Cheese and weight loss

Hey Guys -

So here is a question I have been thinking about... How bad is cheese (and other Dairy) for you in regards to weight loss?

Speaking purely about the calorie-to-mass ratio cheese is definitely a bad choice of food. All the foods that are traditionally bad for the weight conscience (cheese burgers, pizza, sandwiches,etc) are made worse by cheese. However some folks seem to think that cheese is a great source of protein and contains weight loss properties you can't find anywhere else.

Is there a cheese (like Feta) that is good?
Should those trying to lose weight swear off dairy?
Is cheese like anything else and should be consumed in moderation?

What are your thoughts?


  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Some cheese has higher calories. Some cheese has higher sodium. Just put it in your tracker and meet your goals. It's not the devil unless it causes you stomach problems.
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    I've had 100grams of cheese on a 320gram chuck steak burger with white bun for tea and I'm still alive to tell the tale
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Speaking purely about the calorie-to-mass ratio cheese is definitely a bad choice of food.
    I can eat a cheese stick when I'm hungry that has 100 cals and some fat and protein that satiate and plenty of nutrients. I'm a big fan of cheese and I don't think any of it's bad, personally.

    Pizza, etc are bad for other reasons than cheese, but if you are concerned about calories in cheese, you can always use it to flavor things in small doses (parmesan, goat, feta, etc) for not too many calories.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    For me, cheese is no different than any other food. If it fits in my macros, I want it, it doesn't cause me any health problems, and I can enjoy it in moderation, why shouldn't I have it?
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    I eat cheese on a daily basis -- I plan for it. I enjoy cheese (all types of cheese without restriction) and would not be satisfied if I had to go without the rest of my life so I make it work. I eat goat cheese crumbled on salads or home made "pizzas". I eat cheese sticks or slices off a block as a snack. I have cottage cheese or ricotta for breakfast with fruit. I crumble blue cheese in my buffalo chicken lettuce wraps. I have Munster cheese on my turkey sandwich. Enjoy thin sliced cheddar on my small lean meat burger. Fresh grated Parmesan on my pasta -- etc... you get the idea.

    I eat smaller portions and enjoy every bite. I plan for it in my daily meals and don't go over my calories. I have not noticed a problem in eating cheese, but then again I am quite far away from my goal at this time.
  • gingabebe
    gingabebe Posts: 165 Member
    I try to keep feta on hand as it rocks on a salad and is healthier than blue. If there is something I am eating that really requires cheese, I just use a bit less and use a stronger tasting cheese, like sharp cheddar rather than mild to get more flavor out of less. I skip the cheese on a burger as I pile on the veggies and it can get lost in the other competing flavors. A favorite snack of mine is Cracker Barrel Aged Reserve White Cheddar- a few thin slices of that is all it takes to satisfy a snack hunger.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I eat cheese pretty regularly...though I don't smother stuff in it like I used to because of the calorie content.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    My favorite treat right now is half a roasted pear with an ounce of goat cheese. An ounce of cheese is a healthy way to dress up a meal.

    Skip the cheap, over-processed, high-sodium cheeses that come in enormous packages.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I eat cheese everyday. And pizza once a week, and wine once every week or so, and ice cream several times a week. I've done pretty good so far. :wink:

    Eliminate cheese and other dairy if you have an intolerance or if you just don't like it. If you enjoy it, eat it. Ask yourself this: do I want the cheese? Yes? Then eat it. No? Then don't eat it.

    Cheese is good.
  • upscalelifedownscalebutt
    Cheese and I are great diet pals. I know logically that it is a bad choice, but my taste buds love it, and my brain equates cheese with indulgence so I never feel deprived. I include a small portion of cheese in my daily diet and see the pounds fall off.

    I was at 182 (due to medication related weight gain) in March and (as of today) I am 155 so it has helped me stick to an otherwise healthy eating plan.

    I eat dry cottage cheese, soft goat's cheese, feta, provolone, low fat mozza, medium full fat cheddar, gruyere, smoked gouda, and whatever else I can get my hand's on. Goat's milk cheese are by far my favourite though. I love their zippy tang, and they are more tummy friendly.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I eat cheese (and all dairy.) I've lost weight. /thread
  • awie11
    awie11 Posts: 44
    Cheese to me is considered a food I will eat as a cheat.

    But what I do, because I'm pretty much addicted to cheese is I buy those little wedges of laughing cow cheese, and when I'm really craving cheese I put some of that on crackers as a snack and it usually only rounds up to 100 calories.
  • nak1a
    nak1a Posts: 69 Member
    I LOVE CHEESE and I still eat it everyday. I just make sure to use the appropriate portion. I buy Kraft Shredded Cheddar, the regular stuff, not the fat free, and follow the 1/4c serving size or less when I add it to my meal. So for me, portion control has afforded me the opportunity to still enjoy my cheese :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I love cheese and it hasn't hurt my progress. Swiss, cheddar, nacho, asiago, mozzarella, feta, even American Cheesefood. :laugh: Love 'em all.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I have a lot of dairy (helps me meet my protein goals). I eat cheese regularly. And if I'm low on calories and fat for the day, I take it as a sign that I'm meant to eat more cheese. Hasn't slowed me down in the least.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Cheese (and bread) are my weaknesses.

    Hard cheeses are best. Good protein content.

    Om nom nom.
  • lraien
    lraien Posts: 29 Member
    I don't think anything that is a "real" food is bad for you - portion/moderation is the only thing I think you need to consider. If I'm eating something that is higher calorie to begin with (tacos) then I'll skip sprinkling cheese on it because I'm already getting plenty of flavor, etc. and it isn't needed - it's just adding calories but for a sandwich, I always use a slice of cheese.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    When I was 3 weeks out from my last bodybuilding competition I was eating 6 servings of cheese a day and still losing a pound a week.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I eat cheese every day. I weigh it in grams or ounces and enjoy.

    When I want to overindulge, I do it with cheese and just don't bother. When I was losing weight, I sometimes consumed 1000 calories of cheese on certain nights. I didn't hurt me a bit.

    Now I'm no suggesting people eat more than their calorie requirements in cheese, I'm just saying that I love the stuff and it makes me happy.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    I love cheese and dairy in general and can't imagine going without it. My brie intake has been seriously limited since I started trying to lose weight, but I still enjoy a slice of cheese on sandwiches, a cheese stick here or there, yogurt, and even pizza as long as they fit into proper eating for the day or week.

    Some people will SWEAR that dairy is the devil and will stall your weight loss. Other people swear that sufficient dairy helps weight loss. I find it delicious and I eat it, and I am still losing weight.