295 lbs to 175 lbs starts tonight



  • kristinels
    kristinels Posts: 315 Member
    mumofzoe wrote: »
    plan plan plan meals, great that you love to cook. have fun finding new healthy recipes. good luck on your weight loss
    Any advice on a good meal planning site?

    I use emeals.com. They have several different plans for healthy eating - Low Calorie, Portion Control, Heart Health, Paleo, Mediterranean, etc. You download a new menu each week that has 7 dinners, and a grocery list for everything needed to prepare those 7 meals. The menu also, of course, has the prep/cooking instructions and most of the meals are pretty easy to prepare. I started using emeals for budgeting purposes - to try to keep my grocery bills down a bit - and then found the low cal plan and have really enjoyed most of the meals. Good Luck!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    good luck man. it can be done.

    check out budgetbytes.com for a multitude of healthy and satisfying meals. i don't think you really need to plan meals in the sense of a diet or a plan. just stay under your calories, and try and hit your macros. a little over or under won't hurt as long as it balances out.

    some rules or guidelines might help with providing boundaries. i've heard people do things like "vegan before 7" or "no carbs at night," and they can provide some guidance. as an endurance athlete myself, i have reduced my nightly carbs, but still enjoy them very much.

    personally, i like (try) to have one day a week where i don't eat any meat, and one day a week where the only meat i eat is fish. i also try and limit my alcohol intake by not drinking at least two days a week (usually monday and friday), and on the days i do drink to limit myself to two (lets see how i approach football season though, lol).

    i also try to have some fruits or vegetables at every meal. i found a kale and chorizo frittata on the budget bytes website that is very healthy and tasty.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    My doctor says he wants me at 175 lbs. I'm currently 295. I'm starting this scary journey tonight--a 37 year old male who loves food and to cook. I'm going to need all the help and advice and encouragement I can get.

    Eat a lot of protein and try to rid yourself of the bad carbs...this will help make you feel full so you dont over eat and by getting rid of the bad carbs it curbs alot of your cravings. Oh, and water, water, water. Good luck.

  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    43, 6'1" = started at 263, currently at 244, goal of 200. Good luck and I concur with ^^^ about water: days I drink 8+ cups, I tend to do well with meeting my calorie goals. Days I go under on water (particularly if I indulge in my admitted Achilles Hell of Diet Coke), I tend to give in to cravings and over-eat (grazing on junk food, etc.).
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    mumofzoe wrote: »
    plan plan plan meals, great that you love to cook. have fun finding new healthy recipes. good luck on your weight loss
    Any advice on a good meal planning site?

    I feel it's important to eat all kinds of foods you like so it's worthwhile to figure out a way to eat the types of foods you love while maybe incorporating new things you haven't eaten before. I love ethnic food and if I felt I had to stop eating that, I would soon feel deprived and quit. I've learned how to make recipes that satisfy those tastes but that fit within my daily calorie goals.

    My best advice to you is to log EVERYTHING you eat, and hopefully you will soon be able to see which calories are "worth it" to you and which are not. It was eye-opening to me to see that I really didn't need as much cheese or butter as I thought I did. And I still eat chips or other treats, but not with the reckless abandon that I used to! If I've going to eat an chocolate chip cookie it had better be worth it!