Totally discouraged

I don't understand. I am sticking to my low carb diet. No cheating. I am exercising. But since I started, over three weeks ago, I have only lost 4 lbs. What am I doing wrong?


  • WildePillar
    WildePillar Posts: 120 Member
    Sometimes weight loss happens gradually at first, and then boom! you drop like four pounds in a week!

    Also, if you're exercising, you could be putting on muscle weight. Don't be discouraged! If you're eating enough and getting exercise, it's a numbers game and your body may need some time to adjust. It's only been three weeks!
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    you are losing over 1lb a week and you think your doing something wrong? That is a healthy level of weight loss.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited September 2015
    Wow... you're disappointed in losing 4lbs in just over 3 weeks? What has the world come to...

    OP your logging isn't accurate really. It's full of generic measurements such as "cups" "x servings" etc, use a food scale to weigh everything that passes your mouth. And remember, low carbing isn't necessary but a caloric deficit is - once you come off low carb (if you do), expect to weight gain from water weight.

    You need to adopt yourself some patience, because you're in for a ride...
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    only 4lbs? hun, you've lost weight and you should be happy about that.

    make sure you eat enough food to meet your calorie/macro goals and stop worrying about the number on the scale.
  • patriceltw
    patriceltw Posts: 1 Member
    That is actually over a pound a week which is quite a reasonable loss. How fast you lose weight depends on so many things. Remember that you are in this for the long haul and are trying to make permanent lifestyle changes that you can stick with.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Unrealistic expectations? 4 pounds in 3 weeks is great.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I wish _I_ could lose 4 pounds over the next 3 weeks...
  • bubbex2
    bubbex2 Posts: 51 Member maybe I'm overreacting. I just expected something more dramatic. I am so uncomfortable with this roll around my middle and my obliques. I have dramatically lowered my caloric intake and I thought the weight would just melt off.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: » maybe I'm overreacting. I just expected something more dramatic. I am so uncomfortable with this roll around my middle and my obliques. I have dramatically lowered my caloric intake and I thought the weight would just melt off.

    You thought wrong.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: » maybe I'm overreacting. I just expected something more dramatic. I am so uncomfortable with this roll around my middle and my obliques. I have dramatically lowered my caloric intake and I thought the weight would just melt off.

    No drama! Just be sensible and take all of the good advice above.

  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Unrealistic expectations? 4 pounds in 3 weeks is great.

    You need to adjust your expectations more than your diet. 4 pounds in 3 weeks is fantastic. You didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off that way either. My average weight loss over the entire time I've been working on losing my weight has been 0.5 pounds per week. However, I've lost 99.4 pounds and am only 20 pounds from my goal. The moral of the story: Never, ever, EVER, put the word "only" in front of a loss. Every single ounce adds up and every single loss is a victory.
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    If those expectations of yours where true we would all be skinny one day then fat the next then back to skinny wow the dream.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    Unrealistic expectations? 4 pounds in 3 weeks is great.

    You need to adjust your expectations more than your diet. 4 pounds in 3 weeks is fantastic. You didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off that way either. My average weight loss over the entire time I've been working on losing my weight has been 0.5 pounds per week. However, I've lost 99.4 pounds and am only 20 pounds from my goal. The moral of the story: Never, ever, EVER, put the word "only" in front of a loss. Every single ounce adds up and every single loss is a victory.

    Love this - thanks!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: » maybe I'm overreacting. I just expected something more dramatic. I am so uncomfortable with this roll around my middle and my obliques. I have dramatically lowered my caloric intake and I thought the weight would just melt off.

    You're probably eating more than you think you are. Get a digital food scale and be prepared to be astonished.

  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    AS others have said one pound a week is nice and steady. What usually happens when people have a big loss at the beginning of low carb is a great deal of water loss which comes right back as soon as they start eating carbs again. If were you I would not do low carb. I am not against low carb but you don't need to do it.

    I had a look at your last full diary day. I see you don't eat any vegetables. You must! If you don't get your full quota of nutrients you won't feel good. I am vegan these days and i love my vegies and find them easy to eat much more so even than when i was vegetarian. I'm not trying to convert you or guilt trip you but i am tellling you that without your full quotient of nutrients your depression will continue.

    Ok carry on iwht the low carb but you don't need to be super low. I found it easiest and most enjoyable hwen i was eating about 100g carbs a day. When i went down to 40 carbs (which was the minimum i could cope with whilst eating fish), I gave up due to the great limits on the fruit adn vegies. I love fruit. Fruit is good for us and because its sweet it makes living wihtout sugar possible and enjoyable. I had fun doing low carb but food is much more fun as a vegan or even just as an full spectrum food eater who east their fruit and vegies.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Sorry i've had a glass of delcious wine and i'm not quite myself.
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    A 4lb loss in 3 weeks is great! Your profile says you have a goal of 7lb so you are over halfway there. Generally speaking, the less weight you have to lose the slower it comes off. Be sure you are eating enough calories though. Restricting your intake too much is not sustainable and will lead to problems.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: » maybe I'm overreacting. I just expected something more dramatic. I am so uncomfortable with this roll around my middle and my obliques. I have dramatically lowered my caloric intake and I thought the weight would just melt off.

    you certainly didnt gain it all in 3 weeks, youre sure as heck not going to lose it in 3 weeks.
  • jenlo1971
    jenlo1971 Posts: 49 Member
    Ironic. I just posted how happy I was that I lost 4 lbs in 4 weeks! Would I have preferred it be 10lbs? Well, sure but I am also trying to work on a lifestyle change here not just some dramatic diet so I know that 4 lbs in a month is an awesome loss done in a healthy manner which will hopefully be sustainable for me
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Only 4lbs?!

    Type "What does 4lbs look like" into google images, you'll surprise yourself.
    This is a great loss - and a sustainable loss. Keep up the brilliant work!