of us have done what you are doing now. Ive eaten at 1200 calories and I can do it for a couple of weeks until i get so hungry that i have a binge day, thats why people saying eat more daily to avoid the binge.

    No-one is trying to anger you, they are just trying to impart wisdom. You are only on day 2 and if your not hungry at 1200 then great, but i have no doubt, that you will up your calories within the month.

    Also listen to people when they say use a food scale rather than cups/tbspns - there is a phenomonal difference! And once you get used to logging, be sure to log everything that goes in your mouth.

    Remember, people ARE here to support you, but we wont all agree with everything you say.

    Good luck on your journey, i truly hope you are succesful!
    I didn't mean here I mentt just my family ! Thanks tho :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If this counts, when I first started I had no support at all. Some kept saying I won't be able to do it. It only made me want to push on even more. About a year later I was noticeably thinner, and my family started to actually ask me for advice on stuff, how many calories are in this, how do you make this fit... etc. I never got actual support from them (as in actively trying to encourage me), and I don't need it. They just leave me alone to my ways and are happy with my achievements. If you base your dieting on support you will be disappointed because once it's gone or tapered off you will have a hard time. Even those who have support don't have it 24/7.

    Just do what you need to do and treat their bad comments like noise. When the time comes and you're at your goal weight while those who complained have regained they will not be able to say anything. Fad diets tend to fade off. Soon something else will catch their attention and you won't be hearing them whine about carbs.
  • honeybunch656
    honeybunch656 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey love I'm new and if you want add me .we sure do all need support its not easy at times.