Customer went too far.



  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    ooooooh. I don't know if I could have kept cool. yeh. I think even though it would get me fired I probably would have ripper her apart.

    at the least, the distain would be clear on my face.

    did she want to test drive the new mini cooper?
  • sdokeefe
    sdokeefe Posts: 29
    Should've given her a Bert stare and asked her "Do you even lift?"
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I have keloid scars on my chest and you would not BELIEVE how many people actually ask me about them. While I was a bankers/teller at my previous job I got:

    "Do those things on your chest bother you?" Nope, but they must bother you b****

    "Were you in a car accident?" Yes and all the damage was.. In my chest?

    "What ARE those things on your chest?" They are tiny alien pods getting ready to burst and take over the world.

    "Did you have dermals in there?" Yes. Placed sporadically on my CHEST.

    Amazing the things people think they have the right to say to you just because you're clocked in huh?

    I have keloids all over my upper arms/back/and shoulders. If I wear a tank top, complete strangers grab at me to figure out "what's wrong" with me. It takes all my strength to hold my tongue. It took me years to be corageous enough to even wear sleeveless shirts in public because people are so damn rude.

    I too have keyloids on my back , My brother told me once that it looks like I had my " wings clipped " so now when I wear a bathing suit and someone askes me what happened I use that story .
    I say I was an angel and my wings were clipped . So much easier and nicer than the real story :frown:
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I don't know what I'd say in that situation, but I think I would have said, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe I should put on 50 pounds eating fast food as my regular diet and drink soda all day and not exercise and see where that takes me in life beside the hospital and having a forklift lift me off my bed."

    I'd probably get fired lol
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Yeah, all the time. I pretend I'm on an episode of Candid Camera or Punked and they're just trying to get a reaction out of me.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I see some irony here.

    Me too!

    cluck cluck cluck

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Body shaming in any form isn't right.

    Isn't it ironic, OP?

    Doncha think?
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    It's SO okay for you to body-shame someone else, but it's SO uncool when somebody does it to you. Yeah, totally. Got it. :noway:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Body shaming in any form isn't right.

    Isn't it ironic, OP?

    Doncha think?


    fixed it for you.
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    I think I would have said," Let me put your mind at ease so you do not have to worry about me anymore. When I am ready for a man to catch me I simply have to slow down during my run and let one of the 5 or 6 chasing me, catch me. Since I exercise so much with the stamina that I have developed one just won't do anymore."
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Mhm, I've been called to thin, told I looked sick, been told that men don't like bones, they are for dogs, real men like meat. All the while when I was 250 lbs I was told I was a fat heifer, had people make earth quake noises when I walked by, asked if I needed a lift back to the ocean (in other words calling me Shamu). I've gotten it from both ends.

    The one that gets me is when I'm told me like curves not a stick figure, I have curves, my curves are finally in the right place though. I have boobs and a nice booty, I worked my *kitten* off for my booty.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have keloid scars on my chest and you would not BELIEVE how many people actually ask me about them. While I was a bankers/teller at my previous job I got:

    "Do those things on your chest bother you?" Nope, but they must bother you b****

    "Were you in a car accident?" Yes and all the damage was.. In my chest?

    "What ARE those things on your chest?" They are tiny alien pods getting ready to burst and take over the world.

    "Did you have dermals in there?" Yes. Placed sporadically on my CHEST.

    Amazing the things people think they have the right to say to you just because you're clocked in huh?

    I know that feel. I've got keloids on my ears and the number of people who feel like they can just walk up and tell me how gross they are is staggering. I used to be afraid to have short hair because of how insecure they made me.
  • nf1982
    nf1982 Posts: 38 Member
    WOW! The audacity of some people. America has a skewed sense of what healthy looks like. Don't give it a second thought!
  • Chrisplayer136
    Chrisplayer136 Posts: 196 Member
    I work with the public on a daily routine. When something like that happens, I just think "consider the source". I think this applies here. lol
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have keloid scars on my chest and you would not BELIEVE how many people actually ask me about them. While I was a bankers/teller at my previous job I got:

    "Do those things on your chest bother you?" Nope, but they must bother you b****

    "Were you in a car accident?" Yes and all the damage was.. In my chest?

    "What ARE those things on your chest?" They are tiny alien pods getting ready to burst and take over the world.

    "Did you have dermals in there?" Yes. Placed sporadically on my CHEST.

    Amazing the things people think they have the right to say to you just because you're clocked in huh?

    I used to walk with a cane and random people would often ask me what was wrong with me. I get that people are curious, but wtf, mind your own business.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I actually get told that I'll be skin and bones if I lose any more weight by a lot of people. It's quite ridiculous because I could easily lose another 10-15 lbs and still have a bit of fat on me. I think it's because the mindset of people now is that being overweight is normal, while actually being fit and thin is not. I think it's sad that the general mindset is like this. :( (From what I know of anyway)
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Was she gossiping like an old hen?

    Bet her signature was nothing but chicken scratch.

    Did she rule the roost?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    She is just trying to justify her own poor choices by putting you down.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    i understand how you feel completly. I was 120 pounds and have always have a bit of a pooch but nothing to much and now at 184 (more of a pooch) I get asked multiple times a month..." are you pregnant?" "how far along are you" "whats your due date" and the level of emotion that runs through me rather it be rage, humiliation, and horror all I can do it look at them with a blank expression while im trying to grasp that they just said that to me and firmly say NO! It hurts and its frustrating so I completly understand.:flowerforyou:

    When I was young, I remember my dad telling me, "Son, unless a woman tells you, or there is a baby sticking out from between her legs, never, never, never assume or comment that she is pregnant." lol.

    I use this same rule...either she says the words "I am pregnant" or I see actual baby parts.

    This rule may or may not have been the result of having guessed wrong before. :embarassed:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I see some irony here.

    Wait, what? I don't have my MFP forum scorecard with me. Is there a corresponding thread that connects the dots for me?

    ETA: Now that the dots have been connected for me... makes this hard-to-believe story seem even more incredibly suspect.
