Insomniacs Unite!



  • cdmanney
    cdmanney Posts: 93 Member
    Checking in early! I'm sure I'll be awake for hours still...
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    hoping to wind down but kinda wired - happy to chat
  • DrFever100
    DrFever100 Posts: 5,899 Member
    I'm in. It's been a brutal 3 nights and I'm not even close tonight
  • Frenchers11
    Frenchers11 Posts: 21 Member
    I have a baby, currently going through some nightmare thing, so he randomly does some bloodcurdling screams which obviously wake me up and then I can't go back to sleep. I thought I was done with the cr-p nights once he started sleeping through the night, but if it's not nightmares, it's teething, it's sniffly nose/a cold or just me being paranoid and needing to check he's still breathing...

    I wish I had the ability to sleep though anything like my husband does!!
  • cdmanney
    cdmanney Posts: 93 Member
    Amen to that!00vshktznpq9.jpg
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have what's called Segmented Sleep. So you go to sleep at a relatively normal hour, then wake up for a few hours, then go back to sleep for your "second sleep." I have lived like this for way.too.long. However I did learn that before the advent of electricity this was a very common way for people to live, and people would use the time for going to visit neighbors, praying, or baby making. I'm not doing any of that. I basically just stare at things and wonder why???? Why??? When I was married it drove my now ex-husband crazy.
  • cdmanney
    cdmanney Posts: 93 Member
    Segmented sleep would be an improvement for me. Once I wake up (even at 1:30AM) I absolutely can't fall back to sleep. I'm up for good, even if it's the weekend (I can't take naps either; it's terrible!). I get one shot and that's it.
  • moogplayer
    moogplayer Posts: 542 Member
    Some good advice here. I've laid off caffeine a bit and, while it sucked at first, it has helped.
  • ashes628
    ashes628 Posts: 8 Member
    I usually take a long time to fall asleep on my own. The only way i can fall asleep is by taking two benadryl. I hate feeling tired and want to sleep but can't. Its been this way since i was a teen.