Face problems since exercise/weight loss.

hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
This is really the first time I have exercised this much and lost this much weight, but since I have my face is going through some god awful changes. In December, when I started I immediately began to break out bad, like never before, not even in teen years, in an area I had never broken out before either. This has lasted up until now, and now the pimples have stopped and now my face is going through an extremely dry phase. Peeling ect.. Which I have never ever had a problem with either.... My diet hasn't changed much, eating less than what I was before, obviously because I lost weight. ^_^ I haven't had any new face products or anything of the sort. Usually I can find the source of my facial problems but this time I cannot. Any one have any suggestions? The pimples were also those big red ones under the skin, and alot of them too. The head would never come out and then they would turn scabby without me picking at them. Any help is appreciated ^_^


  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I had been washing it a lot and people said that if I wash too much it would cause me to get more oily skin and pimples. I still washed more though and my pimples have lessened alot but no I have extremely dry skin lol I moisturizer every day too >_<
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Are you sure the problem is from exercising and losing weight? It almost sounds like it could be hormonal. Did you stop or start birth control? Has your cycle changed? Weird thing is, since I have been exercising and changing my diet, my skin, hair and nails could not be better.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Are you sure the problem is from exercising and losing weight? It almost sounds like it could be hormonal. Did you stop or start birth control? Has your cycle changed? Weird thing is, since I have been exercising and changing my diet, my skin, hair and nails could not be better.

    I have restarted birth control a few times actually but the times don't match up, and I've never had a problem with it in the last 4 years. When I started breaking out I had been off of it for about 6 months already. I restarted it after I had broken out already and still kept getting bad pimples. I've never really had a bad history with pimples before.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I had very dry skin, and I live at high altitude in a very dry climate... but I started taking fish oil supplements and eating at least three avocados a week... my skin glows now (I also eat a lot of protein and "healthy" fats)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Many said that weight loss can cause changes in hormones that will cause breakouts/dryness/etc. Diet also has an effect as well. Be sure you're drinking plenty of water. You may look at adding a multi-vitamin to be sure you're hitting some micros. You may need to change your face products. I use neutrogena naturals and between that and my increased water intake, my face is better.

    Agree with anyamberg about washing your face several times a day but you'll want to use a cleanser and moisturizer that won't continue to dry out your face. Use a clean towel when working out if you use one to wipe sweat off your face. You may also want to look at using a sweatband/head band to keep sweat off your face. Sweatybands.com has awesome headbands that stay in place and they're fairly cute as well. I have 4 and LOVE them.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Many said that weight loss can cause changes in hormones that will cause breakouts/dryness/etc. Diet also has an effect as well. Be sure you're drinking plenty of water. You may look at adding a multi-vitamin to be sure you're hitting some micros. You may need to change your face products. I use neutrogena naturals and between that and my increased water intake, my face is better.

    Agree with anyamberg about washing your face several times a day but you'll want to use a cleanser and moisturizer that won't continue to dry out your face. Use a clean towel when working out if you use one to wipe sweat off your face. You may also want to look at using a sweatband/head band to keep sweat off your face. Sweatybands.com has awesome headbands that stay in place and they're fairly cute as well. I have 4 and LOVE them.

    Oh...I've always wanted to where a head band for sweat but I always thought they were cheesy as hell but these are cute! :D
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    when i switched to organic dairy i stopped getting the cystic acne, which is what it sounds like you have.

    the hormones and antibiotics in the dairy made my skin flare up.

    also make sure to wash your pillow cases frequently, at least once a week.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member

    This is a very good picture of what I basically was before, nice clean skin, and now, but that isn't me lol but a great example.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    How much fat and water are you getting in your diet? Without enough good fat and water my skin gets really dry. The over washing could also be doing it for you as well especially if you use a medicated cleanser. Use a really gentle cleanser and don't overdo any form of acne cream. I find my acne is best when I don't use anything medicated.

    Keep your phone, hands, etc off your face. Use a disinfectant wipe on any phone you use at least once a week.

    Losing weight can change hormones so that may be a cause as well. How often do you wash your makeup brushes/tools if you use them?

    Don't wipe your face when you wash it or want to remove sweat when working out. Dab it. Don't use the same towel to dry your face that you would use to wipe your hands etc. I have a separate towel that is just for drying my face after washing and it gets washed once a week along with my pillow cases. Keep your hair off your face as well.

    It sounds weird but my skin is finally clearing up now that I don't use any store bought cleansers. I remove my makeup with a tiny bit of either olive oil or coconut oil on a cotton pad. I use a mixture of ground up oatmeal, green tea, a bit of ground up aspirin, and a bit of unpasteurized honey to clean my face. Once to twice a week I use an olive oil/sugar/lemon juice scrub. I clean my makeup brushes/tools once a week with a mild baby shampoo.

    I have also noticed an improvement in my skin when I stopped wearing makeup while working out and I try not to wear foundation unless I'm going somewhere special (a bit of concealer for a zit it really needed). Another thing that seemed to help was cutting out processed foods. Takes a bit more time but I make everything myself (including things like condiments, mayo, mustard, salad dressings, sauces, etc).
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I also LOVE Ponds. It it usually a bit more expensive, but soooooo worth it. I'll never go back to other brands. Keeps my skin nice and moist. I usually put it on before applying makeup and it works wonders.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I kind of want to try ponds now lol so many recommendations :D
  • aaasky
    aaasky Posts: 68 Member
    How much fat and water are you getting in your diet? Without enough good fat and water my skin gets really dry. The over washing could also be doing it for you as well especially if you use a medicated cleanser. Use a really gentle cleanser and don't overdo any form of acne cream. I find my acne is best when I don't use anything medicated.

    Keep your phone, hands, etc off your face. Use a disinfectant wipe on any phone you use at least once a week.

    Losing weight can change hormones so that may be a cause as well. How often do you wash your makeup brushes/tools if you use them?

    Don't wipe your face when you wash it or want to remove sweat when working out. Dab it. Don't use the same towel to dry your face that you would use to wipe your hands etc. I have a separate towel that is just for drying my face after washing and it gets washed once a week along with my pillow cases. Keep your hair off your face as well.

    It sounds weird but my skin is finally clearing up now that I don't use any store bought cleansers. I remove my makeup with a tiny bit of either olive oil or coconut oil on a cotton pad. I use a mixture of ground up oatmeal, green tea, a bit of ground up aspirin, and a bit of unpasteurized honey to clean my face. Once to twice a week I use an olive oil/sugar/lemon juice scrub. I clean my makeup brushes/tools once a week with a mild baby shampoo.

    I have also noticed an improvement in my skin when I stopped wearing makeup while working out and I try not to wear foundation unless I'm going somewhere special (a bit of concealer for a zit it really needed). Another thing that seemed to help was cutting out processed foods. Takes a bit more time but I make everything myself (including things like condiments, mayo, mustard, salad dressings, sauces, etc).

    Great advice here! I so agree with tossing your store-bought cleanser. I use a little cotton pad and plain water (cool! never hot!) to wash my face two times a day. Also I couldn't recommend vitamin E oil more highly! The pure oil is pretty expensive, but you can buy the liquid capsules (like the kind you'd normally swallow) in any grocery store, poke a hole in them with a safety pin and spread the oil on your face. I do it nightly and my acne and scares are nearly gone. Good luck!
  • Cherry_T
    Cherry_T Posts: 62 Member
    One thing is critical with breeakouts-hygiene. Wash whereever it is often and make sure your bedsheets are clean! If its an area where you shave, try different shaving styles for less irritation.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    It could also be a change in the weather. My face has been more oily than normal since it started to get warm.
    In the winter months, I can use an exfoliating facewash twice a day with a heavy moisturizer and my skin will still be dry, however in the summer, I need something lighter all the way around.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    If I were you, I think I would go to a dermatologist and get his/her opinion. Pimples can be bacterial.
  • dreaming13000
    dreaming13000 Posts: 68 Member
    I began using the "oil cleansing method" in 2010 and I only have problems with any breakouts (and by any I mean MAYBE one) during my TOM and normally I have not been caring for my skin like I should (ie repeatedly going to bed without washing and moisturizing + the TOM= a tiny breakout) but the Oil cleansing method will clear it up immediately.

    I have oily to normal skin (oily T zones) Google the oil cleansing method but I will tell you how I mix my oils. I use about 50% grapeseed oil, about20% olive oil, 5-10% castor oil (depends on the time of year, winters are dry here and castor oil is a drying agent so I use less in the winter then the summer) 10% vitamin E oils and then I'll play around with different essence of oils.

    I hope this helps you!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I looked at your food diary for the last few days & it is TOTALLY lacking in any fruits or vegetables. If those few days are indicative of how you normally eat your body is screaming for real food and vitamins -- especially fruits, vegetables, fiber, etc. You cannot eat healthily without eating vegetables -- and not just french fries, the tomato sauce on pizza. Strive for 5 servings of vegetables daily and you skin is likely to look much better.
  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
    if you are getting dry skin problems. put aquaphor on your skin at night before bed a thin layer with a warm washcloth over it to help it absorb. then in the morning wash only with dove soap. it is hypoalergetic and will not dry your skin or cause pimples.
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    Once I stopped drinking sugary drinks and switched over to just drinking water, all of my skin issues went away! My skin has been the best since I was a child since I have been drinking water and working out. Try to up your water intake. I am currently trying to drink at least 12-15 glasses a day (96-120 ounces).
  • BobbiG35
    BobbiG35 Posts: 15 Member
    This used to be a problem with me too. I noticed, washing my face directly after working out (not letting sweat sit on skin) really helped but the most direct change was adjusting my diet....eating clean and drinking a ton of water solved my issue. I clean my face with Dr. Bronner's soap (castile soap)....be careful and do not get into eyes. I only use lotion in winter and my makeup is strictly bare minerals. Nothing fancy at all....
    If I get a break out, I go to the derm and get a shot of cortisone. It made all the difference in the world. Good luck, those things are nasty and super painful.
    Feel free to add me as friend if you wish! :)