thinking of trying the nutra system for a month.anyone know if this is worth the money?



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    These other options seems better of local businesses that provide the same service, but better quality or at a better price. You must surely have some of the better supermarkets that do the same as well pr even some fast food outlets that specialise in calorie controlled healthier types of products? Long terms its better to know about nutrition and sort out the food you eat, but if you are so busy and you cant use scales or cook, then there are still better options.
  • drsbeautygmailcom890
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    I had a friend who tried it, hated the food & offered the food to her dog, who sniffed it and walked away.

    Why not just eat food that you enjoy in a calorie deficit?
    If you live in a large city there are private companies that do the same but with better quality food.
    If you live in a large city there are private companies that do the same but with better quality food.
    999tigger wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    I had a friend who tried it, hated the food & offered the food to her dog, who sniffed it and walked away.
    Why not just eat food that you enjoy in a calorie deficit?

    I want to hire someone who will pick the low calorie meals for me, im a very busy woman , don't have time to cook nor grocery shop, i always end up at fast food shops, so having a low calorie meal served to me and already cooked would be most helpful...

    Just try it then , it seems it has the potential to be worth it for you. Not teaching you anuthing about food though and what will happen after you stop using them? What will stop you simply regaining the weight?

    Well, if i lose it, (and i will) , i certainly will not gain it back. Iv been a small person all of my life until i recently had a bundle of joy☺. now iv got about 15 pounds to lose before im back to my weight before the baby. Im losing weight now, but its not moving as fast as id like it to. Guess i just need to be patient. But you guys have giving me a lot to think about towards this nutra system and i now have a lot to consider about it
    Its hard to get back on track after having a baby, i just need a little push and i got it from there.
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    I had a friend who tried it, hated the food & offered the food to her dog, who sniffed it and walked away.
    Why not just eat food that you enjoy in a calorie deficit?

    I want to hire someone who will pick the low calorie meals for me, im a very busy woman , don't have time to cook nor grocery shop, i always end up at fast food shops, so having a low calorie meal served to me and already cooked would be most helpful...

    Oh! You're a very busy woman. That changes everything. Then I would say that you have no choice but to do nutrisystem.

    No one on this site is busy, so we can all do our own shopping, make our own meals and count our own calories. No one here has a job (or jobs), children and a family to take care of, no one here attends school.

    I do apologize for the snark, but the "I'm so busy" excuse is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

    I remember what it was like after having my daughter. Taking care of her, holding down a job AND preparing meals. It wasn't easy, but I did it.

    You can do nutrisystem if you want, but it's not necessary, and being busy isn't an excuse for not preparing your own meals.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do.

    Thank you.. The good thing about my situation is, i can cook .....if i want too, but i don't have blessed to have that choice of hiring or doing it myself. Not everyone have that choice..
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I had tried Jenny Craig in 2009 and I spent about $400 a month on the food, along with spending for fresh veggies to suplement some of the snacks. I did lose about 75 lbs, but I didn't lose the weight mentally in my head. Just eating their food doesn't let your brain "get it". I did it all thru the mail, so my son was happy to get to play with the small block of dry ice the frozen food came with though. Exploding things in the can be so much fun!
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    My mother was on it a long time ago she had to drive over an hour every week for her evaluation. No idea how much it cost at the time i was a kid. . . She hated the food and when you were hungry you were supposed to use a chocolate flavored spray as a snack. The cheese crisps were alright i thought. . No idea what the plan looks like now.
  • maykithapn
    maykithapn Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2015
    I have a little experience with Nutrisystem. My sister tried the program a long time ago and the food was not good. However, I started the program one month ago and have lost 18 pounds so far.
    How it works: I chose the plan with the frozen meals, which they overnight in a cooler with dry ice. The shelf stable food comes in another delivery. The full price for the program including shipping is running about $500/month but with all of the discounts I paid $205/month last month total and just ordered a new month at the same cost. I also spend about $100-150 at the grocery store buying regular food - the dairy, meat and vegetables you are supposed to eat. I go high end on some things, so I could probably spend less at the grocery store.
    You eat nutrisystem meals 3 times/day + one nutrisystem dessert or snack, 3 additional protein rich foods, 1 additional carb, and unlimited nonstarchy vegetables. You are supposed to eat more if you have 100+ pounds to lose.
    It works well for me right now because I don't have to deal with the obsessing over what to eat, what to cook,when to cook, and what to buy right now. I just hired someone to mow my lawn and I feel like he performs a service just like nutrisystem does for me. I wondered why it took me so long to start those services, but is has always been hard for me to get help when I need it.
    If you do the fast 5 program they offer, be prepared to hate it and be hungry. That may not happen to you, but I swear they sent me the worst possible food from the bottom of some basement in hell. Some of their food tastes terrible, by that I mean disgusting. Also, I don't know what they put into the energizing shake, but I felt like I was on speed or something. I don't really trust that diet center counselors have any real experience or training, that could be my own paranoia, I've only spoken to one once. The system was not all that clear to me at first and there really wasn't a manual. They should work on better new customer materials (I think they want you to call in for counseling, but I have this thing about getting help and diet counselors, so....)

    Pros: I lost 8 pounds that 1st week and I am choosing what I like now.( I don't know if I'd do that fast 5 to myself again.) There are many tasty choices, that I'd eat even if I weren't dieting.
    I'm getting better acquainted with correct portion sizes while avoiding hunger. My bf has been watching my progress and we've had some good conversations about food choices and portion sizes. You can return unopened shelf stable food if you don't like it and their customer service has be great.

    Could I do all of this myself without nutrisystem? Probably, but this choice is working for me, and I plan on continuing for a few months and then transitioning off it. I think I'm going to need to eat more, I might be losing too quickly and that's hard on your gallbladder and pancreas. (Just read the post about the lawsuit above and after research found that almost all the diet companies get hit with it when people lose weight. Probably because no one wants to lose less if they are losing quickly). All of the literature states I shouldnt lose more than 2lbs/week.