Anyone else doing this completely alone?



  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    I started out alone (also live alone) and found the MFP boards extremely helpful & motivating. But after a noticeable weight loss and being very open about logging my foods immediately after a meal out with friends, checking calories before ordering, and being clear that yes, I CAN have that yummy dessert or helping of lasagna as I have saved enough calories for it, I now have 3 friends on the MFP program. One is pretty dedicated & we meet at the gym for workouts when our schedules coincide (which is how we originally became friends) and frequently eat out together, which is a pleasure because we are on the same page nutritionally. The second friend is struggling with lots of emotional issues and constantly sabotaging herself, so I try to be an example and an encouragement to her without making her feel guilty when she makes poor choices. She is still in a "diet" mentality, not the MFP way of thinking. The third friend had some very scary high blood pressure readings, and I basically made him go on the program (yeah, yeah, I know, he ideally should be self-motivated, but I really don't care, desperate times require desperate measures); he's been the most successful of all, although his macros are very carb-heavy from what he tells me of his meals.

    Although it's helpful to have a few local friends who have some understanding of what I am doing, I didn't mind going it alone. I compete with the numbers and get a little thrill out of finding new ways to eat more nutritionally and stay within my goal calories. I'm glad not to have someone pulling me off track on a daily basis, I like eating on my own unconventional schedule, and I don't have to justify anything to anyone who might look askance at a scheduled indulgence. It does help to know someone is going to meet you at the gym, though, but it's easy enough to join a class or strike up friendships there to find an accountability partner.
  • angie_momof3
    angie_momof3 Posts: 102 Member
    I have kids and a great husband that supports me but they're not doing it with me. I found some great friends here on mfp. I love to see how many calories they burn and how their weight loss is going. I also have an account on Instagram (angie_momgettingfit) and I've found great motivation with other people getting fit that post pics almost daily.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Yep. I talk very little about weight loss in my actual real life. People who talk 24/7 about their diet and exercise program....well, IMO it couldn't be more annoying. I do what works for me and don't feel the need or desire to talk about it. If a friend or a co-worker wants to chat about....I'm A OK with that, but I am rarely one to bring it up.

    +1. Talk about it here, with us :)

    And +1 that it's way easier to do this on your own.
  • TheHumanMachine
    TheHumanMachine Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2015
    Yeah, I am alone. I have tried to get my mom, sister and friend to start losing weight. None of them have stuck with it. I don't think they really want to. My mom and sister talk about wanting to lose weight, I gave them the tools and told them how to do it, but they didn't want to stick with it. It is pretty annoying sometimes though, they keep "wishing" they could lose weight.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    I'm technically doing it alone, as in there isn't anyone else losing weight with me. But I'm always going on about my weightloss to any who would listen to me lol. My mum babysits for me so I can workout and my husband comes along for walks sometimes. Also my MFP friends are champions and are all so inspirational and motivating. So no, come to think of it, I don't think I'm doing it alone.
  • hufflepuff03
    hufflepuff03 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm doing this alone but at least I have my mfp friends!
  • hotnumber
    hotnumber Posts: 222 Member
    I like to exercise and see the progress made when I commit to a healthier way of life. I don't need friends or family to do it with me, I just want them to see me when I'm done :)
  • Losinandmovin
    Losinandmovin Posts: 188 Member
    I am recently divorced, live alone, and none of my friends are currently in any kind of weight loss program. I sometimes share my successes with them, but don't want to bore them with details. I am really grateful for this discussion board because I get great feedback and support. So...thank you!!

    You are welcome. Everything is better with someone to share it with! I hope to read about your successes every day! Weight loss and learning to focus on welless is hard work! We can all share the load here! Friend me if you like! I'm a newbie myself, but I'm gonna be here a while!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I haven't really thought of it that way, but according to your definition I'm doing this alone.

    Except really I've got all of MFP community and my amazing MFP friends. Yay!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,737 Member
    Yes - I'm a widow, live alone, no children, only child, parents deceased, so I do a lot of stuff alone! I have a number of wonderful friends I see regularly, but none of them are in weight loss mode.

    My closest friends know I'm working on losing weight, and are supportive and ask me how it's going; I try to keep answers brief. Occasionally, an acquaintance will compliment me on my weight loss.

    To be perfectly frank, I think it's sort of a bore, in a general social context, when someone rattles on at length about their diet (or their obscure hobby that no one else understands, or anything like that) - at least it's a bore if there's no one else there who's asking questions and doing it clearly out of interest rather than politeness.

    I think it makes more sense to talk at length with people who are actually interested and informed, like folks here on the forums. And I, too, appreciate how supportive and helpful people are here!
  • ElisaBeth1996
    ElisaBeth1996 Posts: 13 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I've had a few people say they were going to start losing because if I can do it, they can, too. They ask a bazillion questions, which I answer. Then they decide to eat like 500 or 800 calories a day, which they do for a day or two or three. Then they're off the diet. Every. Single. Time.

    They're just crash dieting. They don't really want to lose weight.

    So, yup! Just me. That I know, anyway.
    Would you be supportive if someone wanted to reach the same goal you do, more than anything?
  • Teamhynes
    Teamhynes Posts: 31 Member
    I'm doing this alone too. My hubs is great, but in the end, I'm the one with the jacked up relationship with food and the goals to get myself healthier. No one can do that, but me. MFP - all those likeminded people - that's the community for me.
  • amy102875
    amy102875 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes, I'm a single mom of 4, recently moved to a small town and don't know too many people. MFP boards have been very helpful. At the beginning I was on the success stories page reading multiple times a day. It really helped.
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member

    I think that it is actually a lot easier alone.

    I completely agree!
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Yep. I talk very little about weight loss in my actual real life. People who talk 24/7 about their diet and exercise program....well, IMO it couldn't be more annoying. I do what works for me and don't feel the need or desire to talk about it. If a friend or a co-worker wants to chat about....I'm A OK with that, but I am rarely one to bring it up.

    Same here, I save it for my MFP. I do have some real life friends who are on MFP (that's how I got here!) and I mention any victories/struggles I have to my partner. I talk to gym buddies about exercise and fitness but that's because we train together and are interested.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Yes, knowing our own achievements is very motivational and the whole reason I do this.

    Though I still see support (here, at home, at work) as the icing on the (calorie-free!) cake. :)
  • TerryJackson61
    TerryJackson61 Posts: 733 Member
    Yeah I'm alone at it too. I don't think my wife fully grasps it or understands it. My Mother-in-law who lives with us doing a different type of program but hers is more because of her diabetes.Thank god for my MFP friends I love them and am willing to add anyone who is serious about so we can support each other.
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    yep. Absolutely. Completely. Alone. It sucks. My facebook people are just "liking" my posts, which I guess is fine. But no real encouragement anywhere.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I did it completely alone by choice. I am the one who will have to live in this body and eat or not eat what is on my plate. Whenever I tried to diet with other people they want to do the same thing at all times. No two people are the same so no diet will work the same for any 2 people. I might want to walk 4.0 today and I don't want to go 3.5 because someone else didn't sleep as well last night. I might be ok just having a protein bar for lunch and I don't want to go get salads just so someone else doesn't eat alone. I might want to lose 1.5lbs a week and I don't want to feel guilty cause someone else only loses .5lbs. It is easier to run this sort or race with blinders on so that you can focus on your progress rather then someone else's path. Everyone is different though. I am not very social so I do not feel the need for support or sympathy the way most people do.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I am doing it alone but rely heavily on my internet weight loss friends and groups. I belong to a lot of FB weight loss groups, Sparkpeople, and read a lot of blogs. So, I guess I'm not really alone.