1500 calories- did you lose eating this many?

Hello all,

(31, female, SW:248)

I'm only on my 5th day here on MFP,
and I wanted to know if any of you have lost weight eating 1500 calories?

What was your starting weight? How much have you lost? Did you have to exercise a lot?

MFP put me at 1200 calories for 2lbs a week loss, but it's too low, don't think I can do this long-term... I was hoping to increase to 1500, but wanted to hear back from you with advise/success stories....

Thank you!


  • dongraysa
    dongraysa Posts: 2 Member
    I too started this week on 1500 call -I'm 67 and weigh 94kgs. Need to get to 80kgs -walking now 10000 steps per day at least. Measure this with Accupedo (pedometer app) found on play store or I store. It integrates with MFP and automatically downloads info to the daily MFPAPP. Must do exercilse though. Just eat the RIGHT foods -DON'T do sugar!!! and measure carbs carefully.

  • dongraysa
    dongraysa Posts: 2 Member
    94kgs is 207lbs
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    dongraysa wrote: »
    I too started this week on 1500 call -I'm 67 and weigh 94kgs. Need to get to 80kgs -walking now 10000 steps per day at least. Measure this with Accupedo (pedometer app) found on play store or I store. It integrates with MFP and automatically downloads info to the daily MFPAPP. Must do exercilse though. Just eat the RIGHT foods -DON'T do sugar!!! and measure carbs carefully.

    This isn't true unless you have a medical condition. It's a calorie deficit that matters. Nutrition is another matter and that's personal - people have different macros for different reasons/goals. You can not exercise, eat carbs and sugar and still lose weight.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I'm 5'1 and am losing on 1500
    My stats are
    SW 180lbs
    CW 156lbs

    I'm losing faster and more regularly since may when I started logging properly.
    Best investment ever? Food scales
  • titotito48
    titotito48 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 136 and losing slow at 1500 calories but that may be because I am now close to goal. I do run 3 days a week for an hour. I started at 1200 calories and 30 min. Walk/jog and built up my exercise and slowly added up to 1/2 the exercise calories. I have a hard time sticking to 1200.
  • titotito48
    titotito48 Posts: 120 Member
    I have a hard time sticking to 1200 even on rest days!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,243 Member
    Hello all,

    (31, female, SW:248)

    I'm only on my 5th day here on MFP,
    and I wanted to know if any of you have lost weight eating 1500 calories?

    What was your starting weight? How much have you lost? Did you have to exercise a lot?

    MFP put me at 1200 calories for 2lbs a week loss, but it's too low, don't think I can do this long-term... I was hoping to increase to 1500, but wanted to hear back from you with advise/success stories....

    Thank you!
    Change your setting to 1lb or 1/2 lb per week then you will get a higher calorie allowance.

    In answer to your question, I lost on 1460 calories ( so slightly under 1500)
    My starting weight was 72 kg and I lost the 10 kg that I wanted to lose.
    No I didn't exercise a lot
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    edited August 2015

    I have lost 90 pounds eating 1500 for the most part. Over time my loss has slowed, but slow and do-able is far better than impossible, miserable, and giving up.

    Exercise 3-4 times per week; find something you enjoy doing, compete with yourself, keep a positive outlook!
  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1200-1800 calories. Mfp tells me I need 1200. But I've got a Fitbit that is connect to my account so my activity is automatically brought over. I have done decently. I've lost over 10 pounds (the beginning weight is a little hazy 204-207 ish and I was 192 at my last weigh in) in about a month. Maybe a month in a half.
  • amynb524
    amynb524 Posts: 73 Member
    edited August 2015
    I don't understand how MFP gave you such a low allowance!
    I started in January at 253, and with a 2lb/week goal, I was allowed like 2000cal. I'm 178 now and my goal is 1500 to lose 2lb/week.

    In the beginning, I exercised 5 times per week (30min cardio with some free weights)

    Now I work out maybe twice a week and just focus on nutrition.

    So far so good
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    1200 calories seems way way too low for your starting weight! You should be able to lose just fine on 1500 calories a day (or more) even without exercise, though exercise certainly has plenty of benefits. Play around with your calories and see what you feel satisfied with and what you can lose on. It's definitely not a "the fewer calories the better" kind of thing.

    I'm 190 and only 10ish lbs from goal and can eat 1600 calories a day for a pound a week weight loss. When I stick to that or close to it, I definitely lose.
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have no idea what your info is (heigh, age, etc. or what your goal weight is, and if your sedentary or not). So using the power of math, and pretending your 26 at 5'7" and sedentary, let me throw some math your way. (The same math mfp uses).


    Keeping in mind 1500 is assuming net calories (meaning your eating exercise calories back). So its more than possible.

    I can redo that spreadsheet in like 2 seconds with your info if you give it. :wink:
    (I also have the thing in google spreadsheets if your interested in having a copy you can edit for yourself). That equation for bmr only applies to woman there is a different one for men I have in another sheet of same document. I also have a TDEE method sheet.

    I like spreadsheets :s
  • marmeer25
    marmeer25 Posts: 24 Member
    I am tall (6'1") and have been losing about 1 - 1.5 pounds a week eating about 1850 calories. I go to a bootcamp 3- 4 times a week for about an hour each time, and eat back about half of those calories, so some days I eat about 2100. I'm sure as my weight decreases I'll have less to work with, but right now I'm pretty content.

    I just reached Onederland today!

    Food scales are a must.

    You can do this! Set yourself up for a reasonable goal - I switched away from 2 pounds a week to 1 pound a week because I wanted to eat a bit more! This is long term so pick a number that keeps you satisfied!
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    1500 is fine for that weight. You can burn 300 of that off in a day by doing some mild exercises. I keep my calorie goal at 1600. I rarely hit 1600 but I'd rather see a -300 at the end of the day instead of a +100
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hello all,

    (31, female, SW:248)

    I'm only on my 5th day here on MFP,
    and I wanted to know if any of you have lost weight eating 1500 calories?

    What was your starting weight? How much have you lost? Did you have to exercise a lot?

    MFP put me at 1200 calories for 2lbs a week loss, but it's too low, don't think I can do this long-term... I was hoping to increase to 1500, but wanted to hear back from you with advise/success stories....

    Thank you!

    why not just change your rate of loss goal to 1 Lb per week...

    did you put your activity level to sedentary? are you really sedentary?

    and yes, at your weight you should lose easily at 1500 calories per day...you could probably eat even more than that.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    edited August 2015
    Well I must be doing something wrong , I eat whatever I like, including carbs & sugar and the odd bar of chocolate if I want it and I eat between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. So far Ive lost 12lbs since August 1st and I LOVE carbs, I have toast , sandwiches or cereal every day, ETA I add honey to my ice cream, thats a sugar ...I eat baked potatos, those are carb too, Im losing weight no matter what I eat by eating the things I love by counting calories. Its nothing to do with not eating carbs, sugar etc that is only the atkins type of diet, im living proof of losing weight and eating carbs. 12 years ago I lost 5 stones and I ate carbs every day.

    Also both last time I dieted and this time, I dont do exercise of any description except for walking to town and back which is half a mile away, which I do twice a week. I force myself to do that due to arthritis in my ankles.

    So I managed to lose weight just fine and am losing this time by eating whatever I like, plus carbs every day and sugary stuff occasionally say once a week, and NOT MUCH EXERCISE at all, tbh I hate exercise unless its walking, going shopping for something fabulous or sex.

    Its energy in and energy out, those are calories of any description, although preferrably nutritious ones.

    Ive had a cold this last week and all I fancied at dinner time last night was 2 desserts , one chocolate and one tiramisu ( my diary is open), so I had them. I was roughly at my calorie goal for the day, cant remember if slightly over or under, but I had them and they were lovely.

    So Start at 1500, im sure you will lose and as you get nearer to goal weight you can reduce the calories a little to get to target weight.
  • janiep81
    janiep81 Posts: 248 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm losing consistently on 1520 calories a day plus half-ish of my exercise calories. I usually eat 1750 or so.

    My stats:

    5'8" and "large frame"

    SW: 215 US size 16
    CW: 191 US size 12
    GW: 164

    BFP: ~ 30%

  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    Wow thank you all so much!!

    I'll give 1500 a go and post an update in a month or so!!

    I'm excited!

    Thank you!!!
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    when i first started out at 217 lbs i ate around 1800
    now im at 157 and eating around 1500 and still losing
  • klbrowser
    klbrowser Posts: 61 Member
    I have been eating pretty close to my assigned 1440 calories for almost a year and have lost 43 pounds so far. I am 51 years old. Starting weight was 182 pounds; I am 5 ft.6 with a small frame. I cannot exercise much due to multiple medical conditions. I figure if I can do this pretty much anyone can. I avoid foods that don't have much nutritional value, but some of my food choices are at the mercy of my medical conditions, so I do the best I can. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • redoself
    redoself Posts: 12 Member
    titotito48 wrote: »
    I'm 136 and losing slow at 1500 calories but that may be because I am now close to goal. I do run 3 days a week for an hour. I started at 1200 calories and 30 min. Walk/jog and built up my exercise and slowly added up to 1/2 the exercise calories. I have a hard time sticking to 1200.

  • Mal909
    Mal909 Posts: 7 Member
    Just don't go below your bmr coz that will damage your metabolism... I did the same thing I cut short my calories to 1200 which are very less for a guy and damaged my metabolism though I fine now but calculate you bmr on bmr calculator...
    Hello all,

    (31, female, SW:248)

    I'm only on my 5th day here on MFP,
    and I wanted to know if any of you have lost weight eating 1500 calories?

    What was your starting weight? How much have you lost? Did you have to exercise a lot?

    MFP put me at 1200 calories for 2lbs a week loss, but it's too low, don't think I can do this long-term... I was hoping to increase to 1500, but wanted to hear back from you with advise/success stories....

    Thank you!

  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm eating at around 1500 every day. Sometimes less, sometimes more and so far I've lost 29 pounds (5'5 tall, 184 lbs starting weight). It took me a while but I'm happy with how far I've come, especially because I never felt like I was restricting and missing out on anything. Sometimes I'll eat more, sometimes I'll eat less. I try to work out at least 3 times a week but I even lost when I skipped almost all my workouts for a couple of weeks. Try 1500 and see how it works for you. You can always go down if you don't see any results. Give yourself a couple of weeks and see how you feel. Don't forget to log accurately to make sure you are really eating the amount of calories you want to and not more or less to figure out what works best for you.
  • valeriesmith1840
    valeriesmith1840 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes, when I started this at 230 pounds I knew that I had to have been eating 3000+ cals a day...so I started slow figuring anything would be better. I started at 2000, then slowly over the course of a fewwweeks started eating 1400-1500 which is what I strive for now, because I know that while I might lose faster eating less, I will also get frustrated and give up a lot faster. I have lost more than 50 pounds to date. :) Slower loss can be frustrating, but it's a lot more sustainable in the long run!
  • dennislove1
    dennislove1 Posts: 11 Member
    I started MFP at the recommended 1200 calories and for three plus weeks I stuck to the stats exercised and lost 1 pound I set myself as sedentary cause I have two office jobs. Went back after the third week set myself as mild active it bumped by calories up to 1510. I eat at just about 1510 and exercise at least 4 times a week maybe eat back half the calories and have lost 17 pounds. I think you have to adjust your calories to your body.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    yes .. infact I've always eaten 1550-1600 to lose weight my SW was 150 and i was losing about 1.5 lbs perweek
    it slowed after i got to 123lbs now iam losing like 0.8 lb perweek sometimes 1lb _exercise I did 180-220 minutes perweek and thats not alot for me.. i also walked about 160- 250 minutes perweek and still do now.. all this activity was not necessary but is what i like to do! btw iam 5'5_ (losted about 27lbs)
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    oh yea and i dont eat exercise calories back much maybe just a few days of the week theres no need for "me"to eat them back everyday_
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    i started 5'5 and 265 pounds. I have consistently lost 2 pounds a week eating calories between 1500-1700. I do work out though and walk most nights.Though even on lazy weeks(had surgery one week),I still lost.I am now 191.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Your smart for already knowing that 1200 is likely too low. A lot of newcomers don't realize that so soon

    Anyway I am 5'8 tall ,135 lbs. I lost all my weight eating between 1700-1900 . started at @212 lbs or so. ( I refused to weigh so am unsure of exact starting weight . I just go with that number )

    Just remember this and you'll be fine - weight loss comes down to calories in - calories out.

    To lose weight all you need to do is eat at a deficit.

    In order to be sure your actually at a deficit, you should get a food scale. ( seriously use a food scale for all the foods you consume )

    Don't eyeball portions, just weigh your foods with your food scale and log them here accurately. Being as accurate as possible is very important
  • tabletmfp
    tabletmfp Posts: 53 Member
    I'm losing weight eating 1000-1200 (depending on exercise), I'd probably be maintaining on 1500. But then I'm pretty short and already at a healthy weight, and most people would lose weight eating 1500 calories.
    mrsfitzyv8 wrote: »
    I'm 5'1 and am losing on 1500
    My stats are
    SW 180lbs
    CW 156lbs

    I'm losing faster and more regularly since may when I started logging properly.
    Best investment ever? Food scales

    Yes I loose about half or 1 kilo pw with 1500 calories p day , but only cos I fast 3 days a week! But then I am 54 and I hate exercise! A younger more active woman might loose weight with 1500 per day every day!
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