Not really new off and on here for a bit 22 days straight though.



  • TrishaBates
    TrishaBates Posts: 18 Member
    My two cents:
    shadowconn wrote: »
    I am incredibly ambitious. Most goals I set for myself are theoretically unattainable. Somehow I still manage to attain them. this one however is being very stubborn. My goal is to not spend the next year losing weight. Not even the next six month. I really don't want to be doing this very long as all as smoothies and stir fries will eventually get very old. And not being able to eat out or participate in the holidays will make life annoying eventually. Already had to turn down a birthday party that featured hot dogs, cake and ice cream ect. And in my mind, thanksgiving, christmas ect will be right out the window if I can't get this weight off.

    If you restrict yourself this drastically you will most likely lose a lot of weight, stop the 'diet', and bounce back gaining MORE weight than you lost. Trust me, as a human yo-yo I know what I'm saying.

    Instead of trying to lose it "as fast as (not) humanly possible", maybe shift your goal from weight loss to habits of healthy living. if you eat healthy, exercise and keep doing both the weight loss will come and the habits should STAY! Its the long haul you should be focusing on, not the instant success.

    Instant anything is not appreciated or cherished as much as something you work hard at and can continue to enjoy for many years to come!