craving thoughs sweets!



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Switching to a low carb high fat diet worked for me.

    Ya, I reduced carbs by reducing baked goods and added sugar. (I believe my fat was already sufficiently high.) The less carbs I ate, the less I craved. I do eat more fruit now - fruit gives a much higher sweet bang for the calorie buck and the fruit I've been eating isn't especially high carb.

  • boydljodi
    boydljodi Posts: 15 Member
    Well i appreciate t
    rbfdac wrote: »
    boydljodi wrote: »
    Listen. Not everyone is master of the spelling bee. Before you are quick to judge and snap at someone for there spelling think there maybe a reason they struggle with it and possibly have come a long way by working hard and doing the best. This is an app for weight lose help and motivation and going around pointing out flaws in people isnt very help for to anybody. Its just rude.

    I assume you were meaning to respond to me. I didn't "snap" at anyone. But you are right, I never really thought that you could be struggling.

    Additionally, I'm not really diggin' the accusation that I "go around pointing out flaws in people". I admit that I was being a little insensitive.

    Well i appreciate that and apologies if i was being harsh. Its a sensitive subject.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    Satisfy your craving by eating the thing you are craving within the confines of your calorie and macronutritional limits/goals.


    You can quite sugar "cold turkey." It will reduce the craving (no evidence of addiction). But, giving up sugar until you lose the weight doesn't give you any tools you need to manage sugar for the future.

    Sugar is my nemesis too. I "allow" myself a sugary snack each day. I look forward to that sugary snack, then I savor every bite, and I log it. I need to know how many calories are in that piece of chocolate, that ice cream bar, or that snack cake.

    I won't be sugar free forever (no medical issues) I will need to manage sugar in the future too.
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    boydljodi wrote: »
    xtrain321 wrote: »
    Usually eating sweets results in eating more sweets and big trouble, so for me it's best if I just don't get started. I usually eat some fruit with every meal to help. If I absolutely must have sweets, I get the smallest portion I can find, like a mini size candy bar. Good luck!

    This is my problem. I was told once if im craving something just eat it or else il completely crap out on the entire diet eventually if i dont. Not sure how true that is.

    If you are able to moderate your intake, there's nothing wrong with that approach. But if you are unable to do it, not eating it is fine as well. There is nothing wrong with not eating something that you do not find benefits your or your goals.

    I find getting more fat in my diet helps, but I also keep an eye on carbs. If I'm low (as in lower than normal for me) for a few days, I find I have a lot of cravings and that could be disastrous, so I try to keep my numbers on target. It works for me.

    Totally agree with this. Personally I am unable to eat sweets in moderation, so they have no place in my diet outside of a very rare occasion. I've found many foods that aren't triggers for me that I love and look forward to, so I don't feel deprived...but none of them are sweets. :)

  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    I have a very sweet tooth but some how I'm keeping it under control but I do like to eat fiber one bars those chocolate mint ones are the best and they are sweet but only have 90 calories and you get 5g of fiber
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    If you're diabetic this isn't workable, but for me, the craving for high-added-sugar sweets dropped away when I started making it a point to eat whole fruit regularly - on the order of 3 servings a day. Yes, this is sugar, but in whole fruit it's packaged up with all sorts of good fiber, vitamins, anti-oxidants, etc., and there's less sugar than in cookies, brownies, candy, etc. After doing this for a while, the high-added-sugar things aren't very pleasing to me anymore (but I know this part doesn't happen for everyone).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    If you're diabetic this isn't workable, but for me, the craving for high-added-sugar sweets dropped away when I started making it a point to eat whole fruit regularly - on the order of 3 servings a day. Yes, this is sugar, but in whole fruit it's packaged up with all sorts of good fiber, vitamins, anti-oxidants, etc., and there's less sugar than in cookies, brownies, candy, etc. After doing this for a while, the high-added-sugar things aren't very pleasing to me anymore (but I know this part doesn't happen for everyone).

    This did happen to me - Snickers bars and peppermint patties make me feel sick now.

  • LeahEstevez4
    LeahEstevez4 Posts: 16 Member
    I struggle with chocolate- so i eat it. but i have small amounts and exercise it off- I also have a cheat day where i go MENTAL and eat whatever i want- i have lost 2.5 kgs in the last 15 days :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm not as good at moderating my intake of gelato and ice cream as some others on here, so I do research and find new things I can eat in high volume. I love everything I eat though. I do keep chocolate around. I bought a bag of chocolate chips and the first thing I did when I got home (actually the second thing, after I started throwing them down my gullet without logging), was to weigh out 14 gram portions. Now I just grab and go. And if I get two-gotta log that shiznit.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I only keep sweets in my apt in the form of fiber one bars. You can only eat 1 or else you'll pay for over indulging later:-(. So that's how I have a sweet treat and portion control all in one! Good luck!
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    Have you ever tried dates? They're these little semi-dried stone fruits that are about the size of prunes. Some have pits, some you can buy pre-pitted. They're so delicious! They honestly taste like candy, and 2-3 is enough to suit just about any craving for sweets that I ever have, since they almost approach cloyingly sweet. 2-3 is generally about 120-140 calories and 2-3 grams of fiber, so it's a good choice as far as sweet snacks go.

    Also, if may seem a bit unconventional to have for a snack, but you could try those pre-sweetened packets of instant oatmeal. They come in lots of dessert-like flavors these days and generally run 160-250 calories, depending on what kind you buy. Plus, since they're oats, they really fill you up! I had a PB & J flavored oatmeal last night, and it was really good!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    fiber one bars are pretty good, I also cut a couple dates in half and put a little bit of maple almond butter on it they are very rich and filling and sweet, sometimes I have a cup of tea with something and eat it slow. A piece of ezekiel bread toast with a thin smear of jelly. Some fruit.
    You have to figure out what works for you. Some people need to have a little of what they're craving and get it over with. Some times you will try to have something else healthier and never be satisfied and should of just had a small portion of what you really were craving. Try to eat less and less though and the cravings will be less.
    I find there are a few of the things that I love, that if I do have some, even a little, it makes me want more and more and can get me eating way more. Unfortunately for me this is chocolate. You can try to log everything, make notes of what and when you're craving and what you tried, and pay attention to your results. Sometimes you just need to go for a walk, do something busy with your hands. Sometimes still I want something and can honestly tell myself I am truely not hungry, why do I want that. (still no answer) ha ha. It gets easier.