Think I hit my plateau...

bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
I have been eating 1600 calories on days which I do not workout and 1800 calories on days which I do workout (as advised by my trainer who performed an RMR test when I first started with her). I work out at least 4 times a week at minimum - typically 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength/weight training.

Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
CW: 198lbs

If I used the Scooby Calculator correctly my BMR is 1726 and my TDEE is 2373.

I haven't lost any weight over the past 3 or so weeks and I would appreciate some advice as to what changes I should try to make the numbers start moving again.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Increase calories by 200, wait a month and see what happens.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    so 1800 on non-workout days and 2000 on workout days?
  • jjenks3
    jjenks3 Posts: 45
    I hit a plateau about a two months ago, but I busted it by

    a) Changing my routine
    This one was the more important change. I had been doing pretty much the same thing for 3-4 months, treadmill and similar weight exercises. I came in and did the elliptical instead and tried out all new weight machines that targeted different areas. Within two weeks I was back to losing like normal.

    b) Eating a little higher calorie for a couple of weeks.
    I tried this because I had heard some people mention it online. Try increasing your caloric intake by a bit, say 500 or so calories a day. This will, or is supposed to, kind of kick your metabolism back up from where it has settled. Also try eating more times a day, that always helps as it keeps your metabolism chugging throughout the day.

    This is what helped me at least.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I hit a plateau about a two months ago, but I busted by

    a) Changing my routine/
    This one was the more important change. I had been doing pretty much the same thing for 3-4 months, treadmill and similar weight exercises. I came in and did the elliptical instead and tried out all new weight machines that targeted different areas. Within two weeks I was back to losing like normal.

    b) Eating a little higher calorie for a couple of weeks.
    I tried this because I had heard some people mention it online. Try increasing your caloric intake by a bit, say 500 or so calories a day or even more if you want. This will, or is supposed to, kind of kick your metabolism back up from where it has settled. Also try eating more times a day, that always helps.

    This is what helped me at least.

    thanks! i have been trying to change up my routine lately as i feel like i have been doing too much of the same thing and my body has probably gotten used to it over the past few months.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    You've already gotten good advice.

    Increase your calories by 200 and stay there for one month.

    So 1800 on rest days, and 2000-2100 on work out days. Since you are only 25ish pounds from goal, you need to pare your deficit.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    You've already gotten good advice.

    Increase your calories by 200 and stay there for one month.

    So 1800 on rest days, and 2000-2100 on work out days. Since you are only 25ish pounds from goal, you need to pare your deficit.

    okay - thanks! i'm just weary to up the calories i guess.. but it seems to work for a lot of other people so i guess i will see what happens!
  • jjenks3
    jjenks3 Posts: 45
    You've already gotten good advice.

    Increase your calories by 200 and stay there for one month.

    So 1800 on rest days, and 2000-2100 on work out days. Since you are only 25ish pounds from goal, you need to pare your deficit.

    okay - thanks! i'm just weary to up the calories i guess.. but it seems to work for a lot of other people so i guess i will see what happens!
    What's a little less weight loss for a month for much more in the following months? :)
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    3 weeks is not a plateau.... Over 8 weeks with no movement is.
    My scale weight didn't move for 3 weeks straight and this week it was down 1.9 lbs.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    could be water retention...

    I was reading up on this, and one article mentioned a carb reefed day and/or drinking more water. I was 181 on Monday and starting drinking A LOT of water, the on Wednesday was 177.8, and then this morning was 176 ...I look leaner too...This is only one week, but I am going to keep track over the next month and see how things pan out..may even add in a carb reefed day once a month...
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    3 weeks is not a plateau.... Over 8 weeks with no movement is.
    My scale weight didn't move for 3 weeks straight and this week it was down 1.9 lbs.


    actually it is a plateau, but thanks for the advice! -

    What is a true weight loss plateau?

    We generally define “plateau” as no weight loss for 2 or more weeks.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    could be water retention...

    I was reading up on this, and one article mentioned a carb reefed day and/or drinking more water. I was 181 on Monday and starting drinking A LOT of water, the on Wednesday was 177.8, and then this morning was 176 ...I look leaner too...This is only one week, but I am going to keep track over the next month and see how things pan out..may even add in a carb reefed day once a month...

    i was thinking this too but i drink a TON of water as it is.. so i'm not entirely convinced :/
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    have a cheat day
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    I cant see your food diary, but try dropping your carbs to 100 daily.
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    ive read zig zagging your calories is supposed to help, increase them by 200 or sofor a week, so in your case 1800 and 2000, then decrease by 200 for a week, so 1400 and 1600... this is supposed to wake up your metabolism and keep it on its toes... also eating 5-6 small meals a day, one every 2-3 hours. sounds like your workouts are sound, just need a boost!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I cant see your food diary, but try dropping your carbs to 100 daily.

    oops! thought it was open :) fixed it, but good thinking! i try to stay under 200 g a day right now.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Increase calories by 200, wait a month and see what happens.

    LOL. Spoken like a true bro-scientist. Why stop at 200?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    LOL. Spoken like a true bro-scientist. Why stop at 200?

    Says the person not even eating 1200 calories.. You would be surprised how much your body will let you eat while still losing weight.. Few things to break a plateau, eating correctly for your body and activity and changing activity.. Everything is trial and error with weight loss.. Bro-Science.. Nope.