I've always got at least a 1000 calories left a day!



  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    If I'm just eating and logging and food is readily available (doesn't have to be prepared, so snacks), I typically go to 2200-3000 calories (or essentially current maintenance or a little more).

    If I'm aiming for a goal (like when I'm trying to lose weight) I sometimes find it hard to hit my calories, as I worked so hard to stay under my goal that if things get messed up I may be short a few hundred calories wondering what to eat. But this isn't a daily occurrence.

    Never 1000 calories under, as then I'd be starving scrounging around for something to eat. There may have been a single day like that, but only because I played Ultimate and there was nothing in the house when I got home.

    I agree with the previous posters, you are either over-restricting (and it will catch up to you), or you are logging incorrectly. If your goal is set (in MFP) to lose 2lb/week and it says 1900 calories, then eat 1900 calories, not 1200. 1900 does sound high, unless you are very tall, so I'd double check your MFP goal settings.
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I'm also having my thyroid tested on Friday!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm also having my thyroid tested on Friday!

    But are you logging properly?
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I'm also having my thyroid tested on Friday!

    But are you logging properly?

    Yes I do log & weigh my food, I don't tend to snack & I used to have cakes, fizzy drinks etc, but since stopping these the cravings have gone.
  • SaffronSunrise
    SaffronSunrise Posts: 182 Member
    I go through times when it's hard to eat enough, then a few days later I could eat a sofa kitchen. Peanut butter is a good way to up your calories. I'll sometimes have protein powder in water at night. It tops me off and is a bit of a sweet treat for me. You could mix it with milk if you wanted something a little richer.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you opened your diary people could see more and help you more with your query. its not normal to have that amount left > what Karenjanine posted above. You dont seem interested in taking on that advice.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.

    Thanks that sounds correct & it's only suggested a lose a 1lb a week so I will up that! I've had a look at the beginning when I first started & I was eating around 1400 calories when I first started, but recently for last week I haven't been hungry just constantly tired hence going doctors on Friday. Since I have started I no longer crave sugar so that's good! I will check my details are correct that I've entered, thanks for the helpful advice, plus I have tried on one of the days to have a peanut butter sandwich, which then went over my fat intake & that was at lunch. I want this to be my new life forward. So it's trial an error.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.

    Thanks that sounds correct & it's only suggested a lose a 1lb a week so I will up that! I've had a look at the beginning when I first started & I was eating around 1400 calories when I first started, but recently for last week I haven't been hungry just constantly tired hence going doctors on Friday. Since I have started I no longer crave sugar so that's good! I will check my details are correct that I've entered, thanks for the helpful advice, plus I have tried on one of the days to have a peanut butter sandwich, which then went over my fat intake & that was at lunch. I want this to be my new life forward. So it's trial an error.

    you don't have to completely cut out anything sweet from your diet in order to have a healthy lifestyle. its all about moderation. if you're under your calories and have a good range of nutrients, a bit of cake won't do any harm.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.

    Thanks that sounds correct & it's only suggested a lose a 1lb a week so I will up that! I've had a look at the beginning when I first started & I was eating around 1400 calories when I first started, but recently for last week I haven't been hungry just constantly tired hence going doctors on Friday. Since I have started I no longer crave sugar so that's good! I will check my details are correct that I've entered, thanks for the helpful advice, plus I have tried on one of the days to have a peanut butter sandwich, which then went over my fat intake & that was at lunch. I want this to be my new life forward. So it's trial an error.

    Did I miss where you mentioned your activity level? Depending on what it is and whether or not you are going to log your exercise in the future, 1900 may be perfectly appropriate.
  • lauraxx2015xx
    lauraxx2015xx Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.

    I've just changed my goal to start losing 2lb a week & now the calories have changed to 1410 a day, so with the calories consumed today I have 853 left. So you're definitely correct the goal was to low.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on these numbers and you saying you are not exercising, it sounds like your math is wrong. 1900ish is what you need to maintain your current weight, not lose, so this is most certainly not your goal for weight loss. Something like 1400-1500 sounds more reasonable, although down to 1200-1300 would be ok too probably.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.

    Thanks that sounds correct & it's only suggested a lose a 1lb a week so I will up that! I've had a look at the beginning when I first started & I was eating around 1400 calories when I first started, but recently for last week I haven't been hungry just constantly tired hence going doctors on Friday. Since I have started I no longer crave sugar so that's good! I will check my details are correct that I've entered, thanks for the helpful advice, plus I have tried on one of the days to have a peanut butter sandwich, which then went over my fat intake & that was at lunch. I want this to be my new life forward. So it's trial an error.

    Good news! You don't have to worry about being in the red for fat. That is a goal, not an allowance like your calorie budget :)

    ps - you're constantly tired because you're not eating enough.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks

    so your target is 1924 and your only eating 924. thats afar too low. 1200 is the minimum you should eat.

    If your logging is accurate eat more, alot more.

    I don't understand.

    You ate enough to get to this weight, yet you can't eat nearly as much???

    When one radically changes how they eat, odd things can happen to the appetite.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited August 2015
    Merkavar wrote: »
    are you weighing your food?
    1000 seems a lot to be under. You probably need to eat more.
    Merkavar wrote: »
    I'm on day 12 I have 1,924 calories I'm meant to use, I've been following recipes off line & weighing everything, I lost 2lb last week. My target is to loose 84 lb. I've recorded everything that passes my lips. Thanks

    so your target is 1924 and your only eating 924. thats afar too low. 1200 is the minimum you should eat.

    If your logging is accurate eat more, alot more.

    Thanks for the helpful advice, I didn't know I need to have at least 1200 calories will push for that now, all new to me.

    How are your macros (protein and fat especially)? When some people first start a diet they shy away from fats (I was guilty of this). If you are eating fat free (versions) of foods....stop. Healthy sources of fat are nuts, nut butters, eggs, cheese, avocado. Add a serving of these here and there, and your calories will come up.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    So, in the beginning, I had this issue. I didn't know what was "right" and what was "wrong" to eat. So I went with low calorie foods and small portions. I just logged what I ate and then started adjusting to what I should be eating.

    This process isn't one where you just jump up and nail it perfectly. This is a learning process.

    Now, I know what I eat, I get to my target, and sometimes have trouble staying under. Still learning!

    Keep going. Preplan your day if you need to. Log before you eat. And make sure you weigh and measure everything!

    Good luck!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you have that many calories left it is likely that one or more of the following are occurring:

    - You are severely under-eating
    - Your are over-estimating exercise calorie burns
    - Your calorie logging is not accurate

    ^^ this
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited August 2015
    jemhh wrote: »
    I am 5ft 5 & weigh 15st 10lb

    Based on this, 1900 seems too high and is more in line with a 0.25lb/week loss which is too slow for you (well, that is subjective, if you want to go that slow go right ahead, but I wouldn't). I would go back into your MFP settings and make sure your current weight is set correctly, activity level is set to lightly active, and set your goal weight loss to 1.5lb/week. That should spit out a goal around 1450-1550 calories/day. That is a sustainable level that you should be able to keep to. Get as close to your goal every day as possible. If you go under one day, then it is ok to go over another. In 6-8 weeks compare your progress to your expected progress and adjust as necessary. You may want to update your MFP goals as you will probably be down ~10lb.

    Thanks that sounds correct & it's only suggested a lose a 1lb a week so I will up that! I've had a look at the beginning when I first started & I was eating around 1400 calories when I first started, but recently for last week I haven't been hungry just constantly tired hence going doctors on Friday. Since I have started I no longer crave sugar so that's good! I will check my details are correct that I've entered, thanks for the helpful advice, plus I have tried on one of the days to have a peanut butter sandwich, which then went over my fat intake & that was at lunch. I want this to be my new life forward. So it's trial an error.

    Did I miss where you mentioned your activity level? Depending on what it is and whether or not you are going to log your exercise in the future, 1900 may be perfectly appropriate.

    I used what we call an educated guess. Most people fall into the lightly active category, and it was stated that no exercise was done. I also said to monitor progress and adjust as necessary. This may mean increasing intake in 6-8 weeks. I started with my own settings as sedentary due to the description (desk job all day), but adjusted up to lightly active as that gives me a result much closer to my actual results.

    As for sugar, fat, carbs, protein, etc. Everything in moderation. Sugar isn't evil. Too much sugar is bad, but almost no one has a recommendation that says you should limit natural sugars (like in fruits or milk). Protein should be at least 0.8g/kg, fat should be 20-35%, and carbs should make up the rest (adjust as desired, that is based on USDA recommendations). If you go over one day, and under the next that is perfectly fine.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I go through times when it's hard to eat enough, then a few days later I could eat a sofa kitchen. Peanut butter is a good way to up your calories. I'll sometimes have protein powder in water at night. It tops me off and is a bit of a sweet treat for me. You could mix it with milk if you wanted something a little richer.

    whats a sofa kitchen?? :p:D

    But to the OP. Great job getting started! Starting is the absolute hardest part for me. Like everyone else said you are not eating enough. Try to add higher protein foods and you'll see a big difference.