How many minutes per week do you work out?



  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    4 days of lifting 60 minutes each and 35 of Insanity dvds on my cardio days (2 days)

  • DBrooks1979
    DBrooks1979 Posts: 350 Member
    Doing about 150 minutes a week on Cardio... walking twice a day for approx 15 minutes at a time... working up to jogging that time.. doing 2 miles a day 5 times a week

    I have lost 4lbs total since I started just over 5 weeks ago.. mainly watching my calories and doing this little bit of walking mixed with light jogging.
  • G8rRay
    G8rRay Posts: 89 Member
    I run and walk 4x per week and usually that's about 300-400 minutes (5.00-6.67 hrs); the other days, I'm a slacker. I don't count body weight exercise time, though, since I don't wear my Garmin for that (too inaccurate for calorie count).
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • hapaman
    hapaman Posts: 3 Member
    360 - 420 minutes. Focusing on just cardio, for now.
  • Jimmy_Jack
    Jimmy_Jack Posts: 12 Member
    Im a crossfitter so all of the workouts are cardio/weight based for the most part. I do five days a week for around an hour each session. 300 minutes i suppose
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    edited September 2015
    This week I did 13.5 hours of running. Normally I average anywhere from 7-9 hours/week depending on where I'm at with my training.
  • mommyof4cpa
    mommyof4cpa Posts: 82 Member
    6 hours per week over 6 days of "formal" exercise: 3 days of just cardio + 3 days of cardio/weights.

    My "off" day is used for errands and housework and yard work.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Rowing 3-4x per week, hour to an hour and a half on the water, 45-60 minutes when the boat is actually moving (per Garmin Forerunner).

    Spin class 2x per week, 45 minutes of spinning typically, plus some stretching.

    Weights 2x per week, around 35 minutes. (I don't do legs when in-season for rowing, and in general avoid muscles that get worked hard in the boat, instead focusing on those not used, for balance. I'm 59, and find I generally feel better with 2 weight workouts/week rather than 3, especially when in calorie deficit.)

    So, that's a minimum of around 5 hours a week . . . but I usually do some other stuff that I count as well, often bike rides or walks or the more vigorous yard work, so realistically probably 6-7 hours weekly.

    I don't count yoga or stretching, of which I do a bit daily, or core exercises that I do a couple of times per week.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Varies as my tri coach plans my workouts. This week is 18 hours over 6 days so around 154 minutes per day. This does not include walking/jogging the dog, which is another 45-60 minutes per day, 2 hour walk on my rest day, or daily core exercises.
  • rainah84
    rainah84 Posts: 42 Member
    I combine strength training with my 120min cardio days, 3-4 days a week. Works perfectly for me on maintaining my weight (104ibs) and building muscle without watching my calories. Hoping to build enough muscle and pick up my 185ibs husband. JK. He wouldn't be too thrilled.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I was doing both lifting and running a couple of months ago, but stopped when travel made my schedule crazy with red-eye flights and such. I'm working my way back into my former routine.

    Right now, running 5 days a week. 2 long runs - last week's were 8 mi a piece, and the rest were 3-4 miles. That comes to about 5 hrs total, not including the 1-2 miles of walking I do after each run.

    Realistically, the exercise is almost meaningless for my weight loss. I'm short, I'm a healthy weight, I'm not 20 yrs old. I have a small deficit because if I try to do a larger one I feel lethargic and I don't recover very well. I can either exercise and let that be my deficit for the week, or I can not exercise and eat a bit less. When I exercise, I'm hungrier so it's not like eating more makes me more satisfied.

    It'd pretty much be a wash for me - except I like running. And I like that making my feet and legs stronger means I can be on my feet all day once in a blue moon and not get horribly sore like I used to. And I like the strength and speed and appearance that lifting gives me.

  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    I am up to 800 mins a week. I am training for an endurance event taking place next year. I do cycling and mountain biking. If I feel tired then I just go out for a walk.