Deterrents to Logging All Calories



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Some tips that would be helpful:

    1. Plan and pre log your meals
    2. Take a "tare" before binging / grazing (if you can't avoid that behavior altogether). If it's chips, weigh the bag before so that you can weigh after and calculate the amount consumed.
    3. Allow yourself the freedom to estimate sometimes
    4. Overestimate calories if you aren't losing weight already


    Pretty much what i do and solves all those hassles.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    If there are certain foods you tend to binge on, dont keep them in the house. Although in theory, you can eat any type of food and lose weight, in practice that's not true for everyone. I stayed completely away from certain trigger foods for 3-6 months. Some things I simy do not allow myself to go near. It's easier up have none than one. For example, brownies. There is no way I can make a pan of brownies last all week, or to have just one small one each day. Especially since there are only 2 people in the house. But in a restaurant I CAN have just a few bites of hubby's brownie dessert.
  • pinkys008
    pinkys008 Posts: 55 Member
    The biggest thing for me is to decide what I will eat before I eat it. When I sit down in a restaurant, I think about how my day is going, order from lower calorie options, decide before it gets to the table if I will eat all or half of it. That makes me think about how hungry I am, or if I am just eating something because it's there. I grew up in a clean plate club house, so once the food arrives, I will eat it all, and probably overeat, if I haven't decided before hand what or how much I should eat.
    If a friend brings me a treat, I practice saying "no thank you", because it's not something I already decided to eat.

    Obviously, I'm not perfect at these things, that's why I am here losing weight in the first place, but making the decision to eat or not eat, then sticking to it is one of my most helpful strategies.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Is the desktop easier for you? Do you have to use your phone? I write stuff down when I eat at Mom's and enter it later. I've made writing in my notebook part of food prep and it is second nature now.