Been "working out" for about two months without any noticeable difference



  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited September 2015
    ben7072 wrote: »
    Okay, started logging food two days ago. I was just curious, so I kept eating what I had been eating to see how it would all stack up.

    Looks like I'm coming in at just a few hundred calories under goal each day (so far, anyway--two days =/= two weeks). So if I am losing weight, it must just be happening really slowly. What really surprises me is the calorie loss it's claiming for my walk--a little over 400 calories for two miles? Is it busted, or am I losing such a high amount each time only because I'm as overweight as I am (290 at 5'10")? Also, do I need to be consistent about the time of day I weigh myself?

    I definitely get over 10k steps a day--a lot of that comes from the two-mile walk, but there's also plenty of steps taken throughout the day around the office, to the train station, and to lunch.

    If you are very accurate about time and pace, then MFP is accurate too. If you are not sure, then it is better to be careful and just assume it is 50% that, it is very easy to overestimate effort.
    Rgearding food, if you are new to this, it is very very easy to be off by several hundreds of calories if you are not using a food scale to figure out what a portion is supposed to be.