I've always got at least a 1000 calories left a day!

hi wanted to know if it's normal not to use all your calories up every day. I always have at least 1000 calories left a day & this is all new to me calorie counting.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Not normal to me, your lucky if I don't go over the 1720 I'm allowed.

    What is your calorie target and what are you eating?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    How do you calculate this?
    What is your weight, height and age?
    How many calories are you supposed to be eating?
    How many do you believe you are eating?
    Do you use a food scale to count calories?
    Do you add exercise calories, and if yes, how do you count these?
  • haraldxedge
    haraldxedge Posts: 14 Member
    Have you lost weight? Are you underestimating how many calories you're eating?
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you have that many calories left it is likely that one or more of the following are occurring:

    - You are severely under-eating
    - Your are over-estimating exercise calorie burns
    - Your calorie logging is not accurate
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    are you weighing your food?
    1000 seems a lot to be under. You probably need to eat more.
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks

    so your target is 1924 and your only eating 924. thats afar too low. 1200 is the minimum you should eat.

    If your logging is accurate eat more, alot more.

  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks
    Also I don't go to the gym so haven't been logging exercise, I'm trying to deal with the way I eat first cos it needs to be something I stick to for the rest of my life & then I will start exercise if I set my challenge to high then I will give up.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    2lb is a great loss, well done :)

    Try to eat 1200 as a minimum or you risk losing some lean muscle mass rather than body fat. A medium banana will give you around 110 calories and a hard boiled egg will give you around 70, it will also add in some protein and nutrients.
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    are you weighing your food?
    1000 seems a lot to be under. You probably need to eat more.
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks

    so your target is 1924 and your only eating 924. thats afar too low. 1200 is the minimum you should eat.

    If your logging is accurate eat more, alot more.

    Thanks for the helpful advice, I didn't know I need to have at least 1200 calories will push for that now, all new to me.
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    2lb is a great loss, well done :)

    Try to eat 1200 as a minimum or you risk losing some lean muscle mass rather than body fat. A medium banana will give you around 110 calories and a hard boiled egg will give you around 70, it will also add in some protein and nutrients.
    Thanks so much!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks

    Aim for something between 1200-1500 at least, eating this little is not sustainable on the long run, and definitely not healthy!
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited August 2015
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks

    so your target is 1924 and your only eating 924. thats afar too low. 1200 is the minimum you should eat.

    If your logging is accurate eat more, alot more.

    I don't understand.

    You ate enough to get to this weight, yet you can't eat nearly as much???
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    And just to add - well done for starting your weight loss journey but you must eat enough to feed your body with the essential nutrients it needs. That is why people say a minimum of 1200 for females, below that it's not possible to get what you need. So as well as losing lean body mass (ie muscle as well as fat) your hair, teeth, nails etc will be affected.
    Also as you are 'only' day 12, at the moment your low calories seem sustainable but I think as time goes by you'll find it very difficult to stay so low so then it becomes unsustainable. Far better to lose slowly than fail, eh? Good luck x
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    What is your height, current weight, and what did you set your rate of weight loss to? ~1900 is pretty high for a female trying to lose.

    Regardless, yes, eating 900 cals is too little, no matter what your goal ends up being.

    You should read the stickied "helpful posts" posts at the top of the getting started forum. You will find good info in there.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited August 2015
    We can't see your diary, but I would have to say that you're not logging your food accurately if you think you're eating only 900 or so calories a day.

    I started my weight loss journey with about the same amount to lose as you do. I know I didn't get there by only eating 900 calories a day, and neither did you. Clearly you are capable of eating more than that. (Not trying to be mean. I've been there. It's just the truth).

    Do you weigh all of your foods on a food scale?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Do you weigh everything with scales? Opening your diary might help?
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Not only eat at least 1200 but it would be wise to eat closer to your goal calories because a) losing weight fast causes gallstones and b) you will experience a backlash sooner or later and become ravenous and c) eating really low like this will lead to slowing metabolism which makes it harder to lose more weight and d) you could end up somewhat malnourished and this will also make it harder to lose weight and likely cause you to want to eat more.

    I believe (and have found it to be the case) it is easier and better to eat at a smaller calorie deficit and reduce your goal calories from time to time rather than eat so few all the time. What i mean is if you can lose weight eating 1900 calories a day, do it. Do it until you stop losing and then cut down again.

    It is not hard to eat 1900 calories. Just add more healthy fat such as cook with more olive oil, add some seeds or nuts to your salads and vegies. Eat a piece of cheese. Drink some full cream milk. All these things have valuable nutrition that will benefit your health. Don't eat low fat dairy. Eat some avocado. Enjoy it while you can because as you get skinnier and your daily calories get cut right back, you won't have so much freedom.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you have that many calories left it is likely that one or more of the following are occurring:

    - You are severely under-eating
    - Your are over-estimating exercise calorie burns
    - Your calorie logging is not accurate

    This +1

    Are you weighing and logging all your food? Recording doesnt always mean weighing. If you open your diary people can tell.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    What is your height, current weight, and what did you set your rate of weight loss to? ~1900 is pretty high for a female trying to lose.

    Regardless, yes, eating 900 cals is too little, no matter what your goal ends up being.

    You should read the stickied "helpful posts" posts at the top of the getting started forum. You will find good info in there.

    I have the same questions, and also agree with everyone that 900 is clearly too low.

    If you are losing 2 lb/week that suggests a 1000 deficit from maintenance, although it may be too soon to say, so it might be helpful to open your diary/have someone look at your logging.

    You said your goal is to find a sustainable way to eat and I think that's a good plan, but you won't at 900. When I started I was eating too low too (I tend to go overboard so was cutting back too much on various foods, especially carbs and fat). I was fine at the beginning, but I am glad I figured out I needed to get my calories up and pushed them up to 1250, as that allowed me to create a much more satisfying way to eat and I didn't crash from lack of calories or from eventually being dissatisfied with my diet. (I eat much more now, though, since I'm a lot more active and close to goal.)