Totally discouraged



  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    I wish I could lose 4lbs in 3 weeks! losing it at the rate you are by Christmas you will have lost 20lbs intotal :wink:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: » maybe I'm overreacting. I just expected something more dramatic. I am so uncomfortable with this roll around my middle and my obliques. I have dramatically lowered my caloric intake and I thought the weight would just melt off.

    Except you have unrealistic expectations and lack the knowledge of what rates of loss you should expect. With only 7lb to lose then expect the final 3lb to be a struggle and ypu could be losing ay .5lb a week or less.

    If your expectations are unrealistic then why get yourself worked up about them?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    4lbs is great

    keep it up. in the meantime, get a food scale. weigh your food so you have a better idea of your calorie count
  • bubbex2
    bubbex2 Posts: 51 Member
    Ok. What everyone has posted on here is right. I am getting worked up about nothing. I have always been inpatient and I guess this is a prime example. I should be thankful I have lost 4 lbs. instead of gaining.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    bubbex2 wrote: »
    Ok. What everyone has posted on here is right. I am getting worked up about nothing. I have always been inpatient and I guess this is a prime example. I should be thankful I have lost 4 lbs. instead of gaining.
    Great response, OP! Just keep working toward your goals!
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    I haven't lost weight in months! 4lbs in 3 weeks? That's more than enough for a realistic goal.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Your profile indicates you want to lose 7lb, and your profile pic if indicative of you now...shows you don't have a lot of weight to lose, because of that weight loss will be a lot lower and slower.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Op - great loss in the time period as everyone else has said.

    Had a peek at your diary and there are a few suggestions that I'd like to make.

    Ditch the cups/spoons and generic entries and get a digital scale, weigh in grams, preferably from USDA sties. A number of days showed a REALLY low calorie intake ie 794 for the day....this isn't good for you, eat your 1500 as set by MFP and get your accuracy down pat and you will continue to lose I have no doubt.

    I see you only have 7 lbs to lose....most people report a definite slowing down to lose those last remaining pounds, even if they have come from a higher weight so it will probably be the case for you too....practice patience and just breathe..... CI_CO works just give it time.... :)

    Did you pick low carb for any particular reason?? Barring medical conditions there is no need to restrict carbs. Eat the foods you like within your calorie goal so you will be able to sustain this way of eating in the long term.

    Given that you have admitted you are impatient; please don't fall into the pitfall of comparing your losses to anyone else. Don't fall for the "I lost X number of pounds in X number of days and am now the reigning Champ of US Bikini Model for 2015"....everyone is different and will lose weight'll lose it from wherever (not necessarily from your preferred site sucks but it's the truth) and some weeks you won't lose anything at all.....weight loss isn't linear.

    All the best
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    Time and patience, patience and time. I started this journey in Jan 2013 at 270 lbs... down 70 lbs over 2.5 years... sometimes i gain, sometimes i lose... just keep at it.
  • bethn24
    bethn24 Posts: 19 Member
    4Lbs for 3 weeks is really good a weight loss of more then 1LB a week unless your morbidly obese is not recommended, keep up the good work, and remember good things take time :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,925 Member
    You are at a normal weight with very little weight to lose.

    You lose both lean and fat mass when you restrict calories.

    The larger your deficit the more likely you are to lose non fat mass.

    Furthermore, since you're past your late 20's, your body is systematically catabolic when it comes to muscle mass.

    On top of that, unless you have a LOT of fat lying around (which you don't) and muscles which you haven't trained for a long time, you are not going to building muscle mass while losing weight. At best you will slow down muscle loss by exercising.

    Muscle mass is a more important predictor of longevity than a low normal BMI. In fact, a low normal BMI is a predictor of lessened longevity compared to a slightly overweight BMI in the 26 to 27 range when it comes to people over 60.

    You are already losing too fast which means you are, un-necessarily, losing lean mass.

    Kindly set MFP to lose 0.5lbs a week and NET what it tells you to.

    Including eating ALL your exercise calories back if your calories are primarily from walking or running and you weigh all your food on a digital scale in grams while making sure to pick database entries that you verify with outside sources such as the USDA database.

    Otherwise just eat back 50% to 75% of your exercise calories depending on your hunger cues and re-evaluate in a few weeks based on your actual weight loss.

    Start using a site such as, or, or a mobile app such as Libra for android and happy scale for iphone.

    This will allow you to see your underlying weight change trend as opposed to being side-tracked by individual weight data points. Humans have a weight range, not an unchanging single point weight, and water weight changes are an order of magnitude larger than underlying fat/muscle changes.

    Good luck... caloric restriction is not a place where new york impatience has a place