Let's Talk About Non Scale Victories - shall we?



  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    Shirts are getting tighter around the shoulders and arms....and I added 7.5kg to my bench this week! :)
  • bearondiet
    bearondiet Posts: 53 Member
    Just gotta not eat anything for 7 more hours.
  • lovinguniverse_9
    lovinguniverse_9 Posts: 5 Member
    Passed by a bakery with a strong aroma of cinnamon buns. It smelled good, but I was not tempted. What is more of a miracle is I was hungry and still not tempted!
  • finnsgma
    finnsgma Posts: 55 Member
    I had two this weekend. On Friday, our neighbors had a pot luck and I managed to skip the alcohol (pumpkin martinis- yum) and only eat the veggies/hummus and soup. There were so many yummy foods and desserts there. And yesterday I had a wedding reception and refused all the hand-passed hors deovres b/c they were all greasy/fatty foods that would have put me over. A fe weeks ago I would have been like "oh, it's just today and I can get back OP tomorrow" but yesterday I realized that it wasn't worth it.
  • jld1975
    jld1975 Posts: 18 Member
    This is a great thread, and really helped me today. I weigh every day and track my weight with Happy Scale, but my weight varies ALOT. Today my 10-day moving average went up and it says I gained 1.4 lbs. last week. I am still down 11 lbs since the end of August, and I know the weight gain isn't real, but it is still THERE.

    So, I have some great NSVs. First, I finally found exercise I love and can do and look forward to- walking- just walking. I love it. And, I have been working on getting my pace up. I would like to get to 4mph. On Friday, I walked 7 miles in 2 hours, so I am up to 3.5mph. Huge victory for me because I can get more miles into my limited workout time.

    Second one is I lost an inch off my waist since the start of my current weight loss and my clothes are starting to fit again!

    Thanks again for the thread- I needed it today.
  • lovinguniverse_9
    lovinguniverse_9 Posts: 5 Member
    jld1975 wrote: »
    i know the weight gain isn't real, but it is still THERE.

    Thanks again for the thread- I needed it today.

    I'm right there with you and think you explained why I don't like scales. They Do not tell the whole story and are heavily endorsed.

    Great job with walking! I am looking forward to walking too since the weather has cooled
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm wearing my original wedding ring for the first time in years. :smile:
  • lovinguniverse_9
    lovinguniverse_9 Posts: 5 Member
    Sick right now but staying within boundaries rather than throwing in the towel
  • SamanthaPeake
    SamanthaPeake Posts: 54 Member
    mrsdrshot wrote: »
    My NSV for today: It's getting much, much easier to choose food that is better for me - and less of it. I don't feel like I have to pick the most extravagant meal when I go out. Or that I have to eat it all.

    Love this! For the first time EVER I too have been making healthy choices when eating out. Two months ago one of the main factors in deciding what to have from a menu was was it the biggest portion option and did it come with fries! Monday I chose salad and a brown bun when i could have had fish and chips. I have never done that before!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My latest NSV (and the biggest one I've had in awhile, since I'm pretty much in maintenance) was attending a concert of one of my favorites (Passion Pit) and going crazy with the rest of the crowd dancing and not caring if people thought I looked stupid, fat, whatever. I know some people were probably thinking I was old for that particular show, which is totally fine with me (I'll be 40 in a year after all!) but it wasn't even on my radar to worry about jiggling bits or awkwardness with my body. From age 15-35 I would have made sure I was sitting down the entire show in an area where people couldn't see my belly fat. So this was MAJOR!
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    Hi folks, I'm new here. Some of my NSVs since I've started my on-and-off (now ON again...for good) weight loss journey:
    - Am back in the habit of going to the gym again after neglecting it for way too long
    - Not super recent, but I'm officially a comfortable size 9 jean now. I haven't been single-digits in jeans since middle school
    - I like biking on nice days, and biked farther than I've ever gone on the trail before
    - Branched out and took a belly dancing class. At my heaviest weight I was too self-conscious to do anything like that
    - Wore shorts this summer! In public!!!!!
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    - I can climb the stairs at work (at a jog) without dying at the top!
    - I almost fit into a dress that i bought in may where i couldn't even get it over my chest now i can almost zip it
    - I am ok with myself wearing leggings under a skirt (leggings are NOT pants)
    - I am able to almost close my corset in the back (i have less than an inch left of the modesty panel... when i started i couldn't even attempt to get it on at all!)
  • mrsdrshot
    mrsdrshot Posts: 154 Member
    My latest NSV (and the biggest one I've had in awhile, since I'm pretty much in maintenance) was attending a concert of one of my favorites (Passion Pit) and going crazy with the rest of the crowd dancing and not caring if people thought I looked stupid, fat, whatever. I know some people were probably thinking I was old for that particular show, which is totally fine with me (I'll be 40 in a year after all!) but it wasn't even on my radar to worry about jiggling bits or awkwardness with my body. From age 15-35 I would have made sure I was sitting down the entire show in an area where people couldn't see my belly fat. So this was MAJOR!

    Love this! Self esteem for the win!
  • nicodemus109
    nicodemus109 Posts: 239 Member
    Today I had great news. Just had a chat with a doctor at the hospital where I work and got the results from blood tests she did for me this weekend.
    Since I'm on a LCHF diet I was a bit concerned about all the fat and cholesterol I eat and wanted her to take a look at it. I sometimes feel it has been too easy and was almost certain there would be a drawback somewhere. But so far blood sugar lowered instantly when I started, blood pressure dropped, I keep loosing weight and inches, I feel great and have lots of energy to work out, never hungry and so much great food to eat.

    Well, today she told me the results were really, really, really good! All of them!
    So this was a big win for my peace of mind, because it still sometimes feels strange to eat all that fat. But today's answers wiped away all the doubts I still had.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm not beating myself up for not keeping to my routine these days.

    I'm recovering from a car crashing into me while riding a bike, I'm scheduled for surgery next week, I'm scheduled for dental surgery next month and I had to sub out all the fitness classes I teach through the end of the year to recover from surgery. I am in pain 20 hours a day (and asleep for the other 4).

    I think if I only lose my temper 2 x in a day, I'm doing pretty well.
  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    Glad I found this thread! Scale currently not budging and it ticks me off. But there is sooo much more to this journey than just a number! Ran 2 miles yesterday...me, at 40 and 80 pounds overweight, decided to become a runner. Crazy, but have loved it. Recognizing the progress I have made ...its huge. Could barely run a full minute 3 months ago...Life is good people...lets keep it going!
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    My NSV: I'm up 4 months without using one puff of my albuterol inhaler, not matter how strenuous the activity. Used to be so bad just walking on the wrong day would cause my asthma to flare.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I could fit in all the rollercoasters at the amusement park last Sunday! This was huge deal for me because I had to do the walk of shame this summer. I also walked around the park for 9 hours and did not get tired or achy! I haven't done that since high school!!!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Today I am wearing a sweater I bought last year without trying on and it was too small. I fit into it now but thought I looked fat in it because it's more fitted than most sweaters I own. But I was running late and didn't have time to change. While I was getting some tea in the kitchen at work a co-worker exclaimed 'OMG you are getting so tiny!"

    I think I love this sweater now. ;)
  • lbt1004
    lbt1004 Posts: 57 Member
    shinycrazy wrote: »
    I could fit in all the rollercoasters at the amusement park last Sunday! This was huge deal for me because I had to do the walk of shame this summer. I also walked around the park for 9 hours and did not get tired or achy! I haven't done that since high school!!!

    My husband asked me several times this summer if I wanted to go to the amusement park thats close by. I told him no repeatedly. He finally pushed me for a reason why and I reminded him of the time last fall that they barely were able to get one of the coasters to "click". I thought I would die of embarrassment as they were pushing and I was sucking it in and everyone waiting for the next coaster is watching. I was too afraid to go back this summer. Next summer...IM THERE! Im smiling right now with you...awesome victory!!