Let's Talk About Non Scale Victories - shall we?



  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    My 25 year old daughter sent me a text and it read "I am starting to swim again and do insanity...I am making my health a priority...like you do" heart melted, praise the lord.
  • STCB7379
    STCB7379 Posts: 21 Member
    My daughter made pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing and left the two leftover not needed for school on the counter next to my vitamins. I cried for awhile and then threw them in the trash instead of eating them. Now I cannot make any promises about not digging through the garbage later. Kidding of course.
  • healthy_lovez
    healthy_lovez Posts: 36 Member
    Love this! I have only lost about 9lbs, but a big thing I've noticed is my bras are already fitting better. They were starting to get SO tight I could barely stand to wear a normal bra, and I didn't want to buy new ones because well, I have expensive taste. LOL! But even with just about 8.5lbs gone I can already tell a difference in how they fit :smile:
  • denisej1215
    denisej1215 Posts: 5 Member
    This thread is a great reminder that there are more triumphs that numbers alone!! I made cupcakes for my son on Wednesday, left a few at home and brought the rest to work. The kitchen area is right outside my office and I have not touched them, and only had one at home! May not seem like much, but for me, this is a huge accomplishment for me!
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    --Having to use a zip tie from work to keep my pants up. 6 weeks ago they were real tight.

    --Going to a regional meeting for my job and having a former coworker notice my weight loss. Down 26 lbs since I was in that store last.

    --Kind of bummed that my favorite pair of grappling shorts are now so big that even the drawstring won't keep them in place, and my team rashguard got really baggy.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    My husband asked me several times this summer if I wanted to go to the amusement park thats close by. I told him no repeatedly. He finally pushed me for a reason why and I reminded him of the time last fall that they barely were able to get one of the coasters to "click". I thought I would die of embarrassment as they were pushing and I was sucking it in and everyone waiting for the next coaster is watching. I was too afraid to go back this summer. Next summer...IM THERE! Im smiling right now with you...awesome victory!!

    That is an amazing goal! You will make it happen! It was so motivating for me. You should add me and we can keep each other accountable!

  • stircrzy
    stircrzy Posts: 47 Member
    I looked in the mirror as I was getting dressed and thought, "Hey, not bad!" Instead of lamenting my gut and thigh size.
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    My 25 year old daughter sent me a text and it read "I am starting to swim again and do insanity...I am making my health a priority...like you do" heart melted, praise the lord.

    THIS! This is a big reason I exercise and make sure my kids see that I work out - and talk about wanting a strong (not skinny) body. With three girls, I want them to be happy with their bodies, whatever their shape. I want them to be strong and healthy but not obsessive. Great story!
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I joined the aquatic center about 2 weeks ago. First day I was having trouble completing 8 laps (1/4 mile). Today I swam one mile! Now to work on speed but so excited to see the change. I can also see some (slight) definition in my arms!
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    This morning I held a 90 second plank with my 14 pound cat on my back.
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    My jeans are so loose at the end of the day, I have to hike them up all the time. Also, I'm hardly doing any modifications with my workouts any more.
  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    Love reading all these victories. Last night I had the confidence in myself to attend a fitness studio I had heard about. OMGoodness...I loved it. Women of ALL shapes and sizes and everyone was sooo welcoming. Proud of myself for trying something new and definately going back!
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    First proper week back on the wagon and I managed 30 mins on the cross trainer two days in a row. Only at level 1 but will work up a level or length of time each week. I used to hate the cross trainer but it's now become my favourite exercise in the gym!
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    lbt1004 wrote: »
    Love reading all these victories. Last night I had the confidence in myself to attend a fitness studio I had heard about. OMGoodness...I loved it. Women of ALL shapes and sizes and everyone was sooo welcoming. Proud of myself for trying something new and definately going back!

    Well done! :smiley:
  • igotthis1967
    igotthis1967 Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2015
    2013 I weighed 400 lbs then by diet and exercise lost 120 lbs by 2015 and back in March this year I quit smoking and put almost 50 of it back on. Then just three weeks ago I decided that's enough and so far lost about 20 lbs. So since Aug 2013 to now I've lost so much weigh, quit smoking, given up/quit energy drinks and feel pretty good it wasn't easy but it's absolutely possible
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I was at my son's house over the weekend helping with a renovation of their basement. I overheard a guy ask my son who I was then express disbelief that I was old enough to be his mother. They went on to discuss my age and how much work I'd done and then my DIL walked over and said "Oh yeah, Joe's mom is a beast."
  • gillexplores
    gillexplores Posts: 151 Member
    I hope to make someone laugh with this horrible photo - but I can do a headstand! Handstand is next!

  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    I hope to make someone laugh with this horrible photo - but I can do a headstand! Handstand is next!


  • kiomami
    kiomami Posts: 23 Member
    I fit into my favorite jeans last week, haven't been able to do that in over a year.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    STCB7379 wrote: »
    My daughter made pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing and left the two leftover not needed for school on the counter next to my vitamins. I cried for awhile and then threw them in the trash instead of eating them. Now I cannot make any promises about not digging through the garbage later. Kidding of course.

    At my lowest I would probably have gone for them -_- I used to have to RUIN the food to avoid going in after it later.... Wow I have come so far!