My goal is to lose 100 lbs



  • YasiChiX2
    YasiChiX2 Posts: 9 Member
    My goal also is to lose a serious amount weight ..Its only been about a week but every day gets easier just believe that you have the strength to do it !!!
  • MsLexii
    MsLexii Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Betty,

    Don't let the fact that you need/want to lose 100lbs scare you. Take it one day at time. PROGRESS, not perfection!! Like others have said, allow yourself to have the things you love, just in moderation. Give yourself one day a week that you indulge in a sweet treat but only have the one serving size that is recommended. And what is so incredibly important, is that if you do mess up (because we ALL screw up sometimes) just get back up on that horse and try again the next day!! If you fall off that horse for a few days, or a week, thats okay too.. just get back up and keep trying.

    My starting weight was around 365lb, I am down to 331 today. My goal is to be around 180lbs (I am 6ft). I've lost 120lbs before. And I won't lie, it was hard and it took a lot of dedication! However, because I've done it before I know I'll do it again. YOU can do it too!! You just have to show up and try. Keep trying.

    Small goals! 5lbs by XX date, 10lbs by XX date. Ignoring the scale at first can be very helpful too. Measure yourself before you even start exercising/eating better. The scale was my worst enemy during the first 30 days or so. I would actually gain weight and I become discouraged. I measured myself about two weeks in and again about two weeks later. The scale had only budged a pound or two, but the inches were falling off!! Keep that in mind.
  • Kimberley0418
    Kimberley0418 Posts: 6 Member
    You totally got this! I have a little over 100 lbs to lose. Just found out I'm pregnant though so just being healthy for the next 8 more months is my new goal. If you look at it as just two pounds a week, that's totally doable and this time next year you will have already reached your goal!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I love having new people to motivate each other with!
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    I used to be a bike racer, and one psychological trick I would play on myself when I was training was instead of thinking "I have such a long way to go before this ride is done!!", I would think "just get to the next telephone pole", and "get to the next one", etc. It's the little attainable goals that make this journey possible.

    My ultimate goal is to be down 101.8 pounds, to 185. So far, I've lost 67 since mid-January, and small goals certainly help get there. It's almost like being a recovering alcoholic, but one who still needs alcohol to survive. We can't just go without food, but we can limit it a little every day. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • lildutchgirl79
    lildutchgirl79 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to be a bike racer, and one psychological trick I would play on myself when I was training was instead of thinking "I have such a long way to go before this ride is done!!", I would think "just get to the next telephone pole", and "get to the next one", etc. It's the little attainable goals that make this journey possible.

    I used to do the *exact* same thing when I jogged!! :smile:
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    You can definitely do it. I have over 200 pounds to lose total, and so far I've lost 102. I won't tell you that it has been easy, because it hasn't, but it also hasn't been wholly unpleasant, either. I am taking my time with it so that I can eat in a sustainable way and enjoy the things I love. At the same time, I have developed a true love for exercise which really helps with my mindset. I started small on every aspect of this, and built it up.

    I have a blog chronicling my whole journey so far if you're interested:

    Go for it!
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    I started out at 292 and my original goal was to get to 192 (my now final goal is 162 which will be a total of 130 pounds lost) .. that was on may 20th 2015, This past sunday (sept. 6th) I weighed in at 264... 28 pounds down... I totally agree with everyone else that has said do it in small increments... because when i started I was like wow that is a LOT of weight to lose...while my tracker says 192, in my head i mark it in 10 pound increments. I have met almost 3 goals (hoping to get to my 3rd goal this coming monday)

    You can do this! just be determined and one step at a time, One meal at a time... and remember PATIENCE!
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi I just started my weight loss journey (again) a few weeks ago. I have started this several times off and on through the years, I have been overweight for a long time. This weekend I was totally horrible with my diet. I ate everything I wanted without thinking about it. Normally that would be the start of the end, however this time I am trying to make changes. I logged every bite of everything and held myself accountable. I gained weight this week (probably due to excess bad carbs lots of soda and candy) but I moved on back to following healthy eating. I also bought my first fit bit this weekend (found out I have the activity level of a slug) so I have been trying to move more as my back will allow me( herniated disc with severe pain with long periods of not lying down.) So if you would like to add me as a friend I will help motivate and support you. Trust been there done that way to long. Time to get strong and healthy.
  • MyWeigh94
    MyWeigh94 Posts: 28 Member
    I started at 330, and joined myfitnesspal at 290. That's where I am currently. And I am planning on losing another 150 ish pounds maybe 160. Feel free to send me a request.
  • Pcs1961
    Pcs1961 Posts: 8 Member
    Today is my first day at MFP. Ive got 100# to loose one day at a time. After gaining and loosing the same 15 pounds for the past year under another program. I like the positive comments of this group!
  • Shopsalot129
    Shopsalot129 Posts: 5 Member
    I also want to lose 100 lbs. I'm getting married in July and using that as my motivation. Wishing everyone luck! We can all do this! Send me a friend request if anyone would like to. Extra motivation is always a plus :)
  • Ldmarcher07
    Ldmarcher07 Posts: 20 Member
    bettytrask wrote: »
    Hi all, l'm finally motivated to lose weight and to improve my health. I know 100 lbs seems daunting, but I feeling that it is attainable. Needing support from like minded people and those who have been in my situation.

    Hi, Betty! My name is Lisa. I'm 5'2 and 243.8lbs. I started at 262 just a few weeks ago. My goal isn't set in stone yet but I know I don't want to be over 160 which would be a total loss of 100 pounds. I can sympathize with you on the need for people looking to lose 100+ pounds of weight. I, too, am looking for the same people.

    Well, if you'd like, you can add me. I'm very motivational so I write on walls daily and usually every post. If you aren't interested in communicating, then I don't think I'm the right friend to add. Everyone on my timeline speaks A LOT and frequently. Any who, I wish you the BEST in your endeavors!
  • TheDailyChallenge
    TheDailyChallenge Posts: 245 Member
    bettytrask wrote: »
    Hi all, l'm finally motivated to lose weight and to improve my health. I know 100 lbs seems daunting, but I feeling that it is attainable. Needing support from like minded people and those who have been in my situation.

    Come join our group for daily challenges and fun tools to keep on track for mind and body overall Health. See you there! ;)
  • tamaera
    tamaera Posts: 20 Member
    edited September 2015
    Count me in this group also :) I would like to lose between 100 - 110 lbs myself :) I had found a weight lifting program a few months ago that I was really enjoying and losing weight on, but I hurt my back while lifting my dog into the tub ugh - still painful but much better than it was. I'm going to be getting back on the workouts probably next week but I don't want to overdo my back. My husband bought me a Ninja blender a few weeks ago and I'm now addicted to healthy smoothies, I figure one step at a time :D The workout program I'll be using is Body Beast along with doing HIIT workouts 3 days a week. I would like to lose this in one years time :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Chiming in as one more who had lost 105 so far, 15 months. Once you get started and get your eating routine established, it can pretty smoothly. My biggest challenges were things in life and health that slowed me down. LOSING WEIGHT IS EASIER THAN STAYING FAT!

    There is an MFP group for losers 100+ Without surgery.

    SW 301
    CW 196
    GW 150
  • Andrealp55
    Andrealp55 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I am in the same boat of trying to lose 100lbs. I am well on my way but have reached a slump, and I have gained 5lbs back. Now I am ready to fully commit to losing the weight again. I have been on MFP since March but never reached out to anyone, I think making friends on here may be the key to staying motivated! Feel free to friend me, I would love to make motivating partners!

  • SamanthaPeake
    SamanthaPeake Posts: 54 Member
    I'm with you if you want someone to buddy up with! 6lb down 94lb to go. Please add me x
  • RMCottonRPh
    RMCottonRPh Posts: 41 Member
    I have a little over 100 I want to lose. I am not looking at the total number. I am setting mini goals and am just looking for the scale to keep going down every week by making changes to my eating and exercise. I have relapsed before by getting overwhelmed by the total number and seeing how far I still had to go. Now, the downward trend is what I'm truly striving for. Time be damned.
  • alphastarz
    alphastarz Posts: 55 Member
    I'm a newbie with 100 pounds to lose as well. Love to have friends and support, regardless of where you are on your journey, that know how it feels to be overwhelmed with the task at hand.

    100 pounds to lose, infinite confidence and pride to gain by doing something hard.
  • jmaya26
    jmaya26 Posts: 12 Member
    One day at a time is all we can do! I have 100+ to loose and it seems so out of reach. Making small goals makes things easier! Kept it up